
From The D Archives

Revision as of 00:14, 12 March 2009 by Dalleer (Talk | contribs)
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A large shooting range of the defence forces in Lapland. Mostly just the artillery and mortarmen go here along with the guys from artillery forward observation. It's basically a large unpopulated area in which the guys with the biggest guns go out to play.

I've never been here myself, since I had nothing to do with the artillery. Not that I would've liked to go here for at least two weeks at a time - which is usually the minimum amount of time spend there by a unit belonging to a indirect fire support battery. Although I'm sure it would've given me a whole bunch of new stories to tell curious people about experiencing a completely new sensation of coldness, eating field rations for two weeks and not being able to bath for at least the same amount of time.

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