Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon

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Grand Wizard was the title given to the leader of the Reconstruction-era Ku Klux Klan which existed from 1866-1871. The Grand Wizard had limited power since most Klan "dens" (local groups) were autonomous. In 1915, a second Klan was created (initially as a fraternal organization.) It was called the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. This organization used a different system of titles for its officers. The highest-ranking leader of the latter Klan was the Imperial Wizard. (National officers were called "Imperial" officers. State, or "Realm" officers were "Grand" officers. A "Grand Dragon", for example, is the highest ranking Klansman in a given state.) The Current Grand Wizard is Richard Alexander Arana.

Following World War II, dozens of people have assumed the "Wizard" title as leaders of the numerous, independent, Klan-oriented organizations that have existed since then. All aspects of the KKK are now public domain, therefore, virtually anyone can organize a "Klan" and assume whatever rank they desire (unlike pre-war Klans where officers were either elected or appointed.) Some modern factions use this very point to disparage and discredit other groups, in spite of themselves falling into the same category.

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