British Bulldogs

From The Extended Group

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British Bulldogs was a full contact sport that several group members took part in during their lunch hour at Einstein. Along with 13, British Bulldogs served to unite several of the elementary school factions during the formative years of the group.


The game itself could be described as a land-based version of the popular swimming pool game "Sharks and Minnows". Initially, one player starts at the center of the field as the "bulldog". The remaining players attempt to cross the field without being tackled by said bulldog. Those who are tackled also become bulldogs and the cycle continues until there is only one player remaining, who then becomes the bulldog of the subsequent round. The game is played until lunch is over (or someone is injured, which was a frequent spectacle).


In addition to group members, the game also attracted several peripheral members, such as Aaron Andreson and Galen, as well as girls (whom no one was sure how to properly tackle). Later matches would typically de-evolve into a wrestling match between Aaron and Orlino. Eventually the game's popularity grew beyond the control of the founding members, causing most to retire from the sport indefinitely.

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