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Bathed in immense faggotry. PRP.

NROK IS GAY (NROKさんは同性愛者です。)

james brown put coal in my stocking

bl00 sk1n taught yr grandpa how to play chess

y0yoyo 8===D *

ceiling cat is watching you masturbate

Why is abortion legal?

Pin Up Pages

POST LINKS T0 PAGES WITHIN OUR WIKI don^'t edit this section unless you^'r[e] adding new pages

Some Common Knowledge

  • There was this guy and he was ramming this chick from behind.
    • All of a sudden, he just sticks his dick right in her ass.
      • She quickly turned around and exclaimed, "my that was presumptuous!"
        • And the guy just looks at her strangely and says, "my, that's a big word for an 11 year old."
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