The Ill fated voyage of the USS Trombone

From The Pardusian Chronicles

The Strange Assignment

Stardate 25050.51.

Captain Travis Dillon sat on his comfy little chair in his ready room, reading a novel by Charles Dickens. This is the first voyage of his new starship, the USS Trombone. Although it’s just a science vessel, it’s better than his old ship, at least that’s what he thought..

The door of the ready room swung open and a curly haired officer stepped in. “We are nearing Orerve II, sir”.

“I’ll be right over, Lieutenant. Have Ensign Bart prepare the docking bays, I was told they will be sent here by shuttles”, he turned off the holonovel and and walked to the viewport.

“Aye, sir”.

Captain’s Log, Stardate 25050.51 The USS Trombone has been assigned to rendezvous with a science team led by Professor Alstair near Orerve II. Apparently this ship will be a research platform for deep space studies. The drydocks in Sol has outfitted us with the best science equipment in this part of the galaxy. We even got two 100MW Particles equipped on her. This is the first time I’ve seen a science vessel equipped with armaments like this. Well, who am I to complain? I’m just afraid that the energy reactor won’t be able deal such load. Some of these science equipments used lots of energy. Wait, what am I talking? It’s the engineer’s problem, not mine.

~the ship shook as a crashing sound was heard, a small explosion near the ship, Captain Dillon hit his head on the wall, coffees fell to the floor, a cup of coffee spilled onto Ensign Marly’s new uniform, and it’s raining on Orerve II~

Captain Dillon gets back on his feet after the rocking ceases and proceeds to the bridge,”WHICH MONKEY IS FLYING THE SHIP!?”

A young blonde female rise up from her chair in front of the viewscreen, head sweating. “It wasn’t my fault, sir. A shuttle suddenly hit our port hull”.

“Ensign Tara, show me the shuttle hit”.

The blonde touched the panel in front of her and the viewscreen changed to show the darkness of space.

“There’s nothing there”.

“It must’ve been destroyed by our deflector, sir.”

He looked at the viewscreen in front of him and squinted his eyes trying to see if there’s anything out there when his communicator beeped.

A male voice was heard through the communicator, “Sir, the shuttle carrying the science team will be arriving in 5 minutes. They requested your presence in the docking bay, sir”.

The captain tapped his communicator,”I’ll be there shortly Ensign, Dillon out”.

Ensign Tara watched him as he walk toward his ready room, “Sir, aren’t you suppose to go to Docking Bay 2?”

“I just have something I need to finish first, Ensign”.

~continue recording~

~There has been a slight problem just now, I was told that a shuttle hit our port hull, causing me to have a bump on my forehead. But when I look through the viewscreen, there doesn’t seem to be any debris from a shuttle. I believe it’s just a solar wave, and that Ensign Tara is having illusions. I’ll have to order her to see the Doctor Tasman later. Anyway, it appears that our mission is a top secret one; as we were not briefed on what we’re supposed to do other than pick up this team of scientists. I was told that we will be briefed by these scientists once we left Federation space. Funny, I only heard things like this happening only when the government wanted to infiltrate the Empire, or they’re developing a new unheard-of-weapon. Guess I’ll just have to wait until we left Federation space to find out.

~End Recording~

A bald man was standing next to a shuttlecraft and kept looking at his watch.

“I’m sorry, professor. Perhaps he got into some trouble on the way here”.

“Perhaps”, Professor Alstair looks at his watch again. “Would you show me the way to my quarters? I’ll meet your captain later”.


And in the captain’s ready room, snoring could be heard. Seems like he’s not late, just asleep.

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