Asher's Eating Habits

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 22:16, 10 February 2007 by (Talk)

Asher is well known for his eating habits, despite the fact that most of his "habits" are in fact total constructions of certain individuals.

Keeping Kosher

Perhaps the most persistent rumor surrounding Asher's eating habits is that he keeps Kosher, which is also known as "the Jew diet." Asher himself has never claimed to keep Kosher, and his efforts to eat non-Kosher foods in public have often been met with disbelief and amazement. There are a few specific examples of Asher defying the public perception.

  • Often eating sandwiches with large amounts of ham for lunch at school.
  • Ordering cheese fries, with bacon bit topping, at Denny's.
  • Most recently, ordering bacon with a breakfast platter at Denny's during the Winter 2006-2007 break.

It is at the time unclear if this rumor will ever be dispelled, or what measures it would take to accomplish such a task.

Consuming Non-edibles

Asher has, from his early childhood, engaged in the consumption of various items that would not be consider edible, for various reasons. Many of these acts are not well-known to members of the Extended Group, but nonetheless are notable in understanding the psychological growth of this man. In his first year of religious school, Asher was once refused a snack based on previous poor conduct, yet was given a napkin. In defiance, Asher ate that napkin, sparking a trend that lasted through high school of eating paper. This was sometimes done for attention, but was just as often done out of mild hunger or boredom.

During the spring of senior year of high school, Asher took part in what was a small movement towards the eating of any food found. Other notable participants in the "Blossoming Spring Festival" included Andy Dustan and John Teske. Asher personally ate food items from garbage cans and, memorably, ate a half-melted gummy bear off the asphalt. While these items are technically edible, most sane people would typically not actually eat them.

A recent example of non-edible consumption would be during a birthday lunch for Lukas at a Thai restaurant downtown. Having ordered Shrimp on Sugarcane, Asher was informed by the waiter that he really shouldn't try to eat the sugarcane. After admitting that he hadn't previously given it thought, Asher resolved to try it. He managed to take a few delicious but woody bites before deciding he'd made his point.

Failing To Eat Things

There have been a couple instances in which Asher attempted to eat something, only to fail. One of these was the now-infamous Dropping the Biscuit incident. Contrary to the article's ending, the biscuit was never found and Asher never was able to enjoy it. There was also one time when a trip to the Edmonds Safeway revealed a sale on Jarritos, which are delicious Mexican sodas (also known as Aguas Frescas). Asher bought a few bottles, and was impatient to drink one, but the top would not twist off. In frustration, Asher attempted to open it with his tooth, but instead created a small chip on said tooth. This was hilarious to others and extremely bothersome to Asher, and he was not able to drink any of his sodas until returning home to a bottle opener.

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