The Order

From The Order

Revision as of 22:59, 14 January 2009 by Vehn Solo (Talk | contribs)
"A suitable quote should be placed here."
― Someone

The Order is a gaming organisation which is based on the game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The clan was first formed in September 2003, not long after the game was released. The clan was first formed by TwinHits and MasterUSA, now known as Phoenix. ere. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here.

Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here. Some sort of introduction to the order should go here.


History of The Jedi Order

The First Era

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The Second Era

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The Third Era

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The Fourth Era

We, the Jedi of The {J}edi Order, hereby withdraw from {TO}The Order as of today, July 12th, 2008.

We believe that this is necessary to revive the ideal that was the original {TO}. Over the years, this idea has been slowly corrupted and twisted, culminating in the events of the past two weeks. We debated, and talked, and came to the realization that there was no possible way of "taking back The Order", and so, we decided that the only way to remain truly loyal, was through an act of desertion and rebirth.

You must understand, that we are not disloyal because we are leaving this body of people, but are instead fiercely loyal because we seek to defend what bound us together. {TO}The Order used to be a close knit group of Jedi, who were bound so close that it was indestructible. The Order has survived many many assaults and has weathered many hardships, and so we will adapt yet again, to deal with a threat, greater than outside maneuvering, internal corruption. Over the past couple of years, The Order began to turn from a sanctuary into a den of wolves. The {J}edi Order seeks to return to us the sanctuary that this clan once provided.

We implore you to see the reason behind this, and not consider us disloyal and traitorous.

We thank you for all the good times you have given to us, and are aggrieved that it had to come to this.

Farewell, {TO}

~The {J}edi Order~ Jedi Master Twinhits Jedi Master Zree

Jedi Consular Therein Jedi Guardian Eldor Xer'Jera Jedi Sentinel Xiahou Kun

Jedi Knight Rade Fault Jedi Knight Sef Senatu Jedi Knight Raine Ilarae

Jedi Adept Lumino Valar Jedi Adept Kienshi Tian Jedi Adept Valis Koon Jedi Adept Vehn Solo

Jedi Padawan Rek Jedi Padawan Eris

Jedi Initiate Ecran Jedi Initiate Mufu Jedi Initiate Dei Kathius Jedi Initiate Wolf Sazen Jedi Initiate Nelandir

Political organisation

Jedi Code

There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. (There is no chaos, there is harmony.)(*) There is no death, there is the Force. —The Jedi Code (Based on the meditations of Odan-Urr)


Jedi ranks


Hopeful is not a rank of the Jedi Order. It is used to describe a potential student who has requested to join the Jedi Order. After filling out an application potential student are required to wear the hopeful tags so that they can easily be identified.

Jedi Initiate

Initiate is the first rank of the Jedi Order. This rank is given to Jedi when they first enter the academy after being successful in applying. The role of an Initiate is not to undergo heavy studying. They should aim to learn about the Jedi Order and the Jedi within the academy. Once an Initiate has shown enough promises they can be approached by a Jedi Knight who will request a start to Jedi training. If the request is passed the Initiate will start there training and progress to the rank of Padawan.

- An Initiate cannot use Dark Side Powers - An Initiate cannot hold a class or event

Jedi Padawan

Jedi Padawans receive personal training from their Master and are the main students in the academy. The Padawan must learn all they can from their Master to aid them in their tasks when they become a Jedi Knight. Once their Master believes that they have no more to teach the Padawan, Adept Trials are held to determine if they are ready for the next stage of training as a Jedi Adept.

- A Padawan cannot use Dark Side Powers - A Padawan cannot hold a class or event

Jedi Adept

Jedi Adepts are mature students responsible for there own learning. They no longer have one to one training with a Master. Instead its up to the Jedi Adept to train themselves for the demanding work as a Jedi Knight. To help each Adept reach the high standards required to be a Jedi Knight, Jedi Adepts are divided into groups and are placed under the supervision of a Jedi Knight. Here they are given guidance by their mentor along with grouped training in order to reach the levels required for Jedi Knight. As soon as both the Jedi Adept and their mentor agrees a request for Jedi Knight trails can be submitted.

- A Jedi Adept cannot use Dark Side Powers - A Jedi Adept can hold a class or event with the support and supervision of a Jedi Knight.

Jedi Knight

Jedi Knights are the teachers, diplomats and protectors of the Jedi Order. Each Jedi Knight is charged with the duties of training a Padawan to the best of their ability and to protect the Jedi Order from any threat. Jedi Knights must show sound judgment and unquestionable integrity. They are the role models of the Jedi Order.

- A Knight cannot take more than one Padawan at a time

Jedi Templar

Once a Jedi Knight believes they have advanced far enough in there training they have the choice to specialise in a certain area of the Force. The Jedi Knight can then become a Templar Knight by joining a Templar caste. Templar Knights hold the same rank as normal Jedi Knights however they are experts in their chosen field. Each caste has senior members whose role is to access potential templars in consultation with the Council. The senior members are also responsible for guiding members of their caste to help aid the Jedi Order in anyway possible.

Jedi Consular: Jedi Consulars study the mysteries of the Force. Their knowledge of the Force is extensive and normally take on the role of teachers passing this knowledge on to students. Jedi Consulars like all other Jedi are skilled in the use of a lightsaber however they prefer to use their knowledge of the Force and wisdom instead of a blade.

Jedi Guardian: Jedi Guardians are Masters of the lightsaber combat. Their skills with a blade are second to none. Jedi Guardians spend large amounts of time training themselves in both body and mind to the demands that a battle brings. Jedi Guardians like all other Jedi are keepers of the peace and use their talents to do so.

Jedi Sentinel: Jedi Sentinels strike a balance between that of a Jedi Consular and a Jedi Guardian. Jedi Sentinels have both impressive lightsaber skills and knowledge of the force. Many Sentinels have expanded there training to include no force skills. These skills make them very resourceful and has lead to many Jedi Sentinels take on tasks of investigating events.

Jedi Master

The title of Jedi Master is only given in very special circumstances. It is given to a Jedi Knight who has shown great loyalty to the Jedi Order and has made many personal sacrifices to protect or better the order. It is the duty of all Jedi Masters past and present to protect the Jedi Order from any threat and to ensure that it continues to be an academy for all Jedi along with the duties expected of a Jedi Knight.


The Order
Orgonizational information
Governing body Jedi High Council
Other positions
  • Jedi Praxeum, Yavin IV
  • Jedi Praxeum, Hoth
Official language Galactic Basic Standard
Affiliated organizations/goverments
  • New Republic
  • Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
  • Galactic Alliance Core Forces
Holy text(s) Jedi Code
Deities Light side of the Force
Notable locations/temples
  • Yavin 4 Jedi Praxeum
  • Byss Jedi Academy
  • Hoth Jedi Praxeum
  • Coruscant Jedi Temple
  • Bobo Baa's holocron
  • Arca Jeth's holocron
  • Asli Krimsan's holocron
Historical information
Date of founding September 2003
Planet of founding Yavin IV
Founders TwinHits, Phoenix
Other information
Members 30
Era(s) New Jedi Order era
Personal tools