Books to read

From The D Archives

Revision as of 14:29, 1 December 2009 by Dalleer (Talk | contribs)

The following list of books are to be read at some point in the future:

- Punainen Porvoo by Antti Kauranne

- Sinulle, Yö by Teemu Kaskinen (I really liked his sternly icy and honest interview available on Yle Areena)

- Rules of Attraction by Brett Easton Ellis

- Less than Zero by Brett Easton Ellis

- Republic by Plato

- One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

- That one fictional book about Finland being in NATO and hosting American troops in Santahamina, where a murder occurs. What the hell was this book called anyways?

- Yakuza moon by Shoko Endo (was that her name??)

- The Great Gatsby

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