Traffic Incidents

From The Extended Group

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Despite the recklessness and sheer incompetence of several group drivers, there have been no serious auto-related injuries or deaths as of yet.


Garage Incident #1

The first of two incidents regarding a garage occurred shortly after Jeremy received his driver's license. Upon returning from one of his Bitter Lake Grandmas basketball practices and as he was gradually easing the Mazda MPV into the garage, Jeremy inexplicably mixed up brake with accelerator pedal, causing him to jam on the ignition at the most inopportune time. This resulted in a collision with a refrigerator stationed in the garage as well as producing a massive crack along the garage wall. The crack would be later masked by movie posters and the refrigerator taken to the junkyard, and the incident would soon be forgotton within the Cho household until...

Garage Incident #2

The second garage incident took place just minutes before Jeremy, Owen, and Rama were about to head over to a party at Chandra's house. In preparation for the event, Jeremy had even put gel in his hair. As they were embarking, Jeremy, thinking that the garage door was closed, pressed the garage door opener. In actuality, the door was already open and the trio quickly found themselves backing into it, while sparks flew and metal grinded for dramatic effect. Upon realizing what had happened, Jeremy began shrieking so loudly that it prompted Jordan to rush over to investigate. When emotions finally cooled down, Owen and Rama continued onward to the party, while Jeremy washed the gel out of his hair and went straight to bed.

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