Gavin geography

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 07:05, 17 January 2006 by WhitworthKid (Talk | contribs)

Gavin Geography is what has come to be Gavins navigational system. Navigation is based on landmarks and routes past group members houses. This method is very finely tuned for approximately 15 square miles in western Shoreline as well as southern Edmonds where relatives of Gavin are known to reside. Routes through the winding streets of Woodway are easily negotiated while being navigated by Gavin, although the system breaks down once moved beyond those confines. Perhaps due to not being aware of absolute Latitude and Longitude in areas not within his home area, Gavin has been known to become disoriented.


  • While driving eastbound on Richmond Beach Road from the direction of the beach, Gavin drives all the way to Jeremys in order to locate Rama's house.
  • Requiring Kevins guidance to find SPU after several prior trips
  • Almost exiting on the Transit Only exit south of Exit 176 on Interstate 5 (Gavin's note: I have done this when driving back from Spokane)
  • Coming within a block from Gavin's destination near Lelani Bowling Alley before going the wrong way and driving aimlessly for thirty minutes until finally pulling into a State Farm Insurance Agency and begging for directions
  • Upon beating Jamie back to Terry's house despite leaving at the same time, prompting an "Oh S***, how did Gavin beat me here?!" from Jamie
  • Always needing assurance about which left turn exactly to take to get to Top Foods, leading to an exasperated Kevin to demand to know how many years exactly Gavin has lived in this city
  • It is noteworthy that despite a borderline pathetic sense of geography, Gavin has yet to be in any accidents or to receive any tickets. However, once when Gavin and Lukas were driving to Montlake 9 Gavin turned left without a green arrow and almost caused a truck to hit Gavin's red Volvo, prompting a stream of profanity from the truck driver as Gavin sped off
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