"Cho Knows" Gate

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 01:04, 19 June 2006 by (Talk)

"Cho Knows" Gate, as it is known to ironic revisionists, was a minor scandal during Sophomore Year of High School.


During a perhaps complicated time in Jeremy's life, his normally stellar GPA was faltering, and his grade in Mr. Gillam's LA10 class hovered around a C. At this time, Mr. Gillam posted updated class grades every week or so in the room, matched with student numbers so students could access their grade while still preserving their privacy. Stuart, also in the class (though a different period) was having trouble understanding Jeremy's lack of academic success. Somehow, Stuart figured out which grade Jeremy's was on the posting, and wrote (in pen) "Cho Knows" on the line where his grade percentage was. Upon seeing this, Jeremy became extremely agitated, and several methods were tried to remove the penmanship. Ultimately, the offended words were scribbled into obscurity, leaving Jeremy cynical and frustrated for the rest of the day.

Cho Knows was the title of a video shown in Mr. Kelly's Freshman English class.

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