
From The Extended Group

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Ozmanight refers to the night of an Ozma reunion concert in Seattle and the subsequent exploits with the band that followed.


The Show

The band being a group favorite since high school, it was decided that a large gathering of XG members would attend the Seattle portion of a reunion tour. Having broken up approximately a year earlier, interest with the former Weezer-cover band had wained, yet enough enthusiasm was mustered to attain a sizable gathering at the Capitol Hill venue Neumos, including Andy, Brett, Asher, Jeremy, Jamie, Kevin, Nathan, Owen, Terry and even Jordan.

A sense of nostalgia gathered within the group, enhanced by the plethora of Ozma t-shirts worn. Brett even went so far as to wear his trademark CCCP shirt (similar to a shirt worn by guitarist Jose), which had hardly been touched since high school.

Ozma was the opening band, preluding the also newly re-formed (and also Weezer-related) group The Rentals, which includes former Blue Album era Weezer-band mate Matt Sharpe and one-time B-Side Rivers Cuomo duettist Rachel Haden (who also happens to be a long-forgotten cousin of one Asher Christl). The group played a disappointingly short set, which included their more familiar tunes and a few tentatively-received new songs. Reactions were mixed, as some found the band to be rusty and off-base, while others simply enjoyed the pop-rock energy and nostalgic simplicity of the affair.

With their set finished, many XG members simply headed home, while others chose to stick around and watch The Rentals (and possibly fraternize with Ozma). All the while, Brett was describing to a few group members in the proximity a proposal for a more ambitious evening...

The Plan

A week or so before the concert, Brett had been conversing with a mutual acquaintance of the Kogane House, who had mentioned that in their early years, Ozma had stayed at her brother's house. In a moment of a clarity and excitement, Brett realized that his parents would in fact be out of town the entire week surrounding the upcoming show. He attempted to contact the aforementioned sibling, but this failing, and the concert approaching rapidly, he decided he would have to improvise.

Back at the Concert

While The Rentals continued to play an exhaustingly long and tedious set, several XG members tarried outside, while Brett discussed his idea. They would approach a member of the band, preferably someone important like Ryen Slegr or Daniel Brummell, and inquire as to their sleeping arrangements for the night. If the opportunity arose, Brett would mention the vacancy of his spacious suburban home, and offer to house the weary Pasadeneans.

Excitement rose as this possibility was presented, and was further added to by an even more ambitious plan: Rachel Haden, being a relative of Asher, could theoretically be drawn into this arrangement if the two were to converse and reminisce of their childhood experiences. This could create a kind of "Domino Effect" which would eventually all the members of Ozma and The Rentals, including a bona fide former Weezer member, shacked up in Shoreline for the night. Jeremy was so excited by this idea that in a stunning and reckless statement he declared that he "would not sleep" the entire night if this happened.

Unfortunately, timidity and the confusion that followed this exchange made it difficult to peg a member of either band. Jose (in retrospect known to be the most unapproachable and possibly anti-social member of the group) was tied up in conversation with fans some distance away. The rest of the group was not in sight. At one point Ryen walked right through the middle of the Circle of Indecision the group members had assembled into, and Brett was scolded for not taking advantage of the opportunity.

After vacillating for a while, pessimism began to grip the few remaining group members, and they rejoined the throng inside when "I Just Threw Out the Love of My Dreams" was heard playing. The rest of the concert was generally deemed unnecessarily long and tedious, mostly due to Matt Sharpe's excessive attempts at showmanship; he at one point brought Ryen on stage and then nebulously announced (saying, [I'm not kidding] "I feel like the guy that announces Jay Leno... ARE YOU READY FOR JAYYYY LENNOOOO??) a smug and bewildered Sean Nelson on stage, who, once announced, just stood awkwardly by the microphone while the same guitar riff played over and over for well over a reasonable encore-length. (It was decided later on that despite his pseudo-celebrity status Matt Sharpe would not have made an enjoyable companion that night).

Spending Time (Waiting...)

At the concert's end, the remaining XG members headed outside again, and this time Brett managed to take aside Kenn Shane, newest member of Ozma, who replaced Fat Stoned Drummer. After complimenting their performance and professing his admiration of the group, Brett offered his proposal. Kenn stated that hotel arrangements had been in the works for the group, but that if things didn't work out he would let the other band members know about the offer. The two exchanged phone numbers (editor's note: [!]) and the group was left to sit around outside the venue for a good two hours waiting to hear back.

During this time, Asher took the opportunity to pull aside Rachel Haden, and recalled memories of their brief youth together (please insert details), which after a time she eventually remembered and the two exchanged warm, familial hugs. Ms. Haden was introduced to the rest of the group, who had gradually encircled the two, a gesture which prompted Sean Nelson, standing nearby, to disgustedly comment that we were acting like "groupies." This and previous encounters with the once semi-popular front-man for Harvey Danger have led some to hypothesize that Sean Nelson is, in fact, a colossal asshole.

A period of extended waiting followed, and as the remaining XG compatriots were at this point the only remaining persons in the area, talk began to shift that perhaps the gang should cut their losses and head home, as it was getting quite late. A daring maneuver by Nathan forced Brett to pursue Kenn into a nearby gas station, during which he explained to the drummer that they were heading out, but that the offer still stood. Kenn responded that he was "pretty sure" they had arrangements already in place, and were considering just heading up to Canada that night. And so the remaining group members piled into Asher's Scion and headed back for home.

Exploits with Ozma

During the car-ride back, conversation shifted to a kind of damage-control in which group members agreed that the night had been pretty fun nonetheless, and that the plan to house Ozma for the night was overly-ambitious, but well-spirited.

As the cube-shaped van reached the end of Capitol Hill, however, a call prompted Brett to examine his phone. The caller ID read simply, "OZMA."

When answered, Kenn was on the the other line. He explained that the group had not, in fact, successfully booked a hotel for the night, and had decided against proceeding directly to Vancouver, B.C. (the next stop on the tour). He asked if the offer was still open to stay at the Hilyer residence in a humble and gracious tone, to which Brett naturally accepted. Cheers erupted from the boxy automobile, and a hasty turn-around was made back to Capitol Hill to escort the Ozma Van to Shoreline.

After a brief rendezvous back at Neumos, Brett explained for the band to follow the Jew-Powered conveyance a ways north. The route to Brett's house was diligently taken, at a speed conducive to following. When the convoy reached the Richmond Beach area, much was made about the fact that "Ozma is in Richmond Beach!" The two cars pulled into the Hilyer driveway and the assembled personages filed into the vacant domicile.

Naturally, Ozma was quite tired at this point, and inquired as to sleeping arrangements. Brett gave them a tour through the upstairs bedrooms and couch arrangements. Jose brought with him a camping-style air mattress, which he inflated in the living room. Daniel Brummell staked out the main couch in the living room, while Dave (the van driver) and Kenn agreed to share the master bedroom. Star was especially exhausted and was given Brett's old room, now a converted office with a large futon mattress. (Ryen had decided to continue on with the Rentals, who, having a much more accommodating tour bus, continued that night for Canada).

While Star went to sleep fairly immediately, the rest of the band was restless and somewhat hungry, so Asher and Kevin agreed to escort them to the local QFC in Asher's convenient Tel AviVan (with anti-Shylock breaks). Food was purchased fairly expeditiously, which notably included Jose purchasing a kids-oriented TV dinner.

There was a brief period of fraternizing back at the house, during which Brett and others tried (mostly in vain) to explain that Ozma had been one of their most inspiring musical influences in high school, and later, and that they had always maintained great admiration of the group. Group members both applauded and congratulated the fact that the band had gotten back together after an extensive and uncertain hiatus, and looked forward to future endeavors. Stuart at one point, rather untactfully asked if the band if they "had to keep [their] day jobs" to which Jose responded, yes, they did.

At this point most of the remaining crew (Asher, Jeremy, Stuart) left the household to retire, leaving only Brett and Kevin (and Ozma). There were a few extended conversations with the remaining band members who were awake (mostly Dave and Daniel) about the difficulties the group had faced (saying at one point on Brett's deck "fuck Kung Fu [Records]!" The group discussed the creative differences which had led to the initial break-up and what they hoped for the future (it was all rather interview-esque). At every point in this exchange it seemed quite clear that Ozma members were quite unable to comprehend that they maintained a legitimate fan-following at this point, despite furtive attempts to show otherwise.

All members of the group seemed quite satisfied and, indeed, impressed with the arrangements that were provided of them. Jose had lamented at one point that most fans who offer lodging tend to be run-down student housing or small apartments, but that sometimes, as with this occasion, they "hit the jackpot." All Ozma members, especially Star (for some reason) often voiced their thanks for the lodging, and it was made known that this was especially helpful for their comeback tour, at which point so far they had barely seen any kind of profit.

Brett and Kevin headed to the refuge of the downstairs basement, as everyone else was at this point asleep. Unable to sleep themselves, the pair took the Hilyer family dog, Cocoa, to That One Park by Terry's. Kevin left briefly to retrieve food and other provisions, and the two spent several hours idling at the park until just before dawn, when they headed back.

That morning Daniel Brummell was found using a Hilyer computer to update the group's myspace (no mention of the stay was ever, in fact, recorded therein), and he later was found playing the house piano. In early morning, around 8 or 9, goodbyes and further expressions of gratitude were exchanged, as the group left to catch their tour in Canada. Ozma mentioned that they would be returning in November, and promised to stay in touch when they next visited Seattle. And with that the Ozma man drove off, leaving an excited, bewildered, and sleep-deprived Brett and Kevin to consider what had just transpired.

Part II

The next afternoon, Brett (catching up on sleep at the time) was called again by Kenn. The drummer explained that their next show would be in Portland a day later, and that they thought they might have left equipment (or something) back at Neumos. He then proceeded to ask if it would be okay for him and Dave to stay at the house another night, so that they could head off to Portland the next day. Brett said this was fine and then went back to sleep.

That night Rami and Lillian were over (as the Hilyer parents were still out of town). Dave and Kenn showed up at around three in the morning, basically remembering most of the route. The two of them joined the group and drank several of the beers purchased earlier. Dave mentioned at the show that night (which they had just left from) he realized only later that he had been standing right next to John Collins, from the New Pornographers. Conversation continued for a few hours, and at one point the two asked everyone else what their favorite Ozma album was, since "the older members" were gone. Having almost no knowledge of the group beyond "that Tetris song" Lillian and Rami just stood their awkwardly, while Brett told them he was especially found of The Double Donkey Disc.

The two left the next morning, with another round of thanks directed at Brett's half-asleep body on the living room couch.


  • Daniel seemed interested in the Russian decorations throughout the Hilyer house, proving the group's Russophilia is not just a gimmick.
  • The first night the group insisted they had to leave early the next morning. Upon said morning the group was observed lounging around, using the computer, playing piano etc before slowly repacking their equipment and leaving at nearly noon.
  • Ozma digs Muse, and was impressed by Brett's paraphernalia.
  • Their van runs on vegetable oil, which was rigged that way by the guy from Piebald (who's engaged to Star. omg.)
  • Much was made about the fact that this occured in the warm July-night time. Also, the group anticipated a long delay at the Canadian border, causing some to hypothesize they would be "spending time on the borderline."
  • When introduced to Daniel, Jeremy accidentally replied "Oh, good to meet you, Ryen."
  • Several times Ozma promised to send Brett "merch" and even took down his address to do so. No such merch has ever arrived.
  • Stated many times by Asher during and after that night: "Ozma is riding in my car, my car!"
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