
From The Pardusian Chronicles

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Historical Notes on Usube

Usube. For a planet situated in the middle of the neutral zone, Usube is one of the biggest tourist sites in Pardus. Originally used by Empire traders as a lay off point travelling through to what is now Federation space. Rich pilots turned it into an independent pleasure planet. Traders passing through today still always stop at Usube to experience, the delights of a planet un-restrained by faction law. With this great influx of tourists, Usube has developed advanced shipyards to service the many ships from all corners of the galaxy that come to see the pleasure palaces of Usube, that are famous for offering all that you could desire…

(…maybe even some you don’t)

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Jimbob

Alliances and Usube

Being the home planet of the West Pardus Rim, Usube has always been a place alliances flock to. It all started when a Federal alliance, the Rangers, build the starbase Death fears not the tiger. This starbase was quick to grow, since Usube was very close. Now that the starbase was build, the Rangers began populating Usube, and it was flourishing. Quick after the build of Death fears not the tiger, starbases were build by PACK, who had taken control of sectors close by, in Edmize and Laolla. Finally the greatest fear of the Rangers arrived, the Scorpion Guard. Blocking off Urhoho with military outposts, and building a starbase in that sector, Scorpion Hold. The Rangers didn't agree with the coming of the Guard, and thus tensions arose between the two alliances, mainly because of their difference in alliance views: The Rangers were upholders of the Federal law, the Scorpion Guard an alliance of ruthless mercenaries. Nevertheless, these tensions never erupted in open conflict, and the people of Usube lived in an unstable peace. These tensions were removed with the departure of the Rangers into the Timeless Void, and the Ranger starbase was rebuild by the Scorpion Guard: Scorpions Den.

For a long time nothing changed. Then came the sudden break of the Gates of Urhoho, and many men died of the famine that followed, because the Scorpion Guard was busy defending what was theirs. Peace came quick though, and most inhabitants survived those awful days.

The second break of the Gates came even more unsuspected, the outpost merely vanished into thin air, and, after hard days of battle, the Scorpion Guard was removed from Urhoho, Scorpions Den was destroyed and the main supplier of Usube was gone.

Then came the Great Famine. Many men deserted the once beautiful planet and the people remaining never knew if they had food for the next day. Great riots took place in the major cities, and they were ransacked of all that was edible. But the Guild Commerce Nexus looked upon Usube with pity, and they started sending shipments of tons of energy from their starbase in Edmize.

Hope lives again the hearts of the people of Usube, but will they ever regain their former glory?

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Kahldar

Main Page -> Planet and Starbase Stories -> Usube

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