Main Page
From The Extended Group
A wiki dedicated to the ongoing history of the extended group. "Extended" means that topics of contemporary significance involving members not of the high school group are also welcome
Articles currently available:
- —girls
- Bitter Lake Grandmas
- No Electronics Night
- Pseudonyms of Andy Tsoming
- Troy's
- Heroing It
- Busgirl
- Associated Guess
- Like a Samurai Sword
- Mr. Moreno's Cartooning Class
Potential articles:
- Brettseller's List
- History of New Years Celebrations
- That Park By Terry's House
- Imprints
- Bigfoot Hunt
- The Lukas Incident With the Pipebomb
- Various Jobs Held By The Group
- Smash Bros
- Transylvanian-American
- Darcy
- Tamsyn
- Plan X
- The Ballad of Timmy McTimmy
- Mr. Kelly
- Debate Club
- The Big Box
- Frisbee
- Becky Jamieson
- "I was just upstairs piping!"
- The Fat Club
- Prom
- Animutations
- That time brett and terry tripped each other
- How we are all so gay
- AP Psych
- Catchphrases of ---
- Rama Falling Out of His Window
- Notable Impersonations
- Wendy's
- Jack in the Box
- Notable Women
- Jeremy's House
- The Kick Game
- How We Became Friends
- Escape from School
- Alan Vo
- The S Game
- The Bronwyn Incident
- Business Camp
- Ms. Bailey's Class
- The Sullams
- Harrison Lake Trip
- Ocean Shores
- Mr. Gillam
- Star Videos
- John Edwards
- Gavin's Sitcom
- MOG Conspiracy to Take Over ASB
- 13
- Group Girlfriends
- Jerkball
- Women that Have Scorned Us
- etc.