Night Terror(s)

From The D Archives

Night terror is a physical and mental condition which usually strikes the individual at nocturnal times. The condition brings about strong, very physical and real-like nightmares. Night Terror(s) often involves lizards, and thus spark immediate concern for the possibility of mind-controlling attempts by the minions of the Lizard King.

Night Terror itself is known to strike particularly weak individuals. The Lizard King is also known to attempt mind-control towards individuals with especially weak mental or physical stamina, and thus the possibility of The Lizard King being responsible for vast majority of Night Terrors is highly suggested.

Additionally what further on suggests night terrors as being the result of mind-control is often the fact that the victim cannot remember anything after the experience. The Men in Black are also known for this technique.

People known to have suffered/ known to suffer from Night Terrors

- Homer Simpson
- Alcoholics
- Drug-users

See also

Lizard King

The Night of The Lizards

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