Operation Moon Lander

From The Pardusian Chronicles

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Chapter 1 - The Calling

Many weeks ago, a thousand encrypted messages were sent out to a thousand pilots scattered throughout the Pardus universe. They had been recruited many years ago into the Crimsons of Red Cell. Since then they had been laying silent, watching and lurking. The encrypted messages contain a phrase, a phrase that few recognizes as a call to arms, “… crimson skies over the horizon …”.

The heated debate had been going on for days in the Council Room on RCHQ – Unreachable but it had ended with a unanimous vote. The overt members of Red Cell leave the room, their resolve reinforced. A single purpose in mind, nothing will stop them. For too long their interests and assets have been plagued with harassment from an alliance of criminals of the worst kind, calling them pirates would only bring shame to the true pirates of space.

The answer to the call had been overwhelming, all one thousand Crimsons responded and reported to the Manpower Officer of the Red Cell Alliance, Senior Agent Furry Axewound, a Guardian. The mission was made known to them, the objective clear and precise, the journey full of danger and death is almost a certainty. Not a single one of them faltered or took a step back. Human, Ska’ari, Keldon and Rashkir all united under the same banner, wearing uniforms of the Federation and Imperium, working shoulder to shoulder with a single objective in mind.

“Tightwad, how goes the testing?” Councilor Pixx, current Leader of Red Cell, asked Councilor Tightwad, the Operations Officer of Red Cell, both Senior Agents, both Sentinels.

“Everything has gone as predicted Pixx, very well indeed. Our Agents’ resolve has more than contributed to the testing going better than expected,” Tightwad replied without looking over his shoulder, his analytical mind going through the figures as silence enveloped the room. Both knowing of whats to come, what it means to the future of Red Cell, the Universe and doctrine of space combat.

Chapter 2 - The Journey

The biggest force in the history of Pardus was being assembled. Pilots from 4 different races and the two factions, representing the entire universe, craving for vengeance and seeking retribution.

“For too long have the criminal alliance had been plaguing the safety of so many honest traders. Destroying their ships without any regard of the consequences of having much needed shipments of food and water being prevented from reaching their destinations. Planets and starbases in Federation, Imperial and Neutral clusters had suffered famines, their populations dying by the thousands due to blockades imposed. Not because of war or conflict, but due to their sadistic murderous nature. The killing has to stop! They must pay for their crimes!” Count Sheridon paused in between his speech letting his words sink in as he stand on the raised dais in the huge auditorium onboard Astropolis before the males and females assembled before him, standing erect and at attention in their ranks. They know him to be a passionate individual, once a leader of Red Cell, now an advisor to the Council, but still a Sentinel.

“Red Cell do not forget the deeds that’s done to our Agents. Especially evil deeds that we had attempted to tolerate but which was misconstrued as a weakness. Red Cell is not weak. We know that, but keeping silent has allowed our enemies to look at it as a weakness. Time to make them understand that Our Strength and Unity is Through our Silence. No longer will we sit quiet and tolerate injustice to our agents. No enemy near or far will escape our anger. No cost is too small for us to pay to exact vengeance on our Enemies!”

The last word spoken by Sheridon sent a rising uproar through the ranks of the pilots before him. All their voices ring out as a single entity “Death to the Mooninites!!!”

The bomber pilots made their own way to their staging point, a starbase close to the target but far enough to escape notice. Working in the shadows as before, Red Cell is again using the shadows to her advantage. The assaults ships were shipped to the starbase by Behemoths of the Red Cell Guardian Fleet. Small compact and sturdy Bomber class ships with a short operational range, designed for this mission.

“Path through Hocancan is clear, Perdix, you may proceed. Over,” Total Grave, Red Cell Senior Agent and Sentinel, reported back to the main fleet once hes sure that the path for the support ships were clear.

“Roger that Total Grave. Over and Out” Perdix, Senior Agent and Guardian, replied and immediately gestured to his XO to signal to the rest of the fleet to proceed to their next stage. The all clear signal was relayed to Senior Agent Mankato (Guardian) and Agent Wildfire.

“DanDan to Total Grave, I’m heading out to scout ahead. Over,” DanDan another Senior Agent and Sentinel reported back to Total Grave, anxious to get some action in his shiny new Nighthawk. Hoping something would pop up in his path for him to shoot, the entire journey has been uneventful so far.

(Story by Sheridon.)

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