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From The Prp Wiki

Revision as of 21:13, 9 March 2007 by (Talk)


Bathed in immense faggotry. PRP.

Badwong and Somehow engaged in anal intercourse in December of 2006.

NROK IS GAY (NROKさんは同性愛者です。)

james brown put coal in my stocking

bl00 sk1n taught yr grandpa how to play chess

y0yoyo 8===D *

ceiling cat is watching you masturbate

Q: Why is abortion legal?

A: grizzlybearrh2.jpg

Q: Who is Bathtubtuba and why does he still breathe?

A: Rogue CIA agents often go crazy with dementia-like problems when they fail to receive their yearly serum.

but srsly grizzly like big hairy anus

Pin Up Pages

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Some Common Knowledge

  • There was this guy and he was ramming this chick from behind.
    • All of a sudden, he just sticks his dick right in her ass.
      • She quickly turned around and exclaimed, "my that was presumptuous!"
        • And the guy just looks at her strangely and says, "my, that's a big word for an 11 year old."


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