Laser Radiohead

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 01:46, 4 February 2007 by (Talk)

Laser Radiohead was a laser show put on by the Pacific Science Center. During its run, there were at least two unsuccessful and comically tragic attempts to see it.

Undercover Cop

The first effort was made by Brett, Jeremy, and Kevin. Complications soon arose when Jeremy grew anxious about the noise levels involved in a laser show. Eventually it was decided that they would stop at a downtown drug store so that Jeremy could purchase ear plugs.

Not only did the store fail to carry them, but a man outside, who claimed to be an undercover cop, began accusing the trio that they were drunk. This was likely due to the fact that 1) upon leaving the store, Jeremy was cackling uncontrollably and tripping over the parking curb, 2) all three group members were drinking tiny yogurt drinks which were presumed to be alcoholic. Unconvinced that he was truly a police officer, Brett demanded that they'd see his badge. After affirming their sobriety, the party headed to the Pacific Science Center only to realize that their detour had caused them to miss the show entirely.

Disappointing Jason

The second attempt involved a significantly larger group, including Jason who had come home for the summer. After forming a Circle of Indecision on Jeremy's lawn, it was decided that they would go see Laser Radiohead.

However, upon arriving at the Center, the price of the event (around $9) led many to rethink the plan. While Jason and others argued that there was no reason to turn around after driving so far, the majority won out and soon the group headed back to Shoreline. Alternative activities, such as going to Funtasia, were considered, but it soon became clear that Jason simply wanted to go home.

The entire incident was a classic example of Disappointing Jason, which had quickly become the group's unofficial past time.

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