That Time Brett and Terry Tripped Each Other

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 10:30, 15 January 2006 by Terry (Talk | contribs)


This refers to an event in which Brett and Terry managed to trip one another at the same time. During a game of highly recreational Nerf Football, Brett and Terry were assigned to the same team. Foolishly failing to consult each other on what to do in one eventful play, both Brett and Terry decided independently to cross paths in an attempt to get open for passes. In doing so, they managed to trip one another, resulting in an absurd length of time spent laughing on the ground.

Mechanics of the Trip


Although memory of the actual physical trip is somewhat spotty, speculation exists that cites Terry's overextended push-off foot as the primary cause. At the beginning of the play, Terry pushed off harder than normal, resulting in a large stride and overly extended pushing off foot. Brett, beginning to make his run at the same time, tripped over the extended foot. But, the force of the blow also managed to knock Terry off balance (who was already in a precarious position) sending both friends sprawling to the floor, laughing.



Lying on the floor laughing, Brett anecdotally offered the notion that both Brett and Terry would remember this somewhat insignificant event at the expense of something more important. This remains true to this day - in which both Brett and Terry fondly remember that time they tripped each other. Coincidentally, it is spottily remembered that something very important that day, but the only memory associated with that particular day involves the trip.

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