Compaq 500 (errors)
From The D Archives
Compaq 500 (errors) was bought sometime in the autumn of 2001. It was finally decided that The Pentium 486 couldn't do anything anymore, so the cheapest alternative for a new computer was finally selected: The Compaq 500 (errors). To my knowledge, this computer was bought from some completely idiotic and incompetent home electronics seller in Itäkeskus. A new monitor was also included in the deal.
At first Compaq 500 (errors) seemed like a good enough of a machine. It had 500Mhz, some generic cloned display driver and about 30 G's of hard drive space. The RAM memory was a bit low at first, but it was enough for the day.
Then the problems started to appear: random crashes, hardware/software failures and general compliance errors. This went on for a long time, and Windows 98 kept on crashing and the few games that did run on it, were slow as hell. The monitor with the computer, the 15 inch one also started to cause trouble and looking at it was like taking an acid trip. There were so many bright colours flashing and flying all over the screen, that it made you have epileptic seizures.
I had to make do with this computer for a long time. Then one day, it finally crashed one too many times and a large-scale plan was laid on replacing it.
Final words of wisdom: Compaq 500 (errors) was quite possibly the shittiest computer I've ever had. It was just a sack of shit combined with the lowest possible subquality hardware, and then called a computer. The AMD-processor on the machine was decent enough, but it apparently had too many problems with the other hardware in order to function correctly. This machine will forever be remembered with a ton of bitterness. Good riddance!
Replaced by "My Computer".