Random Insignificant Memories

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 05:48, 23 February 2007 by Terry (Talk | contribs)

Note: This page is in its trial phase. The idea is to record memories that may be of interest, but are not in enough detail, or are too insigificant to warrant their own page.


Elementary School

  • At Echo Lake Elementary School, it was custom for many of the male students to play dodgeball during recess. This was done twice a day between 3rd grade and approximately 6th grade. One one particular occasion in 6th grade, Lukas attempted to hit Lizzy Carrol on the opposite team. When his throw went wide, she began taunting him for his poor aim. With mock disgust, Lukas retorted, "man, how could I have missed a target that big?" to the shock of those standing nearby
  • While both were students briefly at Syre Elementary school in the first grade, Terry would often notice this incredibly huge, tall kid with an enormous head and almost afro-poof-ish hair walking around in short shorts. This struck Terry as being very odd. Humorously enough, that boy was actually Gavin Jamieson, fixture of the XG, whom Terry would meet and become fast friends with once they were classmates in Ms. Hillger's 3rd grade class at Meridian Park Elementary.
  • At Brian Tarabochia's 1st grade birthday party, a veritable rogue's gallery of figures were invited and present: Brian Tarabochia, Michael Luft, David Prigg, and XG members, Owen and Terry. This being the first instance in which they would ever meet, upon placing a quarter into a Street Fighter 2 Turbo arcade machine to play, Terry was certainly very surprised when Owen told Terry to give him a quarter, citing that Terry's ownership of said quarters "was unfair!"
  • In the first grade, in which it is quite unclear how friendships are formed, Terry and Andy somehow formed a fast friendship early on in the year (perhaps due to their shared Chinese heritage). On one instance in which the two were casually chatting during recess, Andy made the bold claim that his "sister could read a Box Car Children's book in ten minutes." Andy later made an addendum to the statement, adding that she could only read the said books that fast if she started on the last chapter.
  • In the first grade, in which Terry was busy making invites to his first grade birthday party, Terry invited close friend Andy over for the festivities. Andy responded by saying: "I have to go grocery shopping with my mom". Aware of the absolute lameness of Andy's excuse, this effectively ended all ties between Terry and Andy until friendship was resumed in Junior year of high school.


  • In Washington State History with Mrs. Hubbard, a task was given to arrange for necessary items to be taken on an expedition to the moon. Items included food, water, clothing, oxygen, space ship, matches, a gun, books, tv, etc. When the teacher denounced students for suggesting bringing matches or firearms into space (matches containing limited oxidizers would not ignite in space), Asher reportedly asked "Could you shoot a match with the gun?"
  • In Advanced Math 7, standard procedure for homework was to hand it to the person in front or behind you for grading. On one particular assignment, Lukas clearly did not understand the concept and as a result ended up with homework rife with wrong answers. Asher happened to be the one grading his assignment, and when he returned it to him, he commented "Wow, you really sucked at that" which immediately aroused the ire of Andy Dustan seated nearby who responded "hey! shut up Asher!" (perhaps prefiguring the Jack-In-The-Box incident) Asher quickly responded "Hey, I was only saying that he sucked at that one assignment!" to which Andy responded "Asher....SHUT UP!". The ever defensive Asher finally retorted. "Look, Lukas is a cool guy, he just really sucked at that assigment". During this whole exchange, Lukas was sitting nearby awkwardly smiling.
  • During 7th grade lunch. Lukas would occasionally dine with Matthew Magnuson and Taylor Westphal. It was during one of these lunch periods that local stoner, Reese Fordice grabbed Taylors red-vines and proceeded to take a bite. The clearly shocked Taylor reached over and snatched the snacks back shoving them into his lunch-bag, and then losing his composure, laying his head on the lunch-table and starting to cry. Several days later, after Taylor had poked fun of some aspect of Lukas's lunch, he retorted "hey, at least I dont cry over licorice". A hush filled the table as a dumbstruck Taylor simply looked down. Matthew Magnuson broke the silence saying "Lukas....that was coooold blooded"
  • Towards the end of 7th grade. Lukas was summoned to the councelor, Julia Pulvermuller's office. Having dealt with Lukas's older sister two years before, she became aquainted with the family, and being of German descent herself, knew that Lukas spoke German. She asked Lukas if he would be willing to have a speaking part in a video advertising the Einstein yearbook. He agreed and on a day after school, went to the library technology office where a camera was set up. He there had a chance meeting with future group member Rama, who was to say a piece in Telugu. The two chatted prior to the shoot, but would not become friends until at least 3 years later.
  • Once while ambling aimlessly during lunch, Lukas encountered Andy and John near the "C hallway" in the presence of others including Matt Kristek, Jared Rieger and others of their ilk. Matt enthusiastically greeted Lukas saying "Hi friend, do you like to race? lets race!" Lukas wasnt sure how to respond and Matt went on "hey, lets race to that line" pointing at a crack in the pavement approximately 6 feet off. "Ready, set, go!" he said quickly while leaping to the line, and then proceeding to mock the bewildered Lukas.


  • In Mr. Kelly's 9th grade English class, a new aid was introduced to the class who would work with Mike Sherry. Mr. Kelly instructed the class to go around and say their names and then one thing that they liked. Most students would mention liking such things as "sleeping in" or "camping". When it came to Brett, he said "My name is Brett Hilyer and I like rice" arousing a bit of laughter from the class and instructors. Before it quieted however, Owen could be heard saying "God, I hate it when he tries to be funny".
  • Powerade Puck was a sport developed in 9th grade at the lunch table frequented by the likes of Andy Dustan, John Teske, Paul Larson, Matt Gamber, Andy Tsoming, and Lukas. There was no object to the game, only to keep the puck (simply a cap to a powerade bottle) moving in the circle. When passers-by would ask about it, Andy Dustand and Matt Gamber would loudly say "The first rule of powerade puck is you dont talk about powerade puck" referencing the movie "Fight Club". Once Leah Hopkins stopped by to ask what the game was and Matt Gamber responded "The first rule of powerade puck is no Leah Hopkins's allowed". The game met an unceremonious end after John was struck in the eye by the puck and a supervising Larry Stewart confiscated the puck and disallowed the play of the game.
  • For a brief period in 11th grade, Terry and Lukas hung out with Michael Andrade in Mr. Scaia's Math Analysis class. Andrade was somehow immediately identified as being of Greek heritage, a claim that he vigorously denied. Nevertheless, Lukas and Terry would refer to him as "Greekboy" and demand olive oil from him (to which he would pretend to slice open his wrist and hold his arm out implying that his veins flowed with olive oil). Upon his induction into MOG, his name was made Greekboy and his profile stated that he was a fan of wuss rock. On one occasion in class, Andrade reportedly said: "wuss-rock? does 'Disturbed' sound like wuss rock to you?"
  • Sometime in 11th or 12 grade, Lukas was sitting in the library reading prior to school starting since he had been dropped off at school around 7 AM by his father. At some point Kevin walked in and seeing Dan Meyers a few tables over, approached him and said "Pee McButt?". Lukas did not know Kevin at the time, but the incident stood out in his memory.
  • In 9th grade, Andy approached Lukas saying "hey, you're friends with Selena (Sena-Hopkins), right?" Lukas had maybe talked with her once or twice in class but never more than that. Unphased, Andy asked Lukas if he would ask the girl if she had a date to the homecoming dance or not. Lukas was thrust in an awkward situation, but dutifully asked the girl he barely knew if she had a date to homecoming. She responded that she had already been asked, which Lukas reported to Andy to his frustration.
  • In 9th or 10th grade Spanish, Lukas and Terry had Snr. Matas as a teacher. On Valentines Day, the students were instructed to write valentines day cards with spanish greetings in them to be sent to friends in other classes. Terry drew a picture of a man wearing cowboy attire riding a large gorilla and sent it to Gavin.
  • Lukas and Gavin hatched a plan that if ever Asher wore a dress to school, one would yell "hey! this isnt the democratic national convention!" and the other would yell "go back to hollywood!" referencing a King of the Hill episode they had enjoyed. On one fateful day, Asher was seen walking around the track wearing a dress, so Gavin and Lukas left the frisbee game to go deliver their message. After being chided, Asher hung his head in mock shame.
  • During one game of lunch frisbee in 10th or 11th grade, a long pass was made across the field into the endzone nearer the school. Reciever Jamie and defender Gavin were running full tilt across the field with Jamie leading Gavin by approximately 15 feet. As if on cue, both members simultanously slipped causing them both to fall backwards onto their butts, sending their legs skyward in almost perfect synchronization as the frisbee contiued to sail out onto the track. This was too much for Lukas who fell to the ground in laughter with tears welling up in his eyes. A concerned Matt Kristek came over to him placing his hand on Lukas' arm asking if he was "OK" and needed help to which he responded with more laughter commenting that he had just witnessed the now resentful Jamie and Gavin fall simultaneously.
  • Towards the tail end of Senior year, Andy's obsession with the use of his heavy shoe as a weapon had reached a climax, and Andy could be seen taking off his shoe and hitting people with it on more than one occassion throughout the day. Bruises caused by his shoe became more and more frequent, and the group became slowly fed up with it. The obsession came to an abrupt stop one day in AP Calculus, when irked by Kevin, Andy tried to hit him with his shoe, only to find it suddenly wrestled away from him. Kevin took the shoe, opened the nearby window and dropped it on to the parking lot sidewalk. This was Kevin's stand against the tyranny of Andy's shoe. With one shoe on, Andy hobbled out of the confines of the 100s building, circled around to where the shoe would be, and was sruprised to see Kevin's hand reach back outside and pull the shoe inside. Now even more frustrated, Andy hobbled back to the doors where he exited the building but found they were now locked. This left Andy with one shoe on and locked out of the school, and possibly in one of the saddest moments of his life. Ultimately Andy got back into the classroom and was reunited with his shoe after promising to stop hitting people with his shoe(s). The teacher did absolutely nothing to stop this.
  • One night in 11th grade, Jeremy, Rama, and Terry drove to Shorecrest with the intent to urinate on the doorhandles of the school. Upon arriving, they were surprised to see the parking lot littered with cars. As they ventured inside, they stumbled upon what appeared to be some sort of very large formal reception (it should be noted that all three were wearing pajamas, and Rama had a healthy beard). The gathering consisted mainly of middle-aged Koreans and their instrument-playing children. As the reception winded down, the trio were approached and asked repeatedly to take home the leftover food. Not knowing what to say, but not wanting to be rude, the three quickly complied and were handed several platters of lunch meats, cheeses, fruits, sandwiches and three-quarters of large carrot cake. The items were impeccably wrapped by the Koreans and cordially given. The three managed to keep a straight face until reaching the MPV, when they immediately broke into sustained laughter over the absurdity of what just occurred.
  • Sometime during high school during or after sophomore year, Jamie, Lukas, and Terry took a trip down to the local Wendy's for a well-deserved cheap lunch. At some point during the meal, a large amount of ketchup had accumulated on a part of Lukas' cheek not far from the right end of his lips. Thinking nothing of it, Lukas raised a corner of his half-eaten burger to the ketchup, wiped it all off with the bun of the burger, and proceeded to eat the newly soiled piece of bun. Observing this, Terry broke out into an uproar and accused Lukas of "using his burger as a napkin", to which both Lukas and Jamie responded with bemused laughter.
  • During Senior Lifetime Sports, many XG members were often required to drive down to lynnwood lanes for exactly two highly subsidized games of bowling with the rest of the class. Oftentimes, these bowling sessions would erupt into absolute insanity, as XG members would liberally take advantage of the name selecting feature on the automatic score recording machines on the lanes to make oftentimes crude and offensive names for players. Though a lot of things were pretty much insane at SLP bowling, most memorably, the extended use of asian stereotypes by Jason and Owen were very much appreciated.
  • During a game of lunch frisbee very near the end of Senior year, a long pass was sent to Jason, which was fairly typical as he is considered one of the more competent all-around frisbee players in the XG. Unfortunately, the pass was sent way beyond the end zone, and Jason, not looking where he was going as the frisbee was sent too far and too fast, accidentally collided (with enough impact to warrant gasps and a stoppage of play) with a girl sitting and eating lunch a little outside of the end zone. Jason, who was visibly very very sorry, attempted to apologize, to which the girl and her friends dismissed with a cursory "that's okay" and they walked off. Though there are conflicting reports, the consensus on the girl's condition is that she may have received a slight concussion from the impact.
  • During the earthquake that occured during 10th grade Gavin was sitting in his 10th grade history class. Gavin initial reaction to the earthquake was that Doug Larson was kicking things and only moments later did he realize that the earth had shifted.

The College Years

  • Sometime during college, many members of the XG took a trip down to the Northgate Red Robin's for a dinner event. Kevin, upon hearing Terry complaining about not wanting to eat a whole burger, said in a mock enraged voice, "Hey! Eat a whole burger!" After the joke had set in and laughter was heard all around, not much of the incident was mentioned again until a later AIM conversation between Kevin and Terry, in which, when asked to provide an explanation for his actions, Kevin told Terry: "Hey, I just wanted you to eat a whole burger".

See Also

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