Klasifikasi Roget
From Tesaurus
(→Section I. Affections in General) |
(→4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections) |
Line 1,160: | Line 1,160: | ||
====4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections==== | ====4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections==== | ||
- | :: | + | ::[[916 Rasa terima kasih]] (Gratitude) |
- | :: | + | ::[[917 Ingratitude]] (Ingratitude) |
- | :: | + | ::[[918 Maaf]] (Forgiveness) |
- | :: | + | ::[[919 Balas dendam]] (Revenge) |
- | :: | + | ::[[920 Cemburu]] (Jealousy) |
- | :: | + | ::[[921 Iri]] (Envy) |
+ | |||
===Section IV. Moral Affections=== | ===Section IV. Moral Affections=== | ||
====1. Moral Obligations==== | ====1. Moral Obligations==== |
Revision as of 02:35, 21 March 2006
Klasifikasi Roget adalah sebuah sistem klasifikasi yang mengelompokkan kata ke dalam sekitar 1000 Kelompok Kata. Kliklah link-link di bawah, dan isilah setiap Kelompok Kata dengan kata-kata terkait. Link biru berarti Kelompok Kata tersebut sudah ada isinya, sedangkan link merah berarti Kelompok Kata tersebut belum berisi apa-apa.
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Kelas I. Kata-kata yang mengungkapkan hubungan abstrak
Bagian I. Keberadaan
- 1. Wujud abstrak (Being, in The Abstract)
- 2. Wujud konkret (Being, In The Concrete)
- 003 Substansi (Substantiality)
- 004 Bukan substansi (Unsubstantiality)
- 3. Keberadaan formal
- 005 Intrinsicality (Intrinsicality)
- 006 Extrinsicality (Extrinsicality)
- 4. Keberadaan modal
- 007 State (State)
- 008 Circumstance (Circumstance)
Bagian II. Hubungan
- 1. Hubungan mutlak (absolute relation)
- 009 Hubungan (Relation)
- 010 Tak berhubungan (Irrelation)
- 011 Hubungan darah (Consanguinity)
- 012 Saling berhubungan (Correlation)
- 013 Identitas (Identity)
- 014 Kontras (Contrariety)
- 015 Perbedaan (Difference)
- 2. Hubungan berkelanjutan (Continuous relation)
- 016 Keseragaman (Uniformity)
- 016-1 Ketakseragaman (Nonuniformity)
- 3. Hubungan parsial (Partial Relation)
- 017 Mirip (Similarity)
- 018 Beda (Dissimilarity)
- 019 Tiruan (Imitation)
- 020 Nonimitation (Nonimitation)
- 020-1 Variasi (Variation)
- 021 Salinan (Copy)
- 022 Prototipe (Prototype)
- 4. Hubungan umum (General Relation)
- 023 Kesepakatan (Agreement)
- 024 Ketaksepakatan (Disagreement)
Bagian III. Kuantitas
- 1. Kuantitas sederhana (Simple Quantity)
- 025 Kuantitas (Quantity)
- 026 Derajat (Degree)
- 2. Kuantitas perbandingan (Comparative Quantity)
- 027 Kesetaraan (Equality)
- 028 Ketaksetaraan (Inequality)
- 029 Rata-rata (Mean)
- 030 Compensation (Compensation)
- 1 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan standar (Quantity by Comparison with a Standard)
- 031 Banyak (Greatness)
- 032 Sedikit (Smallness)
- 2 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan benda yang sama (Quantity by Comparison with a Similar Object)
- 033 Unggul (Superiority)
- 034 Inferior (Inferiority)
- 3 Perubahan kuantitas (Changes in Quantity)
- 035 Bertambah (Increase)
- 036 Tak bertambah (Nonincrease)
- 037 Berkurang (Decrease)
- 3. Kuantitas konjungtif (Conjunctive Quantity)
- 037 Tambahan (Addition)
- 038 Pengurangan (Nonaddition, Subtraction)
- 039 Adjunct (Adjunct)
- 040 Sisa (Remainder)
- 040-1 Decrement (Decrement)
- 041 Campuran (Mixture)
- 042 Kesederhanaan (Simpleness)
- 043 Junction (Junction)
- 044 Disjunction (Disjunction)
- 045 Connection (Connection)
- 046 Padu (Coherence)
- 047 Tidak padu (Incoherence)
- 048 Kombinasi Combination
- 049 Decomposition (Decomposition)
- 4. Kuantitas konkret
- 050 Utuh (Whole)
- 051 Bagian (Part)
- 052 Lengkap (Completeness)
- 053 Tak lengkap (Incompleteness)
- 054 Komposisi (Composition)
- 055 Exclusion (Exclusion)
- 056 Komponen (Component)
- 057 Extraneousness (Extraneousness)
Bagian IV. Aturan
- 1. Aturan umum (Order in General)
- 058 Keteraturan (Order)
- 059 Ketakteraturan (Disorder)
- 059-1 Kompleksitas (Complexity)
- 060 Susunan (Arrangement)
- 061 Derangement (Derangement)
- 2. Urutan
- 062 Precedence (Precedence)
- 063 Sequence (Sequence)
- 064 Precursor (Precursor)
- 065 Sequel (Sequel)
- 066 Awal {Beginning)
- 067 Akhir (End)
- 068 Tengah (Middle)
- 069 Continuity (Continuity)
- 070 Discontinuity (Discontinuity)
- 071 Term (Term)
- 3. Aturan kolektif (Collective order)
- 072 Pengumpulan (Assemblage)
- 073 Penyebaran (Nonassemblage, Dispersion)
- 074 Fokus (Focus)
- 4. Aturan distributif (Distributive order)
- 075 Kelas (Class)
- 076 Inklusi (Inclusion)
- 077 Eksklusi (Exclusion)
- 078 Umum (Generality)
- 079 Khusus (Speciality)
- 5. Aturan berkaitan dengan kategori (Order as Regards Categories)
- 080 Normality (Normality)
- 081 Multiformity (Multiformity)
- 082 Conformity (Conformity)
- 083 Unconformity (Unconformity)
Bagian V. Bilangan
- 1. Bilangan abstrak (Number, in the Abstract)
- 084 Bilangan (Number)
- 085 Penomoran Numeration)
- 086 Daftar (List)
- 2. Bilangan tentu (Determinate Number)
- 087 Satu (Unity)
- 088 Accompaniment (Accompaniment)
- 089 Dua (Duality)
- 090 Penggandaan (Duplication)
- 091 Bagi dua (Bisection)
- 092 Tiga (Triality)
- 093 Rangkap tiga (Triplication)
- 094 Bagi tiga (Trisection)
- 095 Empat (Four)
- 096 Rangkap empat (Quadruplication)
- 097 Bagi empat (Quadrisection)
- 098 Lima (Five)
- 099 Bagi lima (Quinquesection)
- 3. Bilangan tak tentu (Indeterminate Number)
- 100 Jamak (Plurality)
- 100-1 Pecahan (Fraction)
- 101 Nol (Zero)
- 102 Banyak (Multitude)
- 103 Sedikit (Fewness)
- 104 Pengulangan (Repetition)
- 105 Tak hingga (Infinity)
Bagian VI. Waktu
- 1. Waktu absolut (Absolute time)
- 106 Waktu Time
- 107 Neverness (Neverness)
- 108 Masa tertentu (Period)
- 108-1 Contingent Duration (Contingent Duration)
- 109 Masa tak tentu (Course)
- 110 Masa panjang (Diuturnity)
- 111 Masa pendek (Transientness)
- 112 Abadi (Perpetuity)
- 113 Instan (Instantaneity)
- 114 Ukuran waktu (Chronometry)
- 115 Anakronisme (Anachronism)
- 2. Waktu relatif (Relative Time)
- 1. Waktu berdasarkan urutan (Time with Reference to Succession)
- 116 Priority (Priority)
- 117 Posteriority (Posteriority)
- 118 Masa kini (The Present Time)
- 119 Waktu yang berbeda (Different time)
- 120 Waktu yang sama (Synchronism)
- 121 Masa depan (Futurity)
- 122 Masa lalu (The past)
- 2. Waktu berdasarkan masa tertentu (Time with Reference to a Particular Period)
- 123 Baru (Newness)
- 124 Lama (Oldness)
- 125 Pagi (Morning)
- 126 Sore (Evening)
- 127 Muda (Youth)
- 128 Tua (Age)
- 129 Anak (Infant)
- 130 Veteran (Veteran)
- 131 Remaja (Adolescence)
- 3. Waktu berdasarkan tujuan (Time with Reference to an Effect or Purpose)
- 132 Terlalu awal (Earliness)
- 132A Tepat waktu (Punctuality)
- 133 Terlambat (Lateness)
- 134 Occasion (Occasion)
- 135 Untimeliness (Untimeliness)
- 1. Waktu berdasarkan urutan (Time with Reference to Succession)
- 3. Waktu berulang (Recurrent Time)
- 136 Sering (Frequency)
- 137 Jarang (Infrequency)
- 138 Berkala (Periodicity)
- 139 Irregularity of Recurrence (Irregularity of Recurrence)
Bagian VII. Perubahan
- 1. Perubahan sederhana (Simple Change)
- 140 Perubahan (Change)
- 141 Ketakberubahan (Permanence)
- 142 Berhenti terjadi (Cessation)
- 143 Terus berlangsung (Continuance In Action)
- 144 Conversion (Conversion)
- 145 Reversion (Reversion)
- 146 Revolusi (Revolution)
- 147 Pergantian (Substitution)
- 148 Pertukaran (Interchange)
- 2. Perubahan Kompleks (Complex Change)
- 149 Changeableness (Changeableness)
- 150 Stabilitas (Stability)
- 151 Keniscayaan (Eventuality)
- 152 Takdir (Destiny)
Bagian VIII. Sebab akibat
- 1. Constancy of Sequence in Events
- 153 Sebab (Cause)
- 154 Akibat (Effect)
- 155 Attribution (Attribution)
- 156 Kebetulan (Chance)
- 2. Hubungan antara sebab-akibat (Connection between Cause and Effect)
- 157 Kekuasaan (Power)
- 158 Impotensi (Impotence)
- 159 Kekuatan (Strength)
- 160 Kelemahan (Weakness)
- 3. Kekuatan beroperasi (Power in Operation)
- 161 Produksi (Production)
- 162 Penghancuran (Destruction)
- 163 Reproduksi (Reproduction)
- 164 Produsen (Producer)
- 165 Penghancur (Destroyer)
- 166 Orangtua (Paternity)
- 167 Keturunan (Posterity)
- 168 Produktivitas (Productiveness)
- 169 Tidak produktif (Unproductiveness)
- 170 Agensia (Agency)
- 171 Energi fisik (Physical Energy)
- 172 Inersia fisik (Physical Inertness)
- 173 Kekerasan (Violence)
- 174 Moderation (Moderation)
- 4. Kekuatan tak langsung (Indirect Power)
- 175 Pengaruh (Influence)
- 175A Tak ada pengaruh (Absence Of Influence)
- 176 Kecenderungan (Tendency)
- 177 Liability (Liability)
- 5. Kombinasi sebab (Combinations of Causes)
- 178 Concurrence (Concurrence)
- 179 Counteraction (Counteraction)
- 180 Concomitance (Concomitance)
Class II. Words Relating to Space
Bagian I. Ruang secara Umum (Space in General)
- 1. Ruang abstrak (Abstract Space)
- 180 Ruang (Space)
- 180A Inextension (Inextension)
- 181 Wilayah (Region)
- 182 Tempat (Place)
- 2. Ruang relatif (Relative Space)
- 183 Situasi (Situation)
- 184 Lokasi (Location)
- 185 Displacement (Displacement)
- 3. Keberadaan dalam ruang (Existence in Space)
- 186 Kehadiran (Presence)
- 187 Ketidakhadiran (Absence)
- 188 Penghuni (Inhabitant)
- 189 Tempat tinggal (Abode)
- 190 Isi (Contents)
- 191 Wadah (Receptacle)
- 191A Wadah air
Bagian II. Dimensi (Dimensions)
- 1. Dimensi umum (General Dimensions)
- 192 Besar (Size)
- 193 Kecil (Littleness)
- 194 Membesar (Expansion)
- 195 Mengecil (Contraction)
- 196 Jauh (Distance)
- 197 Dekat (Nearness)
- 198 Interval (Interval)
- 199 Contiguity (Contiguity)
- 2. Dimensi linier (Linear Dimensions)
- 200 Panjang (Length)
- 201 Pendek (Shortness)
- 202 Lebar (Breadth, Thickness)
- 203 Sempit (Narrowness, Thinness)
- 204 Lapisan (Layer)
- 205 Tali (Filament)
- 206 Tinggi (Height)
- 207 Rendah (Lowness)
- 208 Dalam (Depth)
- 209 Dangkal (Shallowness)
- 210 Puncak (Summit)
- 211 Dasar (Base)
- 212 Vertikal (Verticality)
- 213 Horisontal (Horizontality)
- 214 Bergantung (Pendency)
- 215 Mendukung (Support)
- 216 Paralel (Parallelism)
- 216A Tegak lurus (Perpendicularity)
- 217 Obliquity (Obliquity)
- 218 Inversi (Inversion)
- 219 Crossing (Crossing)
- 3. Dimensi sentris (Centrical Dimensions)
- 1. Umum (General)
- 220 Exteriority (Exteriority)
- 221 Interiority (Interiority)
- 222 Centrality (Centrality)
- 223 Covering (Covering)
- 224 Lining (Lining)
- 225 Pakaian (Clothing)
- 226 Telanjang (Nudity)
- 227 Circumjacence (Circumjacence)
- 228 Interposition (Interposition)
- 229 Circumscription (Circumscription)
- 230 Garis luar (Outline)
- 231 Tepi (Edge)
- 232 Inclosure (Inclosure)
- 233 Batas (Limit)
- 2. Khusus (Special)
- 234 Depan (Front)
- 235 Belakang (Rear)
- 236 Laterality (Laterality)
- 237 Seberang (Contraposition)
- 238 Kanan (Dextrality)
- 239 Kiri (Sinistrality)
Bagian III. Bentuk (Form)
- 1. Bentuk umum (General Form)
- 240 Bentuk (Form)
- 241 Nirbentuk (Amorphism)
- 242 Simetri (Symmetry)
- 243 Distorsi (Distortion)
- 2. Bentuk khusus (Special Form)
- 244 Sudut (Angularity)
- 245 Lengkung (Curvature)
- 246 Lurus (Straightness)
- 247 Lingkaran (Circularity)
- 248 Convolution (Convolution)
- 249 Bulat (Rotundity)
- 3. Bentuk permukaan (Superficial Form)
- 250 Cembung (Convexity)
- 251 Datar (Flatness)
- 252 Cekung (Concavity)
- 252A Spons (Sponge)
- 253 Tajam (Sharpness)
- 254 Tumpul (Bluntness)
- 255 Mulus (Smoothness)
- 256 Kasar (Roughness)
- 257 Notch (Notch)
- 258 Lipat (Fold)
- 259 Galur (Furrow)
- 260 Bukaan (Opening)
- 261 Closure (Closure)
- 262 Perforator (Perforator)
- 263 Sumbat (Stopper)
Bagian IV. Gerak
- 1. Gerak Umum
- 264 Gerak (Motion)
- 265 Geming (Quiescence)
- 266 Jalan (Journey)
- 267 Navigation (Navigation)
- 268 Pejalan (Traveler)
- 269 Mariner (Mariner)
- 270 Transference (Transference)
- 271 Carrier (Carrier)
- 272 Kendaraan darat (Vehicle)
- 273 Kendaraan laut (Ship)
- 273A Kendaraan udara
- 2. Derajat gerak (Degrees of Motion)
- 274 Cepat (Velocity)
- 275 Lambat (Slowness)
- 3. Motion Conjoined with Force
- 276 Impulse (Impulse)
- 277 Recoil (Recoil)
- 4. Gerak yang memiliki arah (Motion with Reference to Direction)
- 278 Arah (Direction)
- 279 Penyimpangan (Deviation)
- 280 Precession (Precession)
- 281 Sequence (Sequence)
- 282 Progression (Progression)
- 283 Regression (Regression)
- 284 Mendorong (Propulsion)
- 285 Menarik (Traction)
- 286 Mendekat (Approach)
- 287 Menjauh (Recession)
- 288 Mendekatkan (Attraction)
- 289 Menjauhkan (Repulsion)
- 290 Bertemu (Convergence)
- 291 Berpisah (Divergence)
- 292 Tiba (Arrival)
- 293 Berangkat (Departure)
- 294 Masuk (Ingress)
- 295 Keluar (Egress)
- 296 Memasukkan (Reception)
- 297 Mengeluarkan (Ejection)
- 298 Makanan (Food)
- 299 Pembuangan (Excretion)
- 300 Insertion (Insertion)
- 301 Extraction (Extraction)
- 302 Menembus (Passage)
- 303 Melampaui (Transcursion)
- 304 Shortcoming (Shortcoming)
- 305 Naik (Ascent)
- 306 Turun (Descent)
- 307 Menaikkan (Elevation)
- 308 Menurunkan (Depression)
- 309 Melompat (Leap)
- 310 Menukik (Plunge)
- 311 Memutar (Circuition)
- 312 Berputar (Rotation)
- 313 Mengurai (Evolution)
- 314 Gerakan bolak-balik (Oscillation)
- 315 Gerakan tak teratur (Agitation)
Class III. Words Relating to Matter
Bagian I. Materi secara umum (Matter in General)
- 316 Materiality (Materiality)
- 317 Immateriality (Immateriality)
- 318 Dunia (World)
- 319 Berat (Gravity)
- 320 Ringan (Levity)
Bagian II. Zat anorganik (Inorganic Matter)
- 1. Benda padat (Solid Matter)
- 321 Density (Density)
- 322 Rarity (Rarity)
- 323 Keras (Hardness)
- 324 Lunak (Softness)
- 325 Elastis (Elasticity)
- 326 Tidak elastis (Inelasticity)
- 327 Tenacity (Tenacity)
- 328 Brittleness (Brittleness)
- 329 Tekstur (Texture)
- 330 Bubuk (Pulverulence)
- 331 Pergesekan (Friction)
- 332 Pelumasan (Lubrication)
- 2. Benda cair (Fluid Matter)
- 1. Fluida secara umum (Fluids In General)
- 333 Cairan (Fluidity)
- 334 Gas (Gaseity)
- 335 Meleleh (Liquefaction)
- 336 Menguap (Vaporization)
- 2. Fluida tertentu (Specific Fluids)
- 337 Air (Water)
- 338 Udara (Air)
- 339 Basah (Moisture)
- 340 Kering (Dryness)
- 341 Laut (Ocean)
- 342 Daratan (Land)
- 343 Danau (Gulf, Lake)
- 344 Padang (Plain)
- 345 Rawa-rawa (Marsh)
- 346 Pulau (Island)
- 3. Fluida bergerak (Fluids in Motion)
- 347 Arus (Stream)
- 348 Sungai (River)
- 349 Angin (Wind)
- 350 Conduit (Conduit)
- 351 Airpipe (Airpipe)
- 3. Fluida tak sempurna (Imperfect Fluids)
- 352 Semiliquidity (Semiliquidity)
- 353 Gelembung (Bubble)
- 354 Pulpiness (Pulpiness)
- 355 Unctuousness (Unctuousness)
- 356 Minyak (Oil)
- 356A Resin (Resin)
Bagian III. Zat organik (Organik Matter)
- 1. Kehidupan (Vitality)
- 1. Kehidupan secara umum (Vitality in General)
- 357 Organization (Organization)
- 358 Organization (Inorganization)
- 359 Hidup
- 360 Mati
- 361 Membunuh
- 362 Mayat (Corpse)
- 363 Pemakaman
- 2. Kehidupan khusus (Special Vitality)
- 364 Animality (Animality)
- 365 Vegetability (Vegetability)
- 366 Hewan
- 367 Sayur
- 368 Zoologi
- 369 Botani
- 370 Peternakan (Husbandry)
- 371 Pertanian
- 372 Manusia
- 373 Lelaki
- 374 Perempuan
- 374A Seksualitas (Sexuality)
- 2. Sensasi (Sensation)
- 1. Sensasi secara umum (Sensation in General)
- 375 Physical Sensibility (Physical Sensibility)
- 376 Physical Insensibility (Physical Insensibility)
- 377 Nikmat fisik (Physical Pleasure)
- 378 Sakit fisik (Physical Pain)
- 2. Sensasi khusus (Special Sensation)
- (1) Sentuh (Touch)
- 379 Sentuh (Touch)
- 380 Sensasi indra peraba (Sensations Of Touch)
- 381 Kebas (Numbness)
- (2) Panas (Heat)
- 382 Panas (Heat)
- 383 Dingin (Cold)
- 384 Pemanasan (Calefaction)
- 385 Pendinginan (Refrigeration)
- 386 Pendiangan (Furnace)
- 387 Lemari es (Refrigerator)
- 388 Bahan bakar (Fuel)
- 388A Insulasi (Insulation)
- 389 Termometer (Thermometer)
- (3) Rasa (Taste)
- 390 Rasa (Taste)
- 391 Hambar (Insipidity)
- 392 Pungency (Pungency)
- 392A Garam (Saltiness)
- 392B Pahit (Bitterness)
- 393 Condiment (Condiment)
- 394 Lezat (Savoriness)
- 395 Tak enak (Unsavoriness)
- 396 Manis (Sweetness)
- 397 Asam (Sourness)
- (4) Bau (Odor)
- 398 Bau (Odor)
- 399 Tak bau (Inodorousness)
- 400 Wangi (Fragrance)
- 401 Bau busuk (Fetor)
- 401A Acridity (Acridity)
- (5) Bunyi (Sound)
- (I) Bunyi secara umum (Sound in General)
- 402 Bunyi (Sound)
- 403 Hening (Silence)
- 404 Nyaring (Loudness)
- 405 Lirih (Faintness)
- (II) Bunyi spesifik (Specific Sounds)
- 406 Bunyi-bunyian (Snap)
- 407 Roll (Roll)
- 408 Resonance (Resonance)
- 408A Nonresonance (Nonresonance)
- 409 Sibilation (Sibilation)
- 410 Stridor (Stridor)
- 411 Cry (Cry)
- 412 Bunyi hewan (Ululation)
- (III) Bunyi musik (Musical Sounds)
- 413 Melodi (Melody, Concord)
- 414 Sumbang (Discord)
- 415 Musik (Musik)
- 416 Musisi (Musician)
- 417 Alat musik (Musical Instruments)
- (IV) Persepsi suara (Perception Of Sound)
- 418 Dengar (Hearing)
- 419 Tuli (Deafness)
- (I) Bunyi secara umum (Sound in General)
- (6) Cahaya (Light)
- (I) Cahaya secara umum (Light in General)
- 420 Cahaya (Light)
- 421 Gelap (Darkness)
- 422 Temaram (Dimness)
- 423 Sumber cahaya (Luminary)
- 424 Bayangan (Shade)
- 425 Bening (Transparency)
- 426 Tak tembus cahaya (Opacity)
- 426A Keruh (Turbidity )
- 427 Semitransparency (Semitransparency)
- (II) Cahaya khusus (Specific Light)
- 428 Warna (Color)
- 429 Tak berwarna (Achromatism)
- 430 Putih (Whiteness)
- 431 Hitam (Blackness)
- 432 Abu-abu (Gray)
- 433 Cokelat (Brown)
- 434 Merah (Redness)
- 435 Hijau (Greenness)
- 436 Kuning (Yellowness)
- 437 Ungu (Purple)
- 438 Biru (Blueness)
- 439 Jingga (Orange)
- 440 Warna-warni (Variegation)
- (III) Persepsi cahaya (Perceptions of Light)
- 441 Lihat (Vision)
- 442 Buta (Blindness)
- 443 Rabun (Dimsightedness)
- 444 Penonton (Spectator)
- 445 Alat optik (Optical Instruments)
- 446 Tampak (Visibility)
- 447 Tak tampak (Invisibility)
- 448 Muncul (Appearance)
- 449 Hilang (Disappearance)
- (I) Cahaya secara umum (Light in General)
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties
Division I. Formation of Ideas
Bagian I. Operations of Intellect in General
- 450 Akal (Intellect)
- 450A Tanpa akal (Absence or Want of Intellect)
- 451 Pikiran (Thought)
- 452 Incogitancy (Incogitancy)
- 453 Ide (Idea)
- 454 Topik (Topic)
Section II. Precursory Conditions and Operations
- 455 Ingin tahu (Curiosity)
- 456 Tak ingin tahu (Incuriosity)
- 457 Perhatian (Attention)
- 458 Tak perhatian (Inattention)
- 459 Peduli (Care)
- 460 Abai (Neglect)
- 461 Tanya (Inquiry)
- 462 Jawab (Answer)
- 463 Percobaan (Experiment)
- 464 Perbandingan (Comparison)
- 464A Incomparability (Incomparability)
- 465 Discrimination (Discrimination)
- 465A Indiscrimination (Indiscrimination)
- 465B Identifikasi (Identification)
- 466 Pengukuran (Measurement)
Section III. Materials for Reasoning
- 467 Bukti (Evidence)
- 468 Counter Evidence (Counter Evidence)
- 469 Qualification (Qualification)
- 470 Possibility (Possibility)
- 471 Impossibility (Impossibility)
- 472 Probability (Probability)
- 473 Improbability (Improbability)
- 474 Pasti (Certainty)
- 475 Ragu (Uncertainty)
Section IV. Reasoning Processes
- 476 Nalar (Reasoning)
- 477 Intuisi (Intuition, Sophistry)
- 478 Peragaan (Demonstration)
- 479 Pembantahan (Confutation)
Section V. Results Of Reasoning
- 480 Penilaian (Judgment)
- 480A Penemuan (Discovery)
- 481 Salah menilai (Misjudgment)
- 482 Menilai terlalu tinggi (Overestimation)
- 483 Meremehkan (Underestimation)
- 484 Belief (Belief)
- 485 Unbelief (Unbelief, Doubt)
- 486 Credulity (Credulity)
- 487 Incredulity (Incredulity)
- 488 Sepakat (Assent)
- 489 Perselisihan (Dissent)
- 490 Pengetahuan (Knowledge)
- 491 Ketidaktahuan (Ignorance)
- 492 Orang arif (Scholar)
- 493 Ignoramus (Ignoramus)
- 494 Kebenaran (Truth)
- 495 Kesalahan (Error)
- 496 Maxim (Maxim)
- 497 Absurdity (Absurdity)
- 498 Pintar (Intelligence, Wisdom)
- 499 Bodoh (Imbecility, Folly)
- 500 Orang bijak (Sage)
- 501 Orang bodoh (Fool)
- 502 Waras (Sanity)
- 503 Gila (Insanity)
- 504 Orang gila (Madman)
Section VI. Extension of Thought
- 1. To the Past
- 2. To the Future
- 507 Harap (Expectation)
- 508 Inexpectation (Inexpectation)
- 509 Kecewa (Disappointment)
- 510 Firasat (Foresight)
- 511 Ramalan (Prediction)
- 512 Pertanda (Omen)
- 513 Oracle (Oracle)
Section VII. Creative Thought
- 514 Perumpamaan (Supposition)
- 514A Analogi (Analogy)
- 515 Imajinasi (Imagination)
Division II. Communication of Ideas
Section I. Nature of Ideas Communicated
- 516 Makna (Meaning)
- 517 Tak bermakna (Unmeaningness)
- 518 Intelligibility (Intelligibility)
- 519 Unintelligibility (Unintelligibility)
- 520 Equivocalness (Equivocalness)
- 521 Metafora (Metaphor)
- 522 Interpretation (Interpretation)
- 523 Misinterpretation (Misinterpretation)
- 524 Interpreter (Interpreter)
Section II. Modes of Communication
- 525 Manifestation (Manifestation)
- 526 Latency (Latency, Implication)
- 527 Informasi (Information)
- 527A Ralat (Correction)
- 528 Penutup-nutupan (Concealment)
- 529 Pembeberan (Disclosure)
- 530 Ambush (Ambush)
- 531 Penerbitan (Publication)
- 532 Berita (News)
- 533 Rahasia (Secret)
- 534 Utusan (Messenger)
- 535 Afirmasi (Affirmation)
- 536 Negasi (Negation)
- 537 Mengajar (Teaching)
- 538 Misteaching (Misteaching)
- 539 Belajar (Learning)
- 540 Guru (Teacher)
- 541 Murid (Learner)
- 542 Sekolah (School)
- 543 Kebenaran (Veracity)
- 544 Dusta (Falsehood)
- 545 Penipuan (Deception)
- 546 Untruth (Untruth)
- 547 Tertipu (Dupe)
- 548 Penipu (Deceiver)
- 549 Melebih-lebihkan (Exaggeration)
Section III. Means of Communicating Ideas
- 1. Natural Means
- 550 Indikasi (Indication)
- 551 Catatan (Record)
- 552 Pemusnahan (Obliteration)
- 553 Pencatat (Recorder)
- 554 Representasi (Representation)
- 555 Misrepresentasi (Misrepresentation)
- 556 Lukisan (Painting)
- 557 Patung (Sculpture)
- 558 Ukiran (Engraving)
- 559 Seniman (Artist)
- 2. Conventional Means
- 1. Language Generally
- 560 Bahasa (Language)
- 561 Huruf (Letter)
- 562 Kata (Word)
- 563 Neologi (Neologism)
- 564 Tata nama (Nomenclature)
- 565 Misnomer (Misnomer)
- 566 Frase (Phrase)
- 567 Tata bahasa (Grammar)
- 568 Solecism (Solecism)
- 569 Gaya (Style)
- 570 Jelas (Perspicuity)
- 571 Tidak jelas (Obscurity)
- 572 Ringkas (Conciseness)
- 573 Bertele-tele (Diffuseness)
- 574 Semangat (Vigor)
- 575 Lesu (Feebleness)
- 576 Sederhana (Plainness)
- 577 Hiasan (Ornament)
- 578 Anggun (Elegance)
- 579 Canggung (Inelegance)
- 2. Spoken Language
- 580 Suara (Voice)
- 581 Diam (Aphony)
- 582 Bicara (Speech)
- 583 Gagap (Stammering)
- 584 Pendiam (Loquacity)
- 585 Cerewet (Taciturnity)
- 586 Allocution (Allocution)
- 587 Tanggapan (Response)
- 588 Percakapan (Conversation)
- 589 Solilokui (Soliloquy)
- 3. Written Language
- 590 Menulis (Writing)
- 591 Mencetak (Printing)
- 592 Korespondensi (Correspondence)
- 593 Buku (Book)
- 594 Deskripsi (Description)
- 595 Disertasi (Dissertation)
- 596 Compendium (Compendium)
- 597 Puisi (Poetry)
- 598 Prosa (Prose)
- 599 Drama (Drama)
- 1. Language Generally
Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers
Division I. Individual Volition
Section I. Volition in General
- 1. Acts Of Volition
- 600 Kemauan (Will)
- 601 Keperluan (Necessity)
- 602 Kesediaan (Willingness)
- 603 Keengganan (Unwillingness)
- 604 Tekad (Resolution)
- 604A Ketabahan (Perseverance)
- 605 Keraguan (Irresolution)
- 606 Ketegaran (Obstinacy)
- 607 Plinplan (Tergiversation)
- 608 Caprice (Caprice)
- 609 Pilihan (Choice)
- 609A Tak ada pilihan (Absence Of Choice)
- 610 Penolakan (Rejection)
- 611 Predetermination (Predetermination)
- 612 Impulse (Impulse)
- 613 Kebiasaan (Habit)
- 614 Tak terpakai (Desuetude)
- 2. Causes of Volition
- 615 Motif (Motive)
- 615A Tak ada motif (Absence of Motive )
- 616 Dissuassion (Dissuasion)
- 617 Pretext (Pretext)
- 3. Objects of Volition
Section II. Prospective Volition
- 1. Conceptional Volition
- 620 Niat (Intention)
- 621 Peluang (Chance)
- 622 Kejar (Pursuit)
- 623 Hindar (Avoidance)
- 624 Relinquishment (Relinquishment)
- 625 Bisnis (Business)
- 626 Rencana (Plan)
- 627 Metode (Method)
- 628 Tengah jalan (Mid-Course)
- 629 Circuit (Circuit)
- 630 Syarat (Requirement)
- 2. Subservience to Ends
- 1. Actual Subservience
- 631 Instrumentality (Instrumentality)
- 632 Sarana (Means)
- 633 Alat (Instrument)
- 634 Pengganti (Substitute)
- 635 Bahan (Materials)
- 636 Store (Store)
- 637 Provision (Provision)
- 638 Limbah (Waste)
- 639 Memadai (Sufficiency)
- 640 Tak memadai (Insufficiency)
- 641 Berlebih (Redundancy)
- 2. Degree of Subservience
- 642 Penting (Importance)
- 643 Remeh (Unimportance)
- 644 Berguna (Utility)
- 645 Tak berguna (Inutility)
- 646 Kelayakan (Expedience)
- 647 Ketaklayakan (Inexpedience)
- 648 Baik (Goodness)
- 649 Buruk (Badness)
- 650 Sempurna (Perfection)
- 651 Tak sempurna (Imperfection)
- 652 Bersih (Cleanness)
- 653 Kotor (Uncleanness)
- 654 Sehat (Health)
- 655 Sakit (Disease)
- 656 Salubrity (Salubrity)
- 657 Insalubrity (Insalubrity)
- 658 Sembuh (Improvement)
- 659 Parah (Deterioration)
- 660 Pulih (Restoration)
- 661 Relapse (Relapse)
- 662 Obat (Remedy)
- 663 Racun (Bane)
- 3. Contingent Subservience
- 664 Aman (Safety)
- 665 Bahaya (Danger)
- 666 Tempat aman (Refuge)
- 667 Tempat bahaya (Pitfall)
- 668 Peringatan (Warning)
- 669 Tanda peringatan (Alarm)
- 670 Preservation (Preservation)
- 671 Kabur (Escape)
- 672 Deliverance (Deliverance)
- 1. Actual Subservience
- 3. Precursory Measures
- 673 Persiapan (Preparation)
- 674 Tanpa persiapan (Nonpreparation)
- 675 Mencoba (Essay)
- 676 Upaya (Undertaking)
- 677 Penggunaan (Use)
- 678 Tidak menggunakan (Disuse)
- 679 Penyalahgunaan (Misuse)
Section III. Voluntary Action
- 1. Simple Voluntary Action
- 680 Bertindak (Action)
- 681 Tidak bertindak (Inaction)
- 682 Kegiatan (Activity)
- 683 Tidak berkegiatan (Inactivity)
- 684 Gesa (Haste)
- 685 Santai (Leisure)
- 686 Upaya (Exertion)
- 687 Istirahat (Repose)
- 688 Lelah (Fatigue)
- 689 Refreshment (Refreshment)
- 690 Agent (Agent)
- 691 Workshop (Workshop)
- 2. Complex Voluntary Action
- 692 Perilaku (Conduct)
- 693 Direction (Direction)
- 694 Director (Director)
- 695 Nasihat (Advice)
- 696 Council (Council)
- 697 Precept (Precept)
- 698 Terampil (Skill)
- 699 Tidak terampil (Unskillfulness)
- 700 Proficient (Proficient)
- 701 Bungler (Bungler)
- 702 Cunning (Cunning)
- 703 Artlessness (Artlessness)
Section IV. Antagonism
- 1. Conditional Antagonism
- 2. Active Antagonism
- 706 Rintangan (Hindrance)
- 707 Bantuan (Aid)
- 708 Pertentangan (Opposition)
- 709 Kerja sama (Cooperation)
- 710 Lawan (Opponent)
- 711 Sekutu (Auxiliary)
- 712 Party (Party)
- 713 Perselisihan (Discord)
- 714 Kesepakatan (Concord)
- 715 Defiance (Defiance)
- 716 Serangan (Attack)
- 717 Pertahanan (Defense)
- 718 Pembalasan (Retaliation)
- 719 Resistance (Resistance)
- 720 Contention (Contention)
- 721 Damai (Peace)
- 722 Perang (Warfare)
- 723 Pacification (Pacification)
- 724 Mediation (Mediation)
- 725 Submission (Submission)
- 726 Petarung (Combatant)
- 727 Senjata (Arms)
- 728 Arena (Arena)
Section V. Results of Voluntary Action
- 729 Rampung (Completion)
- 730 Tidak rampung (Noncompletion)
- 731 Berhasil (Success)
- 732 Gagal (Failure)
- 733 Piala (Trophy)
- 734 Makmur (Prosperity)
- 735 Cobaan (Adversity)
- 736 Sedang (Mediocrity)
Division II. Intersocial Volition
Section I. General Intersocial Volition
- 737 Kewenangan (Authority)
- 737A Pemerintah (Government)
- 737B Politik (Politics)
- 738 Laxity (Laxity)
- 739 Severity (Severity)
- 740 Lenity (Lenity)
- 741 Perintah (Command)
- 742 Pembangkangan (Disobedience)
- 743 Kepatuhan (Obedience)
- 744 Pemaksaan (Compulsion)
- 745 Majikan (Master)
- 746 Abdi (Servant)
- 747 Scepter (Scepter)
- 748 Kebebasan (Freedom)
- 749 Subjection (Subjection)
- 750 Kemerdekaan (Liberation)
- 751 Restraint (Restraint)
- 752 Penjara (Prison)
- 753 Keeper (Keeper)
- 754 Narapidana (Prisoner)
- 755 Commission (Commission)
- 756 Abrogation (Abrogation)
- 757 Resignation (Resignation)
- 758 Consignee (Consignee)
- 759 Deputy (Deputy)
Section II. Special Intersocial Volition
- 760 Izin (Permission)
- 761 Larangan (Prohibition)
- 762 Consent (Consent)
- 763 Tawaran (Offer)
- 764 Penolakan (Refusal)
- 765 Permintaan (Request)
- 766 Deprecation (Deprecation)
- 767 Peminta (Petitioner)
Section III. Conditional Intersocial Volition
- 768 Janji (Promise)
- 768A Dilepas dari janji (Release From Engagement)
- 769 Perjanjian (Compact)
- 770 Syarat (Conditions)
- 771 Security (Security)
- 772 Observance (Observance)
- 773 Nonobservance (Nonobservance)
- 774 Kompromi (Compromise)
Section IV. Possessive Relations
- 1. Property In General
- 775. Acquisition
- 776. Loss
- 777. Possession
- 777A. Exemption
- 778. Participation
- 779. Possessor
- 780. Property
- 781. Retention
- 782. Relinquishment
- 2. Transfer of Property
- 3. Interchange of Property
- 794. Barter
- 795. Purchase
- 796. Sale
- 797. Merchant
- 798. Merchandise
- 799. Mart
- 799A. Stock Market
- 799B. Securities
- 4. Monetary Relations
- 800. Money
- 801. Treasurer
- 802. Treasury
- 803. Wealth
- 804. Poverty
- 805. Credit
- 806. Debt
- 807. Payment
- 808. Nonpayment
- 809. Expenditure
- 810. Receipt
- 811. Accounts
- 812. Price
- 812A. Value
- 812B. Worthlessness
- 813. Discount
- 814. Dearness
- 815. Cheapness
- 816. Liberality
- 817. Economy
- 817A. Greed
- 818. Prodigality
- 819. Parsimony
Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers
Section I. Affections in General
- 820 Affections (Affections)
- 821 Feeling (Feeling)
- 822 Sensibility (Sensibility)
- 823 Insensibility (Insensibility)
- 824 Excitation (Excitation)
- 825 Excitability (Excitability)
- 826 Inexcitability (Inexcitability)
Section II. Personal Affections
1. Afeksi pasif
- 827 Pleasure (Pleasure)
- 828 Sakit (Pain)
- 829 Pleasurableness (Pleasurableness)
- 830 Painfulness (Painfulness)
- 831 Content (Content)
- 832 Discontent (Discontent)
- 833 Sesal (Regret)
- 834 Lega (Relief)
- 835 Marah (Aggravation)
- 836 Cheerfulness (Cheerfulness)
- 837 Dejection (Dejection)
- 838 Rejoicing (Rejoicing)
- 839 Lamentation (Lamentation)
- 840 Amusement (Amusement)
- 841 Lelah (Weariness)
- 842 Wit (Wit)
- 843 Bosan (Dullness)
- 844 Humorist (Humorist)
2. Discriminative Affections
- 845 Cantik (Beauty)
- 846 jelek (Ugliness)
- 847 Hiasan (Ornament)
- 847A Perhiasan (Jewelry)
- 848 Noda (Blemish)
- 849 Kesederhanaan (Simplicity)
- 850 Selera (Taste)
- 851 Vulgar (Vulgarity)
- 852 Mode (Fashion)
- 853 Konyol (Ridiculousness)
- 854 Pesolek (Fop)
- 855 Affectation (Affectation)
- 856 Cemooh (Ridicule)
- 857 Cemoohan (Laughingstock)
3. Prospective Affections
- 858 Harapan (Hope)
- 859 Keputusasaan (Hopelessness)
- 860 Takut (Fear)
- 861 Keberanian (Courage)
- 862 Pengecut (Cowardice)
- 863 Sembrono (Rashness)
- 864 Hati-hati (Caution)
- 865 Ingin (Desire)
- 866 Indifference (Indifference)
- 867 Tak suka (Dislike)
- 868 Pilih-pilih (Fastidiousness)
- 869 Puas (Satiety)
4. Contemplative Affections
- 870 Wonder (Wonder)
- 871 Expectance (Expectance)
- 872 Prodigy (Prodigy)
5. Extrinsic Affections
- 873. Repute
- 874. Disrepute
- 875. Nobility
- 876. Commonalty
- 877. Title
- 878. Pride
- 879. Humility
- 880. Vanity
- 881. Modesty
- 882. Ostentation
- 883. Celebration
- 884. Boasting
- 885. Insolence
- 886. Servility
- 887. Blusterer
Section III. Sympathetic Affections
1. Afeksi sosial
- 888 Pertemanan (Friendship)
- 889 Permusuhan (Enmity)
- 890 Teman (Friend)
- 891 Musuh (Enimy)
- 892 Bergaul (Sociality)
- 893 Menyendiri (Seclusion, Exclusion)
- 894 Sopan (Courtesy)
- 895 Tak sopan (Discourtesy)
- 896 Selamat (Congratulation)
- 897 Cinta (Love)
- 898 Benci (Hate)
- 899 Favorit (Favorite)
- 900 Sebal (Resentment)
- 901 Mudah marah (Irascibility)
- 901A Merengut (Sullenness)
- 902 Endearment (Endearment)
- 903 Pernikahan (Marriage)
- 904 Selibat (Celibacy)
- 905 Perceraian (Divorce)
2. Diffusive Sympathetic Affections
- 906. Benevolence
- 907. Malevolence
- 908. Malediction
- 909. Threat
- 910. Philanthropy
- 911. Misanthropy
- 912. Benefactor
- 913. Evil Doer
3. Special Sympathetic Affections
- 914 Iba (Pity)
- 914A Tanpa iba (Pitilessness)
- 915 Belasungkawa (Condolence)
4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections
- 916 Rasa terima kasih (Gratitude)
- 917 Ingratitude (Ingratitude)
- 918 Maaf (Forgiveness)
- 919 Balas dendam (Revenge)
- 920 Cemburu (Jealousy)
- 921 Iri (Envy)
Section IV. Moral Affections
1. Moral Obligations
- 922 Benar (Right)
- 923 Salah (Wrong)
- 924 Dueness (Dueness)
- 925 Undueness (Undueness)
- 926 Tugas (Duty)
- 927 Abai (Dereliction of duty)
- 927A Exemption (Exemption)
2. Moral Sentiments
- 928 Hormat
- [[929. Disrespect
- [[930. Contempt
- [[931. Approbation
- [[932. Disapprobation
- 933 Sanjungan Flattery
- 934 Kecaman Detraction
- 935 Penyanjung Flatterer
- 936 Pengecam Detractor
- [[937. Vindication
- 938 Tuduhan
3. Moral Conditions
- [[939. Probity
- [[940. Improbity
- [[941. Knave
- [[942. Disinterestedness
- [[943. Selfishness
- [[944. Virtue
- [[945. Vice
- [[946. Innocence
- [[947. Guilt
- [[948. Good Man
- [[949. Bad Man
- [[950. Penitence
- [[951. Impenitence
- [[952. Atonement
4. Moral Practice
- [[953. Temperance
- [[954. Intemperance
- [[954A. Sensualist
- [[955. Asceticism
- [[956. Fasting
- [[957. Gluttony
- [[958. Sobriety
- [[959. Drunkenness
- [[960. Purity
- [[961. Impurity
- [[962. Libertine
5. Moral Institutions
- [[963. Legality
- [[964. Illegality
- [[965. Jurisdiction
- [[966. Tribunal
- [[967. Judge
- [[968. Lawyer
- [[969. Lawsuit
- [[970. Acquittal
- [[971. Condemnation
- [[972. Punishment
- [[973. Reward
- [[974. Penalty
- [[975. Scourge
Section V. Religious Affections
1. Superhuman Beings and Regions
- [[976. Deity
- 977 Malaikat Angel
- 978 Setan Satan
- 979 Jupiter Jupiter
- 980 Iblis Demon
- 981 Surga Heaven
- 982 Neraka Hell
2. Religious Doctrines
- 983 Teologi
- 983A. Ortodoksi Orthodoxy
- 984 Heterodoksi Heterodoxy
- [[985. Judeo-Christian Revelation
- [[986. Pseudo-Revelation
3. Religious Sentiments
- [[987. Piety
- [[988. Impiety
- [[989. Irreligion
4. Acts Of Religion
- 990 Ibadah (Worship)
- 991 Berhala (Idolatry)
- 992 Sihir (Sorcery)
- 993 Mantra (Spells)
- 994 Penyihir (Sorcerer)
5. Institusi keagamaan
- 995 Churchdom (Churchdom)
- 996 Agamawan (Clergy)
- 997 Jemaah (Laity)
- 998 Upacara (Rite)
- 999 Kitab suci (Canonicals)
- 1000 Tempat ibadah (Temple)