Personal Logs

From The Pardusian Chronicles

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Space, the scary frontier... These logs chronicles the voyages of the truly inept- Their continuing mission to simply survive; To seek out new life and flee from it; To boldly screw up where none has screwed up before!

~Theme Song~

Personal Log, Stardate 25256.10. It has been nearly three weeks since ORB was founded. So far I can say that we have been doing a very good job for a new alliance. By today, we have got 28 new members, and been working up these war thorned cluster from the ground up. It won't be long until we could develop Indi into the paradise it's suppose to be.

ORBs young and old has been working together with only mutual benefits in mind. I've seen crabs, monkeys, reptiles and my own kind in this land ORBs of all races call home. It's enlightening to see such different races, can work together to achieve a common goal.

Many things have happen these few weeks. I have seen empires come and go, i have seen a warlord, rise to the top, and topple as he just tasted the air at the top of the hill. I guess that's what happen when you tried to create a monarchy without an heir. Lord Reaver, if you are still alive, you can call your beloved Shadow and kiss my shiny tail. Shadow meadow, you are nothing without Nathan Forrester.

Anyway, soon as the Imperium fall, things started to get out of hand. Seems like all the sleeping heretics, has been awakened by the sudden death of Nathan Forrester. I have seen crimerates rising in this part of the cluster and I have heard that other clusters are not doing too well either. ORB has lost two members due to this sudden event. I do not know what has happen to them or why only they are affected by the event, but if that is their choice, we would have no choice but to let them go their own way.

The last few days has seen a decrease in TPI activities, heard that they became less active after the Delta Pavonis siege, not quite sure, it's too far from us. Not that it concerns me anyway. ORB already has it's fair share of troubles. Just this week we are in danger of a skirmish with the Red Cells, due to recent actions of former pilot turned pirate, Silent. With a tiny bit of democracy, damages have been small and relation returned to neutrality between our two alliances.

On a more personal note, I keep wondering why the hell do I have to read all these documents? Even a brain the size of a Keldon's brain, which I do have actually needs a rest. There's always documents, documents, documents. See here, SPUD, SiN, S.L.A.V.E. , BOOM, Tellarian Runners, Weasel Recruitment Agency, SHIT, CLUM and some other bits I have never heard of. I mean how the hell can I play launch ball this way? I need a vice president right now. Then I could play launch ball all I want. Muahahaha, die you vice president, die under these papers.

~End Recording~

Personal Log, Stardate 25256.12 We have rendezvous with The Hizperion to receive some supplies for our long voyage ahead. We are enroute to the Keldon cluster to deliver some... commodities.

Life aboard the Ancient of Grace has been pretty dull lately. Ever since the fall of OSN, no one seems to bother about shooting or robbing this ship anymore. Not that i'm saying it's a bad thing though.

On a side note Counselor Jakcth has been pretty paranoid with her diet. Apparently if she want to take on a diet, everyone on the ship have to do the same as well. One of the crewman complained that she even programmed the replicator to replicate only vegetables, not that it's a problem with me, I love veggies. Though what annoys me is that I can't even eat chicken in front of her without being 'confined to sickbay, unfit for command, signed Counselor Jakcth'. I swear one of these days I'm going to transfer her to a prison colony.

Our chief engineer, Chief Sallo promised me that he'll fix the air vent in the counseling room so that next time we flood it with anestesine, it won't leak into the corridors again. He promised me that the repairs will be finished in 2 hours at most, finally some peace. Meanwhile, I have to divert the counselor’s attention to other things so that she won't realize what's being done to her office.

~End Recording~

Personal Log, Stardate 25256.30 I have been released from my two weeks long stasis due to mutiny aboard the ship. Apparently, no one liked Councellor Jakcth's 'arrangements' for putting me in stasis for reason of ,'Spacesick, need plenty of rest, inability to think and command properly'. That is after I flood her councelling room with anaestesine.

Chief Sallo has also been punished for manual labor, so did three more of my officers. I have kicked her out from my ship during wormhole travel and again, I forgot to give the person I kicked out of airlock an environmental suit. Oh well, we will always remember you... NOT.

A few hours later though, I heard reports of a Keldon, floating in space, intact, without any spacesuit whatsoever. While I dismissed the issue and called it as not my problem, I had a fleeting thought. How can a Keldon live in open space, without spacesuit? And why isn't the person's body break apart due to the depressurization?

A moment later, I got a report from Sai Battlecruiser in the Pass Fed 4. The report earlier state that the entity was seen in Phiagre, so it's close, is the Sai Battlecruiser seeing the same thing? I have to find out, I opened the channel and saw Captain Findo saying something about seeing a Keldon frantically waving in the open air. The message was pretty garbled, and it's hard to determine whether he's talking about pinned or pissed.

Playing recording: Findo: We ... sitting ..... get that ....... freakin ass ... .... vi.... audio only..damn it.... Unknown Voice 1: Audios ... all we ... get... Unknown Voice 2: ... Need .. run diagnostics... my panels... acting weird... Findo: . .... .. get a ... coffee. Unknown Voice 2: Findo: Coffee! Unknown Voice 3: Woof woof Findo: What ... Unknown Voice 4: Muahahahahahaha Unknown Voice 1: F...!!!!!!!! Findo: Shoot ..!!! Unknown Voice 1: But ... ..... .. . ship .. the way Findo: Shoo. else ... we.. pi..ed Unknown Voice 1: Fir..g lasers Unknown Voice 2: Hit!!! Unknown Voice 2: Communication has been restored to normal, sir. Findo: Good, now get me that coffee. Unknown Voice 2: Why me? Findo: Because you're the communications officer. I am communicating that I want my coffee to you. Do I need to make flag signal instead? Unknown Voice 1: Sir, I think we just destroyed the ship that fly between us and the space lizard. Findo: Is it an imperial ship? Unknown Voice 1: No, sir. Findo: Then shut up. And get that dog out of the bridge, he's staining the carpet. Unknown Voice 2: Sir, here is the coffee. Oops, did I accidentally dropped the coffee on your pants? That is so adorable. And communication with President Shini is still on. Findo: Oh crap. End recording

Findo messaged me later, saying that he might've been hallucinating and that he will pay reparation to the ship in question. Doesn't matter anymore, I'm not the president of ORB any longer.

I have bought a second hand ship to replace my connie. And salvaged what functional weapons system I can get from ORB's ship graveyard. I won't say this is the best loadout, but it will do, for now. I happen to say some bad things in the galactic forum just now. I think it's safe to think that I should start my fighting career if I am to survive.

~End Recording~

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