Klasifikasi Roget

From Tesaurus

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(Bagian IV. Aturan)
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'''Klasifikasi tesaurus Roget''' di bawah ini digunakan sebagai kerangka panduan mencari sinonim sebuah kata. Klik-lah salah satu Kelompok kata di bawah ini, maka Anda akan dibawa ke halaman yang menampilkan semua kata yang masuk ke dalam kelompok tersebut.
'''Klasifikasi Roget''' adalah sebuah sistem klasifikasi yang mengelompokkan kata ke dalam sekitar 1000 Kelompok Kata. Kliklah link-link di bawah, dan isilah setiap Kelompok Kata dengan kata-kata terkait. Link biru berarti Kelompok Kata tersebut sudah ada isinya, sedangkan link merah berarti Kelompok Kata tersebut belum berisi apa-apa.
Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih jelas apa isi setiap kelompok kata ini, Anda bisa mengunjungi [http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=Roget%27s Roget's Thesaurus] online di The ARTFL Project.
Bantuan Anda dibutuhkan untuk menerjemahkan Kelompok-Kelompok Kata di bawah. Namun, karena setiap Kelompok Kata ini merupakan link menuju halaman tertentu, sebaiknya Anda mencantumkan usul terjemahan tersebut di sampingnya, jangan mengubah link-nya sendiri, sampai ditemukan terjemahan yang disepakati oleh banyak orang. Terlalu banyak perubahan akan mengacaukan link dan judul-judul halaman. Ini terutama untuk link biru yang sudah mengarah ke halaman tertentu. Link merah masih bisa diubah-ubah.
==Kelas I. Kata-kata yang mengungkapkan hubungan abstrak==
==Kelas I. Kata-kata yang mengungkapkan hubungan abstrak==
Line 31: Line 35:
::[[017 Mirip]] (Similarity)
::[[017 Mirip]] (Similarity)
::[[018 Beda]] (Dissimilarity)
::[[018 Beda]] (Dissimilarity)
::[[019 Tiruan]] (Imitation)
::[[019 Tiruan|019 Tiru]] (Imitation)
::[[020 Nonimitation]] (Nonimitation)
::[[020 Nonimitation]] (Nonimitation)
::[[020-1 Variasi]] (Variation)
::[[020-1 Variasi]] (Variation)
::[[021 Salinan]] (Copy)
::[[021 Hasil meniru]] (Copy)
::[[022 Prototipe]] (Prototype)
::[[022 Prototipe]] (Prototype)
:4. Hubungan umum (General Relation)
:4. Hubungan umum (General Relation)
::[[023 Kesepakatan]] (Agreement)
::[[023 Kesepakatan]] (Agreement)
::[[024 Ketaksepakatan]] (Disagreement)
::[[024 Ketaksepakatan]] (Disagreement)
===Bagian III. Kuantitas===
===Bagian III. Kuantitas===
:1. Kuantitas sederhana (Simple Quantity)
:1. Kuantitas sederhana (Simple Quantity)
Line 49: Line 54:
::[[030 Compensation]] (Compensation)
::[[030 Compensation]] (Compensation)
::1 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan standar (Quantity by Comparison with a Standard)
::1 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan standar (Quantity by Comparison with a Standard)
::[[031 Banyak]] Greatness
:::[[031 Banyak]] (Greatness)
::[[032 Sedikit]] Smallness
:::[[032 Sedikit]] (Smallness)
::2 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan benda yang sama (Quantity by Comparison with a Similar Object)
::2 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan benda yang sama (Quantity by Comparison with a Similar Object)
:::[[033 Unggul]] Superiority
:::[[033 Unggul]] (Superiority)
:::[[034 Inferior]] Inferiority
:::[[034 Inferior]] (Inferiority)
::3 Perubahan kuantitas (Changes in Quantity)
::3 Perubahan kuantitas (Changes in Quantity)
:::[[035 Bertambah]] (Increase)
:::[[035 Bertambah]] (Increase)
Line 87: Line 92:
::[[058 Keteraturan]] (Order)
::[[058 Keteraturan]] (Order)
::[[059 Ketakteraturan]] (Disorder)
::[[059 Ketakteraturan]] (Disorder)
::[[059-1 Kompleksitas]] (Complexity)
::[[059A Kompleksitas]] (Complexity)
::[[060 Susunan]] (Arrangement)
::[[060 Mengatur]] (Arrangement)
::[[061 Derangement]] (Derangement)
::[[061 Mengacak]] (Derangement)
:2. Urutan
:2. Urutan
::[[062 Precedence]] (Precedence)
::[[062 Precedence]] (Precedence)
Line 100: Line 105:
::[[069 Continuity]] (Continuity)
::[[069 Continuity]] (Continuity)
::[[070 Discontinuity]] (Discontinuity)
::[[070 Discontinuity]] (Discontinuity)
::[[071 Term]]
::[[071 Term]] (Term)
:3. Aturan kolektif (Collective order)
:3. Aturan kolektif (Collective order)
::[[072 Pengumpulan]] (Assemblage)
::[[072 Pengumpulan]] (Assemblage)
Line 110: Line 115:
::[[077 Eksklusi]] (Exclusion)
::[[077 Eksklusi]] (Exclusion)
::[[078 Umum]] (Generality)
::[[078 Umum]] (Generality)
::[[079 Khusus]] (Speciality
::[[079 Khusus]] (Speciality)
:5. Aturan berkaitan dengan kategori (Order as Regards Categories)
:5. Aturan berkaitan dengan kategori (Order as Regards Categories)
::[[080 Normality]] (Normality)
::[[080 Normality]] (Normality)
Line 184: Line 189:
:::[[135 Untimeliness]] (Untimeliness)
:::[[135 Untimeliness]] (Untimeliness)
:3. Waktu berulang (Recurrent Time)
:3. Waktu berulang (Recurrent Time)
::[[136 Sering]] Frequency
::[[136 Sering]] (Frequency)
::[[137 Jarang]] Infrequency
::[[137 Jarang]] (Infrequency)
::[[138 Berkala]] Periodicity
::[[138 Berkala]] (Periodicity)
::[[139 Irregularity of Recurrence]]
::[[139 Irregularity of Recurrence]] (Irregularity of Recurrence)
===Bagian VII. Perubahan ===
===Bagian VII. Perubahan ===
Line 352: Line 357:
::[[264 Gerak]] (Motion)
::[[264 Gerak]] (Motion)
::[[265 Geming]] (Quiescence)
::[[265 Geming]] (Quiescence)
::266. [[Journey]]
::[[266 Jalan]] (Journey)
::267. [[Navigation]]
::[[267 Navigation]] (Navigation)
::268. [[Traveler]]
::[[268 Pejalan]] (Traveler)
::269. [[Mariner]]
::[[269 Mariner]] (Mariner)
::270. [[Transference]]
::[[270 Transference]] (Transference)
::271. [[Carrier]]
::[[271 Carrier]] (Carrier)
::[[272 Kendaraan]] (Vehicle)
::[[272 Kendaraan darat]] (Vehicle)
::[[273 Kapal laut]] (Ship)
::[[273 Kendaraan laut]] (Ship)
::[[273-1 Kapal udara]]
::[[273A Kendaraan udara]]
:2. Degrees of Motion
:2. Derajat gerak (Degrees of Motion)
::[[274 Cepat]] (Velocity)
::[[274 Cepat]] (Velocity)
::[[275 Lambat]] (Slowness)
::[[275 Lambat]] (Slowness)
:3. Motion Conjoined with Force
:3. Motion Conjoined with Force
::276. [[Impulse]]
::[[276 Impulse]] (Impulse)
::277. [[Recoil]]
::[[277 Recoil]] (Recoil)
:4. Motion with Reference to Direction
:4. Gerak yang memiliki arah (Motion with Reference to Direction)
::[[278 Arah]] Direction
::[[278 Arah]] (Direction)
::[[279 Penyimpangan]] Deviation
::[[279 Penyimpangan]] (Deviation)
::[[280]] [[Precession]]
::[[280 Precession]] (Precession)
::[[281]] [[Sequence]]
::[[281 Sequence]] (Sequence)
::[[282]] [[Progression]]
::[[282 Progression]] (Progression)
::[[283]] [[Regression]]
::[[283 Regression]] (Regression)
::[[284]] [[Propulsion]]
::[[284 Mendorong]] (Propulsion)
::[[285]] [[Traction]]
::[[285 Menarik]] (Traction)
::[[286 Mendekat]] (Approach)
::[[286 Mendekat]] (Approach)
::[[287 Menjauh]] (Recession)
::[[287 Menjauh]] (Recession)
Line 382: Line 387:
::[[290 Bertemu]] (Convergence)
::[[290 Bertemu]] (Convergence)
::[[291 Berpisah]] (Divergence)
::[[291 Berpisah]] (Divergence)
::[[292 Tiba]] (Arrival
::[[292 Tiba]] (Arrival)
::[[293 Berangkat]] (Departure)
::[[293 Berangkat]] (Departure)
::[[294 Masuk]] (Ingress)
::[[294 Masuk]] (Ingress)
::[[295 Keluar]] (Egress)
::[[295 Keluar]] (Egress)
::[[296 Memasukkan]] Reception
::[[296 Memasukkan]] (Reception)
::[[297 Mengeluarkan]] Ejection
::[[297 Mengeluarkan]] (Ejection)
::[[298 Makanan]] Food
::[[298 Makanan]] (Food)
::[[299 Pembuangan]] Excretion
::[[299 Pembuangan]] (Excretion)
::[[300]] (Insertion)
::[[300 Insertion]] (Insertion)
::[[301]] (Extraction)
::[[301 Extraction]] (Extraction)
::[[302 Menembus]] (Passage)
::[[302 Menembus]] (Passage)
::[[303 Melampaui]] (Transcursion)
::[[303 Melampaui]] (Transcursion)
::[[304]] (Shortcoming)
::[[304 Shortcoming]] (Shortcoming)
::[[305 Naik]] (Ascent)
::[[305 Naik]] (Ascent)
::[[306 Turun]] (Descent)
::[[306 Turun]] (Descent)
Line 408: Line 413:
==Class III.  Words Relating to [[Matter|Matter]]==
==Class III.  Words Relating to [[Matter|Matter]]==
===Section I. Matter in General===
===Bagian I. Materi secara umum (Matter in General)===
::316. [[Materiality]]
::[[316 Materiality]] (Materiality)
::317. [[Immateriality]]
::[[317 Immateriality]] (Immateriality)
::318. [[World]]
::[[318 Dunia]] (World)
::319. [[Gravity]]
::[[319 Berat]] (Gravity)
::320. [[Levity]]
::[[320 Ringan]] (Levity)
===Section II. [[Inorganic Chemistry|Inorganic Matter]]===
:1. [[Solid|Solid]] Matter
===Bagian II. Zat anorganik (Inorganic Matter)===
::321. [[Density]]
:1. Benda padat (Solid Matter)
::322. [[Rarity]]
::[[321 Density]] (Density)
::323. [[Hardness]]
::[[322 Rarity]] (Rarity)
::324. [[Softness]]
::[[323 Keras]] (Hardness)
::325. [[Elasticity]]
::[[324 Lunak]] (Softness)
::326. [[Inelasticity]]
::[[325 Elastis]] (Elasticity)
::327. [[Tenacity]]
::[[326 Tidak elastis]] (Inelasticity)
::328. [[Brittleness]]
::[[327 Tenacity]] (Tenacity)
::329. [[Texture]]
::[[328 Brittleness]] (Brittleness)
::330. [[Pulverulence]]
::[[329 Tekstur]] (Texture)
::331. [[Friction]]
::[[330 Bubuk]] (Pulverulence)
::332. [[Lubrication]]
::[[331 Pergesekan]] (Friction)
:2. [[Fluid|Fluid]] Matter
::[[332 Pelumasan]] (Lubrication)
:1. Fluids In General
:2. Benda cair (Fluid Matter)
::333. [[Fluidity]]
:1. Fluida secara umum (Fluids In General)
::334. [[Gas|Gaseity]]
::[[333 Cairan]] (Fluidity)
::335. [[Liquefaction]]
::[[334 Gas]] (Gaseity)
::336. [[Vaporization]]
::[[335 Meleleh]] (Liquefaction)
:2. Specific Fluids
::[[336 Menguap]] (Vaporization)
::337. [[Water]]
:2. Fluida tertentu (Specific Fluids)
::338. [[Air]]
::[[337 Air]] (Water)
::339. [[Moisture]]
::[[338 Udara]] (Air)
::340. [[Dryness]]
::[[339 Basah]] (Moisture)
::341. [[Ocean]]
::[[340 Kering]] (Dryness)
::342. [[Land]]
::[[341 Laut]] (Ocean)
::343. [[Gulf]]. [[Lake]]
::[[342 Daratan]] (Land)
::344. [[Plain]]
::[[343 Danau]] (Gulf, Lake)
::345. [[Marsh]]
::[[344 Padang]] (Plain)
::346. [[Island]]
::[[345 Rawa-rawa]] (Marsh)
:3. Fluids in Motion
::[[346 Pulau]] (Island)
::347. [[Stream]]
:3. Fluida bergerak (Fluids in Motion)
::348. [[River]]
::[[347 Arus]] (Stream)
::349. [[Wind]]
::[[348 Sungai]] (River)
::350. [[Conduit]]
::[[349 Angin]] (Wind)
::351. [[Airpipe]]
::[[350 Conduit]] (Conduit)
:3. Imperfect Fluids
::[[351 Airpipe]] (Airpipe)
::352. [[Semiliquidity]]
:3. Fluida tak sempurna (Imperfect Fluids)
::353. [[Bubble]]
::[[352 Semiliquidity]] (Semiliquidity)
::354. [[Pulpiness]]
::[[353 Gelembung]] (Bubble)
::355. [[Unctuousness]]
::[[354 Pulpiness]] (Pulpiness)
::356. [[Oil]]
::[[355 Unctuousness]] (Unctuousness)
::356A. [[Resin]]
::[[356 Minyak]] (Oil)
===Section III. [[Organic Chemistry|Organic]] Matter===
::[[356A Resin]] (Resin)
:1. Vitality
:1. Vitality in General
===Bagian III. Zat organik (Organik Matter)===
::357. [[Organization]]
:1. Kehidupan (Vitality)
::358. [[Inorganization]]
:1. Kehidupan secara umum (Vitality in General)
::[[357 Organization]] (Organization)
::[[358 Organization]] (Inorganization)
::[[359 Hidup]]
::[[359 Hidup]]
::[[360 Mati]]
::[[360 Mati]]
::[[361 Membunuh]]
::[[361 Membunuh]]
::362. [[Corpse]] - [[WikiSaurus:corpse]]
::[[362 Mayat]] (Corpse)
::[[363 Pemakaman]]
::[[363 Pemakaman]]
:2. Special Vitality
:2. Kehidupan khusus (Special Vitality)
::364. [[Animality]]
::[[364 Animality]] (Animality)
::365. Vegetability†
::[[365 Vegetability]] (Vegetability)
::[[366 Hewan]]
::[[366 Hewan]]
::[[367 Sayur]]
::[[367 Sayur]]
::[[368 Zoologi]]
::[[368 Zoologi]]
::[[369 Botani]]
::[[369 Botani]]
::370. [[Husbandry]]
::[[370 Peternakan]] (Husbandry)
::[[371 Pertanian]]
::[[371 Pertanian]]
::[[372 Manusia]]
::[[372 Manusia]]
::[[373 Lelaki]]
::[[373 Lelaki]]
::[[374 Perempuan]]
::[[374 Perempuan]]
::374A. [[Sexuality]]
::[[374A Seksualitas]] (Sexuality)
:2. [[Sensation]]
:2. Sensasi (Sensation)
:1. Sensation in General
:1. Sensasi secara umum (Sensation in General)
::375. Physical Sensibility  
::[[375 Physical Sensibility]] (Physical Sensibility)
::376. Physical Insensibility  
::[[376 Physical Insensibility]] (Physical Insensibility)
::377. Physical [[Pleasure]]
::[[377 Nikmat fisik]] (Physical Pleasure)
::[[378 Sakit fisik]]
::[[378 Sakit fisik]] (Physical Pain)
:2. Special Sensation
:2. Sensasi khusus (Special Sensation)
:(1) Touch
:(1) Sentuh (Touch)
::379. [[Touch]]
::[[379 Sentuh]] (Touch)
::380. Sensations Of Touch  
::[[380 Sensasi indra peraba]] (Sensations Of Touch)
::381. [[Numbness]]
::[[381 Kebas]] (Numbness)
:(2) Heat
:(2) Panas (Heat)
::382. [[Heat]]
::[[382 Panas]] (Heat)
::383. [[Cold]]
::[[383 Dingin]] (Cold)
::384. [[Heating|Calefaction]]
::[[384 Pemanasan]] (Calefaction)
::385. [[Refrigeration]]
::[[385 Pendinginan]] (Refrigeration)
::386. [[Furnace]]
::[[386 Pendiangan]] (Furnace)
::387. [[Refrigerator]]
::[[387 Lemari es]] (Refrigerator)
::388. [[Fuel]]
::[[388 Bahan bakar]] (Fuel)
::388A. [[Insulation]]
::[[388A Insulasi]] (Insulation)
::389. [[Thermometer]]
::[[389 Termometer]] (Thermometer)
:(3) Taste
:(3) Rasa (Taste)
::390. [[Taste]]
::[[390 Rasa]] (Taste)
::391. [[Insipidity]]
::[[391 Hambar]] (Insipidity)
::392. [[Spice|Pungency]]
::[[392 Pungency]] (Pungency)
::392A. [[Salt|Saltiness]]
::[[392A Garam]] (Saltiness)
::392B. Bitterness  
::[[392B Pahit]] (Bitterness)
::393. [[Condiment]]
::[[393 Condiment]] (Condiment)
::394. [[Savoriness]]
::[[394 Lezat]] (Savoriness)
::395. [[Unsavoriness]]
::[[395 Tak enak]] (Unsavoriness)
::396. [[Sugar|Sweetness]]
::[[396 Manis]] (Sweetness)
::397. [[Sourness]]
::[[397 Asam]] (Sourness)
:(4) Odor
:(4) Bau (Odor)
::398. [[Odor]]
::[[398 Bau]] (Odor)
::399. [[Inodorousness]]
::[[399 Tak bau]] (Inodorousness)
::400. [[Fragrance]]
::[[400 Wangi]] (Fragrance)
::401. [[Fetor]]
::[[401 Bau busuk]] (Fetor)
::401A. Acridity  
::[[401A Acridity]] (Acridity)
:(5) [[Sound]]
:(5) Bunyi (Sound)
::(I) Sound in General
::(I) Bunyi secara umum (Sound in General)
::402. [[Sound]]
:::[[402 Bunyi]] (Sound)
::403. [[Silence]]
:::[[403 Hening]] (Silence)
::404. [[Loudness]]
:::[[404 Nyaring]] (Loudness)
::405. [[Faintness]]
:::[[405 Lirih]] (Faintness)
::(II) Specific Sounds
::(II) Bunyi spesifik (Specific Sounds)
::406. [[Snap]]
:::[[406 Bunyi-bunyian]] (Snap)
::407. [[Roll]]
:::[[407 Roll]] (Roll)
::408. [[Resonance]]
:::[[408 Resonance]] (Resonance)
::408A. Nonresonance†
:::[[408A Nonresonance]] (Nonresonance)
::409. [[Sibilation]]
:::[[409 Sibilation]] (Sibilation)
::410. [[Stridor]]
:::[[410 Stridor]] (Stridor)
::411. [[Cry]]
:::[[411 Cry]] (Cry)
::412. [[Ululation]]
:::[[412 Bunyi hewan]] (Ululation)
::(III) Musical Sounds
::(III) Bunyi musik (Musical Sounds)
::413. [[Melody]]. [[Concord]]
:::[[413 Melodi]] (Melody, Concord)
::414. [[Discord]]
:::[[414 Sumbang]] (Discord)
::[[415 Music]]
:::[[415 Musik]] (Musik)
::416. [[Musician]]
:::[[416 Musisi]] (Musician)
::417. [[Musical Instruments]]  
:::[[417 Alat musik]] (Musical Instruments)
::(IV) Perception Of Sound
::(IV) Persepsi suara (Perception Of Sound)
::418. [[Hearing]]
:::[[418 Dengar]] (Hearing)
::419. [[Deafness]]
:::[[419 Tuli]] (Deafness)
:(6) [[Light]]
:(6) Cahaya (Light)
::(I) Light in General
::(I) Cahaya secara umum (Light in General)
::[[420 Cahaya]] Light
:::[[420 Cahaya]] (Light)
::[[421 Gelap]] Darkness
:::[[421 Gelap]] (Darkness)
::422. [[Dimness]]
:::[[422 Temaram]] (Dimness)
::423. [[Luminary]]
:::[[423 Sumber cahaya]] (Luminary)
::424. [[Shade]]
:::[[424 Bayangan]] (Shade)
::425. [[Transparency]]
:::[[425 Bening]] (Transparency)
::426. [[Opacity]]
:::[[426 Tak tembus cahaya]] (Opacity)
::426A. Turbidity  
:::[[426A Keruh]] (Turbidity )
::427. [[Semitransparency]]
:::[[427 Semitransparency]] (Semitransparency)
::(II) Specific Light
::(II) Cahaya khusus (Specific Light)
::428. [[Color]]
:::[[428 Warna]] (Color)
::429. [[Achromatism]]
:::[[429 Tak berwarna]] (Achromatism)
::430. [[White|Whiteness]]
:::[[430 Putih]] (Whiteness)
::431. [[Black|Blackness]]
:::[[431 Hitam]] (Blackness)
::432. [[Gray]]
:::[[432 Abu-abu]] (Gray)
::433. [[Brown]]
:::[[433 Cokelat]] (Brown)
::434. [[Red|Redness]]
:::[[434 Merah]] (Redness)
::435. [[Green|Greenness]]
:::[[435 Hijau]] (Greenness)
::436. [[Yellow|Yellowness]]
:::[[436 Kuning]] (Yellowness)
::437. [[Purple]]
:::[[437 Ungu]] (Purple)
::438. [[Blue|Blueness]]
:::[[438 Biru]] (Blueness)
::439. [[Orange]]
:::[[439 Jingga]] (Orange)
::440. [[Variegation]]
:::[[440 Warna-warni]] (Variegation)
::(III) Perceptions of Light
::(III) Persepsi cahaya (Perceptions of Light)
::[[441 Lihat]]
:::[[441 Lihat]] (Vision)
::442. [[Blindness]]
:::[[442 Buta]] (Blindness)
::443. [[Dimsightedness]]
:::[[443 Rabun]] (Dimsightedness)
::444. [[Spectator]]
:::[[444 Penonton]] (Spectator)
::445. [[Optical Instrument]]s
:::[[445 Alat optik]] (Optical Instruments)
::446. [[Visibility]]
:::[[446 Tampak]] (Visibility)
::447. [[Invisibility]]
:::[[447 Tak tampak]] (Invisibility)
::448. [[Appearance]]
:::[[448 Muncul]] (Appearance)
::449. [[Disappearance]]
:::[[449 Hilang]] (Disappearance)
==Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties==
==Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties==
===Division I. Formation of Ideas===
===Division I. Formation of Ideas===
====Section I. Operations of Intellect in General====
====Bagian I. Operations of Intellect in General====
::450. [[Intellect]]
::[[450 Akal]] (Intellect)
::450A. Absence or Want of Intellect  
::[[450A Tanpa akal]] (Absence or Want of Intellect)
::451. [[Thought]]
::[[451 Pikiran]] (Thought)
::452. [[Incogitancy]]
::[[452 Incogitancy]] (Incogitancy)
::453. [[Idea]]
::[[453 Ide]] (Idea)
::454. [[Topic]]
::[[454 Topik]] (Topic)
====Section II. Precursory Conditions and Operations====
====Section II. Precursory Conditions and Operations====
::455. [[Curiosity]]
::[[455 Ingin tahu]] (Curiosity)
::456. [[Incuriosity]]
::[[456 Tak ingin tahu]] (Incuriosity)
::457. [[Attention]]
::[[457 Perhatian]] (Attention)
::458. [[Inattention]]
::[[458 Tak perhatian]] (Inattention)
::459. [[Care]]
::[[459 Peduli]] (Care)
::460. [[Neglect]]
::[[460 Abai]] (Neglect)
::461. [[Inquiry]]
::[[461 Tanya]] (Inquiry)
::462. [[Answer]]
::[[462 Jawab]] (Answer)
::463. [[Experiment]]
::[[463 Percobaan]] (Experiment)
::464. [[Comparison]]
::[[464 Perbandingan]] (Comparison)
::464A. Incomparability  
::[[464A Incomparability]] (Incomparability)
::465. [[Discrimination]]
::[[465 Discrimination]] (Discrimination)
::465A. Indiscrimination  
::[[465A Indiscrimination]] (Indiscrimination)
::465B. [[Identification]]  
::[[465B Identifikasi]] (Identification)
::466. [[Measurement]]
::[[466 Pengukuran]] (Measurement)
====Section III. Materials for Reasoning====
====Section III. Materials for Reasoning====
::467. [[Evidence]]
::[[467 Bukti]] (Evidence)
::468. Counter Evidence  
::[[468 Counter Evidence]] (Counter Evidence)
::469. [[Qualification]]
::[[469 Qualification]] (Qualification)
::470. [[Possibility]]
::[[470 Possibility]] (Possibility)
::471. [[Impossibility]]
::[[471 Impossibility]] (Impossibility)
::472. [[Probability]]
::[[472 Probability]] (Probability)
::473. [[Improbability]]
::[[473 Improbability]] (Improbability)
::474. [[Certainty]]
::[[474 Pasti]] (Certainty)
::475. [[Uncertainty]]
::[[475 Ragu]] (Uncertainty)
====Section IV. Reasoning Processes====
====Section IV. Reasoning Processes====
::476. [[Reasoning]]
::[[476 Nalar]] (Reasoning)
::477. [[Intuition]] & [[Sophistry]]
::[[477 Intuisi]] (Intuition, Sophistry)
::478. [[Demonstration]]
::[[478 Peragaan]] (Demonstration)
::479. [[Confutation]]
::[[479 Pembantahan]] (Confutation)
====Section V. Results Of Reasoning====
====Section V. Results Of Reasoning====
::480. [[Judgment]]
::[[480 Penilaian]] (Judgment)
::480A. [[Discovery]]
::[[480A Penemuan]] (Discovery)
::481. [[Misjudgment]]
::[[481 Salah menilai]] (Misjudgment)
::482. [[Overestimation]]
::[[482 Menilai terlalu tinggi]] (Overestimation)
::483. [[Underestimation]]
::[[483 Meremehkan]] (Underestimation)
::484. [[Belief]]
::[[484 Belief]] (Belief)
::485. [[Unbelief]]. [[Doubt]]
::[[485 Unbelief]] (Unbelief, Doubt)
::486. [[Credulity]]
::[[486 Credulity]] (Credulity)
::487. [[Incredulity]]
::[[487 Incredulity]] (Incredulity)
::488. [[Assent]]
::[[488 Sepakat]] (Assent)
::489. [[Dissent]]
::[[489 Perselisihan]] (Dissent)
::490. [[Knowledge]]
::[[490 Pengetahuan]] (Knowledge)
::491. [[Ignorance]]
::[[491 Ketidaktahuan]] (Ignorance)
::492. [[Scholar]]
::[[492 Orang arif]] (Scholar)
::493. [[Ignoramus]]
::[[493 Ignoramus]] (Ignoramus)
::[[494 Kebenaran]] Truth
::[[494 Kebenaran]] (Truth)
::495. [[Error]]
::[[495 Kesalahan]] (Error)
::496. [[Maxim]]
::[[496 Maxim]] (Maxim)
::497. [[Absurdity]]
::[[497 Absurdity]] (Absurdity)
::[[498 Pintar]] [[Intelligence]], [[Wisdom]]
::[[498 Pintar]] (Intelligence, Wisdom)
::[[499 Bodoh]] [[Imbecility]], [[Folly]]
::[[499 Bodoh]] (Imbecility, Folly)
::500. [[Sage]]
::[[500 Orang bijak]] (Sage)
::501. [[Fool]]
::[[501 Orang bodoh]] (Fool)
::502. [[Sanity]]
::[[502 Waras]] (Sanity)
::[[503 Gila]] (Insanity)
::[[503 Gila]] (Insanity)
::504. [[Madman]]
::[[504 Orang gila]] (Madman)
====Section VI. Extension of Thought====
====Section VI. Extension of Thought====
:1. To the Past
:1. To the Past
::505. [[Memory]]
::[[505 Ingat]] (Memory)
::506. [[Oblivion]]
::[[506 Lupa]] (Oblivion)
:2. To the Future
:2. To the Future
::507. [[Expectation]]
::[[507 Harap]] (Expectation)
::508. [[Inexpectation]]
::[[508 Inexpectation]] (Inexpectation)
::509. [[Disappointment]]
::[[509 Kecewa]] (Disappointment)
::510. [[Foresight]]
::[[510 Firasat]] (Foresight)
::511. [[Prediction]]
::[[511 Ramalan]] (Prediction)
::512. [[Omen]]
::[[512 Pertanda]] (Omen)
::513. [[Oracle]]
::[[513 Oracle]] (Oracle)
====Section VII. Creative Thought====
====Section VII. Creative Thought====
::514. [[Supposition]]
::[[514 Perumpamaan]] (Supposition)
::514A. [[Analogy]]
::[[514A Analogi]] (Analogy)
::515. [[Imagination]]
::[[515 Imajinasi]] (Imagination)
===Division II. Communication of Ideas===
===Division II. Communication of Ideas===
====Section I. Nature of Ideas Communicated====
====Section I. Nature of Ideas Communicated====
::516. [[Meaning]]
::[[516 Makna]] (Meaning)
::517. [[Unmeaningness]]
::[[517 Tak bermakna]] (Unmeaningness)
::518. [[Intelligibility]]
::[[518 Intelligibility]] (Intelligibility)
::519. [[Unintelligibility]]
::[[519 Unintelligibility]] (Unintelligibility)
::520. [[Equivocalness]]
::[[520 Equivocalness]] (Equivocalness)
::521. [[Metaphor]]
::[[521 Metafora]] (Metaphor)
::522. [[Interpretation]]
::[[522 Interpretation]] (Interpretation)
::523. [[Misinterpretation]]
::[[523 Misinterpretation]] (Misinterpretation)
::524. [[Interpreter]]
::[[524 Interpreter]] (Interpreter)
====Section II. Modes of Communication====
====Section II. Modes of Communication====
::525. [[Manifestation]]
::[[525 Manifestation]] (Manifestation)
::526. [[Latency]]. [[Implication]]
::[[526 Latency]] (Latency, Implication)
::527. [[Information]]
::[[527 Informasi]] (Information)
::527A. [[Correction]]
::[[527A Ralat]] (Correction)
::528. [[Concealment]]
::[[528 Penutup-nutupan]] (Concealment)
::529. [[Disclosure]]
::[[529 Pembeberan]] (Disclosure)
::530. [[Ambush]]
::[[530 Ambush]] (Ambush)
::531. [[Publication]]
::[[531 Penerbitan]] (Publication)
::532. [[News]]
::[[532 Berita]] (News)
::533. [[Secret]]
::[[533 Rahasia]] (Secret)
::534. [[Messenger]]
::[[534 Utusan]] (Messenger)
::535. [[Affirmation]]
::[[535 Afirmasi]] (Affirmation)
::536. [[Negation]]
::[[536 Negasi]] (Negation)
::537. [[Teaching]]
::[[537 Mengajar]] (Teaching)
::538. [[Misteaching]]
::[[538 Misteaching]] (Misteaching)
::539. [[Learning]]
::[[539 Belajar]] (Learning)
::540. [[Teacher]]
::[[540 Guru]] (Teacher)
::541. [[Learner]]
::[[541 Murid]] (Learner)
::542. [[School]]
::[[542 Sekolah]] (School)
::543. [[Veracity]]
::[[543 Kebenaran]] (Veracity)
::544. [[Falsehood]]
::[[544 Dusta]] (Falsehood)
::545. [[Deception]]
::[[545 Penipuan]] (Deception)
::546. [[Untruth]]
::[[546 Untruth]] (Untruth)
::547. [[Dupe]]
::[[547 Tertipu]] (Dupe)
::548. [[Deceiver]]
::[[548 Penipu]] (Deceiver)
::549. [[Exaggeration]]
::[[549 Melebih-lebihkan]] (Exaggeration)
====Section III. Means of Communicating Ideas====
====Section III. Means of Communicating Ideas====
:1. Natural Means
:1. Natural Means
::550. [[Indication]]
::[[550 Indikasi]] (Indication)
::551. [[Record]]
::[[551 Catatan]] (Record)
::552. [[Obliteration]]
::[[552 Pemusnahan]] (Obliteration)
::553. [[Recorder]]
::[[553 Pencatat]] (Recorder)
::554. [[Representation]]
::[[554 Representasi]] (Representation)
::555. [[Misrepresentation]]
::[[555 Misrepresentasi]] (Misrepresentation)
::556. [[Painting]]
::[[556 Lukisan]] (Painting)
::557. [[Sculpture]]
::[[557 Patung]] (Sculpture)
::558. [[Engraving]]
::[[558 Ukiran]] (Engraving)
::559. [[Artist]]
::[[559 Seniman]] (Artist)
:2. Conventional Means
:2. Conventional Means
::1. Language Generally
::1. Language Generally
::560. [[Language]]
:::[[560 Bahasa]] (Language)
::561. [[Letter]]
:::[[561 Huruf]] (Letter)
::562. [[Word]]
:::[[562 Kata]] (Word)
::563. [[Neologism]]
:::[[563 Neologi]] (Neologism)
::564. [[Nomenclature]]
:::[[564 Tata nama]] (Nomenclature)
::565. [[Misnomer]]
:::[[565 Misnomer]] (Misnomer)
::566. [[Phrase]]
:::[[566 Frase]] (Phrase)
::567. [[Grammar]]
:::[[567 Tata bahasa]] (Grammar)
::568. [[Solecism]]
:::[[568 Solecism]] (Solecism)
::569. [[Style]]
:::[[569 Gaya]] (Style)
::570. [[Perspicuity]]
:::[[570 Jelas]] (Perspicuity)
::571. [[Obscurity]]
:::[[571 Tidak jelas]] (Obscurity)
::572. [[Conciseness]]
:::[[572 Ringkas]] (Conciseness)
::573. [[Diffuseness]]
:::[[573 Bertele-tele]] (Diffuseness)
::574. [[Vigor]]
:::[[574 Semangat]] (Vigor)
::575. [[Feebleness]]
:::[[575 Lesu]] (Feebleness)
::576. [[Plainness]]
:::[[576 Sederhana]] (Plainness)
::577. [[Ornament]]
:::[[577 Hiasan]] (Ornament)
::578. [[Elegance]]
:::[[578 Anggun]] (Elegance)
::579. [[Inelegance]]
:::[[579 Canggung]] (Inelegance)
::2. Spoken Language
::2. Spoken Language
::580. [[Voice]]
:::[[580 Suara]] (Voice)
::581. [[Aphony]]
:::[[581 Diam]] (Aphony)
::582. [[Speech]]
:::[[582 Bicara]] (Speech)
::583. [[Stammering]]
:::[[583 Gagap]] (Stammering)
::584. [[Loquacity]]
:::[[584 Pendiam]] (Loquacity)
::585. [[Taciturnity]]
:::[[585 Cerewet]] (Taciturnity)
::586. [[Allocution]]
:::[[586 Allocution]] (Allocution)
::587. [[Response]]
:::[[587 Tanggapan]] (Response)
::588. [[Conversation]]
:::[[588 Percakapan]] (Conversation)
::589. [[Soliloquy]]
:::[[589 Solilokui]] (Soliloquy)
::3. Written Language
::3. Written Language
::590. [[Writing]]
:::[[590 Menulis]] (Writing)
::591. [[Printing]]
:::[[591 Mencetak]] (Printing)
::592. [[Correspondence]]
:::[[592 Korespondensi]] (Correspondence)
::593. [[Book]]
:::[[593 Buku]] (Book)
::594. [[Description]]
:::[[594 Deskripsi]] (Description)
::595. [[Dissertation]]
:::[[595 Disertasi]] (Dissertation)
::596. [[Compendium]]
:::[[596 Compendium]] (Compendium)
::597. [[Poetry]]
:::[[597 Puisi]] (Poetry)
::598. [[Prose]]
:::[[598 Prosa]] (Prose)
::599. The [[Drama]]
:::[[599 Drama]] (Drama)
==Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers==
==Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers==
===Division I. Individual Volition===
===Division I. Individual Volition===
====Section I. Volition in General====
====Section I. Volition in General====
:1. Acts Of Volition
:1. Acts Of Volition
::600. [[Will]]
::[[600 Kemauan]] (Will)
::601. [[Necessity]]
::[[601 Keperluan]] (Necessity)
::602. [[Willingness]]
::[[602 Kesediaan]] (Willingness)
::603. [[Unwillingness]]
::[[603 Keengganan]] (Unwillingness)
::604. [[Resolution]]
::[[604 Tekad]] (Resolution)
::604A. [[Perseverance]]
::[[604A Ketabahan]] (Perseverance)
::605. [[Irresolution]]
::[[605 Keraguan]] (Irresolution)
::606. [[Obstinacy]]
::[[606 Ketegaran]] (Obstinacy)
::607. [[Tergiversation]]
::[[607 Plinplan]] (Tergiversation)
::608. [[Caprice]]
::[[608 Caprice]] (Caprice)
::609. [[Choice]]
::[[609 Pilihan]] (Choice)
::609A. Absence Of Choice  
::[[609A Tak ada pilihan]] (Absence Of Choice)
::610. [[Rejection]]
::[[610 Penolakan]] (Rejection)
::611. [[Predetermination]]
::[[611 Predetermination]] (Predetermination)
::612. [[Impulse]]
::[[612 Impulse]] (Impulse)
::613. [[Habit]]
::[[613 Kebiasaan]] (Habit)
::614. [[Desuetude]]
::[[614 Tak terpakai]] (Desuetude)
:2. Causes of Volition
:2. Causes of Volition
::615. [[Motive]]
::[[615 Motif]] (Motive)
::615A. Absence of Motive  
::[[615A Tak ada motif]] (Absence of Motive )
::616. [[Dissuasion]]
::[[616 Dissuassion]] (Dissuasion)
::617. [[Pretext]]
::[[617 Pretext]] (Pretext)
:3. Objects of Volition
:3. Objects of Volition
::618. [[Good]]
::[[618 Baik]] (Good)
::619. [[Evil]]
::[[619 Jahat]] (Evil)
====Section II. Prospective Volition====
====Section II. Prospective Volition====
:1. Conceptional Volition
:1. Conceptional Volition
::620. [[Intention]]
::[[620 Niat]] (Intention)
::621. [[Chance]]
::[[621 Peluang]] (Chance)
::622. [[Pursuit]]
::[[622 Kejar]] (Pursuit)
::623. [[Avoidance]]
::[[623 Hindar]] (Avoidance)
::624. [[Relinquishment]]
::[[624 Relinquishment]] (Relinquishment)
::625. [[Business]]
::[[625 Bisnis]] (Business)
::626. [[Plan]]
::[[626 Rencana]] (Plan)
::627. [[Method]]
::[[627 Metode]] (Method)
::628. Mid-Course  
::[[628 Tengah jalan]] (Mid-Course)
::629. [[Circuit]]
::[[629 Circuit]] (Circuit)
::630. [[Requirement]]
::[[630 Syarat]] (Requirement)
:2. Subservience to Ends
:2. Subservience to Ends
::1. Actual Subservience
::1. Actual Subservience
::631. [[Instrumentality]]
:::[[631 Instrumentality]] (Instrumentality)
::632. [[Means]]
:::[[632 Sarana]] (Means)
::633. [[Instrument]]
:::[[633 Alat]] (Instrument)
::634. [[Substitute]]
:::[[634 Pengganti]] (Substitute)
::635. [[Materials]]
:::[[635 Bahan]] (Materials)
::636. [[Store]]
:::[[636 Store]] (Store)
::637. [[Provision]]
:::[[637 Provision]] (Provision)
::638. [[Waste]]
:::[[638 Limbah]] (Waste)
::639. [[Sufficiency]]
:::[[639 Memadai]] (Sufficiency)
::640. [[Insufficiency]]
:::[[640 Tak memadai]] (Insufficiency)
::641. [[Redundancy]]
:::[[641 Berlebih]] (Redundancy)
::2. Degree of Subservience
::2. Degree of Subservience
::642. [[Importance]]
:::[[642 Penting]] (Importance)
::643. [[Unimportance]]
:::[[643 Remeh]] (Unimportance)
::644. [[Utility]]
:::[[644 Berguna]] (Utility)
::645. [[Inutility]]
:::[[645 Tak berguna]] (Inutility)
::646. [[Expedience]]
:::[[646 Kelayakan]] (Expedience)
::647. [[Inexpedience]]
:::[[647 Ketaklayakan]] (Inexpedience)
::648. [[Goodness]]
:::[[648 Baik]] (Goodness)
::649. [[Badness]]
:::[[649 Buruk]] (Badness)
::650. [[Perfection]]
:::[[650 Sempurna]] (Perfection)
::651. [[Imperfection]]
:::[[651 Tak sempurna]] (Imperfection)
::652. [[Hygiene|Cleanness]]
:::[[652 Bersih]] (Cleanness)
::653. [[Uncleanness]]
:::[[653 Kotor]] (Uncleanness)
::654. [[Health]]
:::[[654 Sehat]] (Health)
::655. [[Disease]]
:::[[655 Sakit]] (Disease)
::656. [[Salubrity]]
:::[[656 Salubrity]] (Salubrity)
::657. [[Insalubrity]]
:::[[657 Insalubrity]] (Insalubrity)
::658. [[Improvement]]
:::[[658 Sembuh]] (Improvement)
::659. [[Deterioration]]
:::[[659 Parah]] (Deterioration)
::660. [[Restoration]]
:::[[660 Pulih]] (Restoration)
::661. [[Relapse]]
:::[[661 Relapse]] (Relapse)
::662. [[Medicine|Remedy]]
:::[[662 Obat]] (Remedy)
::663. [[Poison|Bane]]
:::[[663 Racun]] (Bane)
::3. Contingent Subservience
::3. Contingent Subservience
::664. [[Safety]]
:::[[664 Aman]] (Safety)
::665. [[Danger]]
:::[[665 Bahaya]] (Danger)
::666. [[Refuge]]
:::[[666 Tempat aman]] (Refuge)
::667. [[Pitfall]]
:::[[667 Tempat bahaya]] (Pitfall)
::668. [[Warning]]
:::[[668 Peringatan]] (Warning)
::669. [[Alarm]]
:::[[669 Tanda peringatan]] (Alarm)
::670. [[Preservation]]
:::[[670 Preservation]] (Preservation)
::671. [[Escape]]
:::[[671 Kabur]] (Escape)
::672. [[Deliverance]]
:::[[672 Deliverance]] (Deliverance)
:3. Precursory Measures
:3. Precursory Measures
::673. [[Preparation]]
::[[673 Persiapan]] (Preparation)
::674. [[Nonpreparation]]
::[[674 Tanpa persiapan]] (Nonpreparation)
::675. [[Essay]]
::[[675 Mencoba]] (Essay)
::676. [[Undertaking]]
::[[676 Upaya]] (Undertaking)
::677. [[Use]]
::[[677 Penggunaan]] (Use)
::678. [[Disuse]]
::[[678 Tidak menggunakan]] (Disuse)
::679. [[Misuse]]
::[[679 Penyalahgunaan]] (Misuse)
====Section III. Voluntary Action====
====Section III. Voluntary Action====
:1. Simple Voluntary Action
:1. Simple Voluntary Action
::680. [[Action]]
::[[680 Bertindak]] (Action)
::681. [[Inaction]]
::[[681 Tidak bertindak]] (Inaction)
::682. [[Activity]]
::[[682 Kegiatan]] (Activity)
::683. [[Inactivity]]
::[[683 Tidak berkegiatan]] (Inactivity)
::684. [[Haste]]
::[[684 Gesa]] (Haste)
::685. [[Leisure]]
::[[685 Santai]] (Leisure)
::686. [[Exertion]]
::[[686 Upaya]] (Exertion)
::687. [[Repose]]
::[[687 Istirahat]] (Repose)
::688. [[Fatigue]]
::[[688 Lelah]] (Fatigue)
::689. [[Refreshment]]
::[[689 Refreshment]] (Refreshment)
::690. [[Agent]]
::[[690 Agent]] (Agent)
::691. [[Workshop]]
::[[691 Workshop]] (Workshop)
:2. Complex Voluntary Action
:2. Complex Voluntary Action
::692. [[Conduct]]
::[[692 Perilaku]] (Conduct)
::693. [[Direction]]
::[[693 Direction]] (Direction)
::694. [[Director]]
::[[694 Director]] (Director)
::695. [[Advice]]
::[[695 Nasihat]] (Advice)
::696. [[Council]]
::[[696 Council]] (Council)
::697. [[Precept]]
::[[697 Precept]] (Precept)
::698. [[Skill]]
::[[698 Terampil]] (Skill)
::699. [[Unskillfulness]]
::[[699 Tidak terampil]] (Unskillfulness)
::700. [[Proficient]]
::[[700 Proficient]] (Proficient)
::701. [[Bungler]]
::[[701 Bungler]] (Bungler)
::702. [[Cunning]]
::[[702 Cunning]] (Cunning)
::703. [[Artlessness]]
::[[703 Artlessness]] (Artlessness)
====Section IV. Antagonism====
====Section IV. Antagonism====
:1. Conditional Antagonism
:1. Conditional Antagonism
::[[704 Sulit]] Difficulty
::[[704 Sulit]] (Difficulty)
::[[705 Mudah]] Facility
::[[705 Mudah]] (Facility)
:2. Active Antagonism
:2. Active Antagonism
::706. [[Hindrance]]
::[[706 Rintangan]] (Hindrance)
::707. [[Aid]]
::[[707 Bantuan]] (Aid)
::708. [[Opposition]]
::[[708 Pertentangan]] (Opposition)
::709. [[Cooperation]]
::[[709 Kerja sama]] (Cooperation)
::710. [[Opponent]]
::[[710 Lawan]] (Opponent)
::711. [[Auxiliary]]
::[[711 Sekutu]] (Auxiliary)
::712. [[Party]]
::[[712 Party]] (Party)
::713. [[Discord]]
::[[713 Perselisihan]] (Discord)
::714. [[Concord]]
::[[714 Kesepakatan]] (Concord)
::715. [[Defiance]]
::[[715 Defiance]] (Defiance)
::716. [[Attack]]
::[[716 Serangan]] (Attack)
::717. [[Defense]]
::[[717 Pertahanan]] (Defense)
::718. [[Retaliation]]
::[[718 Pembalasan]] (Retaliation)
::719. [[Resistance]]
::[[719 Resistance]] (Resistance)
::720. [[Contention]]
::[[720 Contention]] (Contention)
::721. [[Peace]]
::[[721 Damai]] (Peace)
::722. [[Warfare]]
::[[722 Perang]] (Warfare)
::723. [[Pacification]]
::[[723 Pacification]] (Pacification)
::724. [[Mediation]]
::[[724 Mediation]] (Mediation)
::725. [[Submission]]
::[[725 Submission]] (Submission)
::726. [[Combatant]]
::[[726 Petarung]] (Combatant)
::727. [[Arms]]
::[[727 Senjata]] (Arms)
::728. [[Arena]]
::[[728 Arena]] (Arena)
====Section V. Results of Voluntary Action====
====Section V. Results of Voluntary Action====
::729. [[Completion]]
::[[729 Rampung]] (Completion)
::730. [[Noncompletion]]
::[[730 Tidak rampung]] (Noncompletion)
::731. [[Success]]
::[[731 Berhasil]] (Success)
::732. [[Failure]]
::[[732 Gagal]] (Failure)
::733. [[Trophy]]
::[[733 Piala]] (Trophy)
::734. [[Prosperity]]
::[[734 Makmur]] (Prosperity)
::735. [[Adversity]]
::[[735 Cobaan]] (Adversity)
::736. Mediocrity
::[[736 Sedang]] (Mediocrity)
===Division II. Intersocial Volition===
===Division II. Intersocial Volition===
====Section I. General Intersocial Volition====
====Section I. General Intersocial Volition====
::737. [[Authority]]
::[[737 Kewenangan]] (Authority)
::737A. [[Government]]
::[[737A Pemerintah]] (Government)
::737B. [[Politics]]
::[[737B Politik]] (Politics)
::738. [[Laxity]]
::[[738 Laxity]] (Laxity)
::739. [[Severity]]
::[[739 Severity]] (Severity)
::740. [[Lenity]]
::[[740 Lenity]] (Lenity)
::741. [[Command]]
::[[741 Perintah]] (Command)
::742. [[Disobedience]]
::[[742 Pembangkangan]] (Disobedience)
::743. [[Obedience]]
::[[743 Kepatuhan]] (Obedience)
::744. [[Compulsion]]
::[[744 Pemaksaan]] (Compulsion)
::745. [[Master]]
::[[745 Majikan]] (Master)
::746. [[Servant]]
::[[746 Abdi]] (Servant)
::747. [[Scepter]]
::[[747 Scepter]] (Scepter)
::748. [[Freedom]]
::[[748 Kebebasan]] (Freedom)
::749. [[Slavery|Subjection]]
::[[749 Subjection]] (Subjection)
::750. [[Liberation]]
::[[750 Kemerdekaan]] (Liberation)
::751. [[Restraint]]
::[[751 Restraint]] (Restraint)
::752. [[Prison]]
::[[752 Penjara]] (Prison)
::753. [[Keeper]]
::[[753 Keeper]] (Keeper)
::754. [[Prisoner]]
::[[754 Narapidana]] (Prisoner)
::755. [[Commission]]
::[[755 Commission]] (Commission)
::756. [[Abrogation]]
::[[756 Abrogation]] (Abrogation)
::757. [[Resignation]]
::[[757 Resignation]] (Resignation)
::758. [[Consignee]]
::[[758 Consignee]] (Consignee)
::759. [[Deputy]]
::[[759 Deputy]] (Deputy)
====Section II. Special Intersocial Volition====
====Section II. Special Intersocial Volition====
::760. [[Permission]]
::[[760 Izin]] (Permission)
::761. [[Prohibition]]
::[[761 Larangan]] (Prohibition)
::762. [[Consent]]
::[[762 Consent]] (Consent)
::763. [[Offer]]
::[[763 Tawaran]] (Offer)
::764. [[Refusal]]
::[[764 Penolakan]] (Refusal)
::765. [[Request]]
::[[765 Permintaan]] (Request)
::766. [[Deprecation]]
::[[766 Deprecation]] (Deprecation)
::767. [[Petitioner]]
::[[767 Peminta]] (Petitioner)
====Section III. Conditional Intersocial Volition====
====Section III. Conditional Intersocial Volition====
::768. [[Promise]]
::[[768 Janji]] (Promise)
::768A. Release From Engagement  
::[[768A Dilepas dari janji]] (Release From Engagement)
::769. [[Compact]]
::[[769 Perjanjian]] (Compact)
::770. [[Conditions]]
::[[770 Syarat]] (Conditions)
::771. [[Security]]
::[[771 Security]] (Security)
::772. [[Observance]]
::[[772 Observance]] (Observance)
::773. [[Nonobservance]]
::[[773 Nonobservance]] (Nonobservance)
::774. [[Compromise]]
::[[774 Kompromi]] (Compromise)
====Section IV. Possessive Relations====
====Section IV. Possessive Relations====
:1. Property In General
:1. Property In General
::775. [[Acquisition]]
::[[775 Mendapatkan]] (Acquisition)
::776. [[Loss]]
::[[776 Kehilangan]] (Loss)
::777. [[Possession]]
::[[777 Kepemilikan]] (Possession)
::777A. [[Exemption]]  
::[[777A Exemption]] (Exemption)
::778. [[Participation]]
::[[778 Kepemilikan bersama]] (Participation)
::779. [[Possessor]]
::[[779 Pemilik]] (Possessor)
::780. [[Property]]
::[[780 Hak milik]] (Property)
::781. [[Retention]]
::[[781 Menyimpan]] (Retention)
::782. [[Relinquishment]]
::[[782 Melepaskan]] (Relinquishment)
:2. Transfer of Property
:2. Transfer of Property
::783. [[Transfer]]
::[[783 Transfer]] (Transfer)
::784. [[Giving]]
::[[784 Memberi]] (Giving)
::785. [[Receiving]]
::[[785 Menerima]] (Receiving)
::786. [[Apportionment]]
::[[786 Membagikan]] (Apportionment)
::787. [[Lending]]
::[[787 Meminjamkan]] (Lending)
::788. [[Borrowing]]
::[[788 Meminjam]] (Borrowing)
::789. [[Taking]]
::[[789 Mengambil]] (Taking)
::790. [[Restitution]]
::[[790 Mengembalikan]] (Restitution)
::791. [[Theft|Stealing]]
::[[791 Mencuri]] (Stealing)
::792. [[Thief]]
::[[792 Pencuri]] (Thief)
::793. [[Booty]]
::[[793 Curian]] (Booty)
:3. Interchange of Property
:3. Interchange of Property
::794. [[Barter]]
::[[794 Barter]] (Barter)
::795. [[Purchase]]
::[[795 Membeli]] (Purchase)
::796. [[Sale]]
::[[796 Menjual]] (Sale)
::797. [[Merchant]]
::[[797 Pedagang]] (Merchant)
::798. [[Merchandise]]
::[[798 Dagangan]] (Merchandise)
::799. [[Mart]]
::[[799 Toko]] (Mart)
::799A. [[Stock Market]]
::[[799A Pasar saham]] (Stock Market)
::799B. [[Securities]]
::[[799B Sekuritas]] (Securities)
:4. Monetary Relations
:4. Monetary Relations
::800. [[Money]]
::[[800 Uang]] (Money)
::801. [[Treasurer]]
::[[801 Bendahara]] (Treasurer)
::802. [[Treasury]]
::[[802 Perbendaharaan]] (Treasury)
::803. [[Wealth]]
::[[803 Kaya]] (Wealth)
::804. [[Poverty]]
::[[804 Miskin]] (Poverty)
::805. [[Credit]]
::[[805 Piutang]] (Credit)
::806. [[Debt]]
::[[806 Utang]] (Debt)
::807. [[Payment]]
::[[807 Membayar]] (Payment)
::808. [[Nonpayment]]
::[[808 Tidak membayar]] (Nonpayment)
::809. [[Expenditure]]
::[[809 Pengeluaran]] (Expenditure)
::810. [[Receipt]]
::[[810 Receipt]] (Receipt)
::811. [[Accounts]]
::[[811 Accounts]] (Accounts)
::812. [[Price]]
::[[812 Harga]] (Price)
::812A. [[Value]]
::[[812A Nilai]] (Value)
::812B. [[Worthlessness]]
::[[812B Tak berharga]] (Worthlessness)
::813. [[Discount]]
::[[813 Diskon]] (Discount)
::814. [[Dearness]]
::[[814 Mahal]] (Dearness)
::815. [[Cheapness]]
::[[815 Murah]] (Cheapness)
::816. [[Liberality]]
::[[816 Royal]] (Liberality)
::817. [[Economy]]
::[[817 Hemat]] (Economy)
::817A. [[Greed]]  
::[[817A Tamak]] (Greed)
::818. [[Prodigality]]
::[[818 Boros]] (Prodigality)
::819. [[Parsimony]]
::[[819 Kikir]] (Parsimony)
==Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers==
==Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers==
===Section I. Affections in General===
===Section I. Affections in General===
::820. [[Affections]]
::[[820 Affections]] (Affections)
::821. [[Feeling]]
::[[821 Feeling]] (Feeling)
::822. [[Sensibility]]
::[[822 Sensibility]] (Sensibility)
::823. [[Insensibility]]
::[[823 Insensibility]] (Insensibility)
::824. [[Excitation]]
::[[824 Excitation]] (Excitation)
::825. [[Excitability]]
::[[825 Excitability]] (Excitability)
::826. [[Inexcitability]]
::[[826 Inexcitability]] (Inexcitability)
===Section II. Personal Affections===
===Section II. Personal Affections===
====1. Afeksi pasif====
====1. Afeksi pasif====
::[[827. Pleasure]]
::[[827 Pleasure]] (Pleasure)
::[[828 Sakit]] Pain
::[[828 Sakit]] (Pain)
::[[829. [[Pleasurableness]]
::[[829 Pleasurableness]] (Pleasurableness)
::[[830. [[Painfulness]]
::[[830 Painfulness]] (Painfulness)
::[[831. [[Content]]
::[[831 Content]] (Content)
::[[832. [[Discontent]]
::[[832 Discontent]] (Discontent)
::[[833 Sesal]] Regret
::[[833 Sesal]] (Regret)
::[[834 Lega]] Relief
::[[834 Lega]] (Relief)
::[[835 Marah]] Aggravation
::[[835 Marah]] (Aggravation)
::[[836. [[Cheerfulness]]
::[[836 Cheerfulness]] (Cheerfulness)
::[[837. [[Dejection]] (see [[depression]])
::[[837 Dejection]] (Dejection)
::[[838. [[Rejoicing]]
::[[838 Rejoicing]] (Rejoicing)
::[[839. [[Lamentation]]
::[[839 Lamentation]] (Lamentation)
::[[840. [[Amusement]]
::[[840 Amusement]] (Amusement)
::[[841. [[Weariness]]
::[[841 Lelah]] (Weariness)
::[[842. [[Wit]]
::[[842 Wit]] (Wit)
::[[843. [[Dullness]]
::[[843 Bosan]] (Dullness)
::[[844. [[Humorist]]
::[[844 Humorist]] (Humorist)
====2. Discriminative Affections====
====2. Discriminative Affections====
::845. [[Beauty]]
::[[845 Cantik]] (Beauty)
::846. [[Ugliness]]
::[[846 Jelek]] (Ugliness)
::847. [[Ornament]]
::[[847 Hiasan]] (Ornament)
::847A. [[Jewelry]]
::[[847A Perhiasan]] (Jewelry)
::848. [[Blemish]]
::[[848 Noda]] (Blemish)
::849. [[Simplicity]]
::[[849 Kesederhanaan]] (Simplicity)
::850. [[Taste]]
::[[850 Selera]] (Taste)
::851. [[Vulgarity]]
::[[851 Vulgar]] (Vulgarity)
::852. [[Fashion]]
::[[852 Mode]] (Fashion)
::853. [[Ridiculousness]]
::[[853 Konyol]] (Ridiculousness)
::854. [[Fop]]
::[[854 Pesolek]] (Fop)
::855. [[Affectation]]
::[[855 Affectation]] (Affectation)
::856. [[Ridicule]]
::[[856 Cemooh]] (Ridicule)
::857. [[Laughingstock]]
::[[857 Cemoohan]] (Laughingstock)
====3. Prospective Affections====
====3. Prospective Affections====
::[[858 Harapan]] Hope
::[[858 Harapan]] (Hope)
::[[859 Keputusasaan]] Hopelessness
::[[859 Keputusasaan]] (Hopelessness)
::[[860 Takut]] Fear
::[[860 Takut]] (Fear)
::[[861 Keberanian]] Courage
::[[861 Keberanian]] (Courage)
::[[862 Pengecut]] Cowardice
::[[862 Pengecut]] (Cowardice)
::[[863 Sembrono]] Rashness
::[[863 Sembrono]] (Rashness)
::[[864 Hati-hati]] Caution
::[[864 Hati-hati]] (Caution)
::[[865. [[Desire]]
::[[865 Ingin]] (Desire)
::[[866. [[Indifference]]
::[[866 Indifference]] (Indifference)
::[[867. [[Dislike]]
::[[867 Tak suka]] (Dislike)
::[[868. [[Fastidiousness]]
::[[868 Pilih-pilih]] (Fastidiousness)
::[[869. [[Satiety]]
::[[869 Puas]] (Satiety)
====4. Contemplative Affections====
====4. Contemplative Affections====
::870. [[Wonder]]
::[[870 Wonder]] (Wonder)
::871. [[Expectance]]
::[[871 Expectance]] (Expectance)
::872. [[Prodigy]]
::[[872 Prodigy]] (Prodigy)
====5. Extrinsic Affections====
====5. Extrinsic Affections====
::873. [[Repute]]
::[[873 Nama baik]] (Repute)
::874. [[Disrepute]]
::[[874 Nama buruk]] (Disrepute)
::875. [[Nobility]]
::[[875 Ningrat]] (Nobility)
::876. [[Commonalty]]
::[[876 Jelata]] (Commonalty)
::877. [[Title]]
::[[877 Gelar]] (Title)
::878. [[Pride]]
::[[878 Bangga]] (Pride)
::879. [[Humility]]
::[[879 Rendah hati]] (Humility)
::880. [[Vanity]]
::[[880 Sombong]] (Vanity)
::881. [[Modesty]]
::[[881 Modesty]] (Modesty)
::882. [[Ostentation]]
::[[882 Pamer]] (Ostentation)
::883. [[Celebration]]
::[[883 Perayaan]] (Celebration)
::884. [[Boasting]]
::[[884 Membual]] (Boasting)
::885. [[Insolence]]
::[[885 Kurang ajar]] (Insolence)
::886. [[Servility]]
::[[886 Tunduk]] (Servility)
::887. [[Blusterer]]
::[[887 Blusterer]] (Blusterer)
===Section III. Sympathetic Affections===
===Section III. Sympathetic Affections===
====1. Afeksi sosial====
====1. Afeksi sosial====
::[[888 Pertemanan]] Friendship
::[[888 Pertemanan]] (Friendship)
::[[889 Permusuhan]] Enmity
::[[889 Permusuhan]] (Enmity)
::[[890 Teman]] Friend
::[[890 Teman]] (Friend)
::[[891 Musuh]] Enimy
::[[891 Musuh]] (Enimy)
::[[892. [[Sociality]]
::[[892 Bergaul]] (Sociality)
::[[893. [[Seclusion]]. [[Exclusion]]
::[[893 Menyendiri]] (Seclusion, Exclusion)
::[[894. [[Courtesy]]
::[[894 Sopan]] (Courtesy)
::[[895. [[Discourtesy]]
::[[895 Tak sopan]] (Discourtesy)
::[[896. [[Congratulation]]
::[[896 Selamat]] (Congratulation)
::[[897 Cinta]] Love
::[[897 Cinta]] (Love)
::[[898 Benci]] Hate
::[[898 Benci]] (Hate)
::[[899. [[Favorite]]
::[[899 Favorit]] (Favorite)
::[[900. [[Resentment]]
::[[900 Sebal]] (Resentment)
::[[901. [[Irascibility]]
::[[901 Mudah marah]] (Irascibility)
::[[901A. [[Sullenness]]
::[[901A Merengut]] (Sullenness)
::[[902. [[Endearment]]
::[[902 Endearment]] (Endearment)
::[[903 Pernikahan]]
::[[903 Pernikahan]] (Marriage)
::[[904 Selibat]]
::[[904 Selibat]] (Celibacy)
::[[905 Perceraian]]
::[[905 Perceraian]] (Divorce)
====2. Diffusive Sympathetic Affections====
====2. Diffusive Sympathetic Affections====
::906. [[Benevolence]]
::[[906 Kebajikan]] (Benevolence)
::907. [[Malevolence]]
::[[907 Kejahatan]] (Malevolence)
::908. [[Malediction]]
::[[908 Kutuk]] (Malediction)
::909. [[Threat]]
::[[909 Ancam]] (Threat)
::910. [[Philanthropy]]
::[[910 Kedermawanan]] (Philanthropy)
::911. [[Misanthropy]]
::[[911 Kebencian]] (Misanthropy)
::912. [[Benefactor]]
::[[912 Benefactor]] (Benefactor)
::913. Evil Doer  
::[[913 Evil Doer]] (Evil Doer)
====3. Special Sympathetic Affections====
====3. Special Sympathetic Affections====
::914. [[Pity]]
::[[914 Iba]] (Pity)
::914A. [[Pitilessness]]
::[[914A Tanpa iba]] (Pitilessness)
::915. [[Condolence]]
::[[915 Belasungkawa]] (Condolence)
====4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections====
====4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections====
::916. [[Gratitude]]
::[[916 Rasa terima kasih]] (Gratitude)
::917. [[Ingratitude]]
::[[917 Ingratitude]] (Ingratitude)
::918. [[Forgiveness]]
::[[918 Maaf]] (Forgiveness)
::919. [[Revenge]]
::[[919 Balas dendam]] (Revenge)
::920. [[Jealousy]]
::[[920 Cemburu]] (Jealousy)
::921. [[Envy]]
::[[921 Iri]] (Envy)
===Section IV. Moral Affections===
===Section IV. Moral Affections===
====1. Moral Obligations====
====1. Moral Obligations====
::[[922 Benar]] Right
::[[922 Benar]] (Right)
::[[923 Salah]] Wrong
::[[923 Salah]] (Wrong)
::[[924. [[Dueness]]
::[[924 Dueness]] (Dueness)
::[[925. [[Undueness]]
::[[925 Undueness]] (Undueness)
::[[926. [[Duty]]
::[[926 Tugas]] (Duty)
::[[927. [[Dereliction Of Duty]]
::[[927 Abai]] (Dereliction of duty)
::[[927A. [[Exemption]]
::[[927A Exemption]] (Exemption)
====2. Moral Sentiments====
====2. Moral Sentiments====
::[[928 Hormat]]
::[[928 Hormat]] (Respect)
::[[929. [[Disrespect]]
::[[929 Tak hormat]] (Disrespect)
::[[930. [[Contempt]]
::[[930 Menghina]] (Contempt)
::[[931. [[Approbation]]
::[[931 Memuji]] (Approbation)
::[[932. [[Disapprobation]]
::[[932 Menegur]] (Disapprobation)
::[[933 Sanjungan]] Flattery
::[[933 Menyanjung]] (Flattery)
::[[934 Kecaman]] Detraction
::[[934 Mengecam]] (Detraction)
::[[935 Penyanjung]] Flatterer
::[[935 Penyanjung]] (Flatterer)
::[[936 Pengecam]] Detractor
::[[936 Pengecam]] (Detractor)
::[[937. [[Vindication]]
::[[937 Vindication]] (Vindication)
::[[938 Tuduhan]]
::[[938 Tuduhan]] (Accusation)
====3. Moral Conditions====
====3. Moral Conditions====
::[[939. [[Probity]]
::[[939 Kejujuran]] (Probity)
::[[940. [[Improbity]]
::[[940 Ketidakjujuran]] (Improbity)
::[[941. [[Knave]]
::[[941 Knave]] (Knave)
::[[942. [[Disinterestedness]]
::[[942 Apati]] (Disinterestedness)
::[[943. [[Selfishness]]
::[[943 Egois]] (Selfishness)
::[[944. [[Virtue]]
::[[944 Sifat baik]] (Virtue)
::[[945. [[Vice]]
::[[945 Sifat buruk]] (Vice)
::[[946. [[Innocence]]
::[[946 Tak bersalah]] (Innocence)
::[[947. [[Guilt]]
::[[947 Bersalah]] (Guilt)
::[[948. Good Man  
::[[948 Orang baik]] (Good Man)
::[[949. Bad Man  
::[[949 Orang jahat]] (Bad Man)
::[[950. [[Penitence]]
::[[950 Penyesalan]] (Penitence)
::[[951. [[Impenitence]]
::[[951 Tidak menyesal]] (Impenitence)
::[[952. [[Atonement]]
::[[952 Penebusan dosa]] (Atonement)
====4. Moral Practice====
====4. Moral Practice====
::[[953. [[Temperance]]
::[[953 Kesederhanaan]] (Temperance)
::[[954. [[Intemperance]]
::[[954 Intemperance]] (Intemperance)
::[[954A. [[Sensualist]]
::[[954A Sensualist]] (Sensualist)
::[[955. [[Asceticism]]
::[[955 Asceticism]] (Asceticism)
::[[956. [[Fasting]]
::[[956 Puasa]] (Fasting)
::[[957. [[Gluttony]]
::[[957 Rakus]] (Gluttony)
::[[958. [[Sobriety]]
::[[958 Sobriety]] (Sobriety)
::[[959. [[Drunkenness]]
::[[959 Mabuk]] (Drunkenness)
::[[960. [[Purity]]
::[[960 Purity]] (Purity)
::[[961. [[Impurity]]
::[[961 Impurity]] (Impurity)
::[[962. [[Libertine]]
::[[962 Libertine]] (Libertine)
====5. Moral Institutions====
====5. Moral Institutions====
::[[963. [[Legality]]
::[[963 Legal]] (Legality)
::[[964. [[Illegality]]
::[[964 Ilegal]] (Illegality)
::[[965. [[Jurisdiction]]
::[[965 Yurisdiksi]] (Jurisdiction)
::[[966. [[Tribunal]]
::[[966 Pengadilan]] (Tribunal)
::[[967. [[Judge]]
::[[967 Hakim]] (Judge)
::[[968. [[Lawyer]]
::[[968 Pengacara]] (Lawyer)
::[[969. [[Lawsuit]]
::[[969 Lawsuit]] (Lawsuit)
::[[970. [[Acquittal]]
::[[970 Acquittal]] (Acquittal)
::[[971. [[Condemnation]]
::[[971 Condemnation]] (Condemnation)
::[[972. [[Punishment]]
::[[972 Hukuman]] (Punishment)
::[[973. [[Reward]]
::[[973 Reward]] (Reward)
::[[974. [[Penalty]]
::[[974 Penalty]] (Penalty)
::[[975. [[Scourge]]
::[[975 Scourge]] (Scourge)
===Section V. Religious Affections===
===Section V. Religious Affections===
====1. Superhuman Beings and Regions====
====1. Superhuman Beings and Regions====
::[[976. [[Deity]]
::[[976 Tuhan]] (Deity)
::[[977 Malaikat]] Angel
::[[977 Malaikat]] (Angel)
::[[978 Setan]] Satan
::[[978 Setan]] (Satan)
::[[979 Jupiter]] Jupiter
::[[979 Jupiter]] (Jupiter)
::[[980 Iblis]] Demon
::[[980 Iblis]] (Demon)
::[[981 Surga]] Heaven
::[[981 Surga]] (Heaven)
::[[982 Neraka]] Hell
::[[982 Neraka]] (Hell)
====2. Religious Doctrines====
====2. Religious Doctrines====
::[[983 Teologi]]
::[[983 Teologi]] (Theology)
::[[983A. Ortodoksi]] Orthodoxy
::[[983A Ortodoksi]] (Orthodoxy)
::[[984 Heterodoksi]] Heterodoxy
::[[984 Heterodoksi]] (Heterodoxy)
::[[985. Judeo-Christian [[Revelation]]
::[[985 Wahyu]] (Revelation)
::[[986. Pseudo-Revelation  
::986 Pseudo-Revelation  
====3. Religious Sentiments====
====3. Religious Sentiments====
::[[987. [[Piety]]
::[[987 Piety]] (Piety)
::[[988. [[Impiety]]
::[[988 Impiety]] (Impiety)
::[[989. [[Irreligion]]
::[[989 Irreligion]] (Irreligion)
====4. Acts Of Religion====
====4. Acts Of Religion====
::[[990 Ibadah]] Worship
::[[990 Ibadah]] (Worship)
::[[991 Berhala]] Idolatry
::[[991 Berhala]] (Idolatry)
::[[992 Sihir]] Sorcery
::[[992 Sihir]] (Sorcery)
::[[993 Mantra]] Spells
::[[993 Mantra]] (Spells)
::[[994 Penyihir]] Sorcerer
::[[994 Penyihir]] (Sorcerer)
====5. Institusi keagamaan====
::[[995 Churchdom]]
::[[996 Ulama]] Clergy
::[[997 Jemaah]] Laity
::[[998 Ritus]] Rite
::[[999 Kitab suci]] Canonicals
::[[1000 Tempat ibadah]] Temple
====5. Institusi keagamaan====
::[[995 Churchdom]] (Churchdom)
::[[996 Agamawan]] (Clergy)
::[[997 Jemaah]] (Laity)
::[[998 Upacara]] (Rite)
::[[999 Kitab suci]] (Canonicals)
::[[1000 Tempat ibadah]] (Temple)

Current revision as of 00:13, 5 May 2006

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[edit] Kelas I. Kata-kata yang mengungkapkan hubungan abstrak

[edit] Bagian I. Keberadaan

1. Wujud abstrak (Being, in The Abstract)
001 Ada (Existence)
002 Tiada (Inexistence)
2. Wujud konkret (Being, In The Concrete)
003 Substansi (Substantiality)
004 Bukan substansi (Unsubstantiality)
3. Keberadaan formal
005 Intrinsicality (Intrinsicality)
006 Extrinsicality (Extrinsicality)
4. Keberadaan modal
007 State (State)
008 Circumstance (Circumstance)

[edit] Bagian II. Hubungan

1. Hubungan mutlak (absolute relation)
009 Hubungan (Relation)
010 Tak berhubungan (Irrelation)
011 Hubungan darah (Consanguinity)
012 Saling berhubungan (Correlation)
013 Identitas (Identity)
014 Kontras (Contrariety)
015 Perbedaan (Difference)
2. Hubungan berkelanjutan (Continuous relation)
016 Keseragaman (Uniformity)
016-1 Ketakseragaman (Nonuniformity)
3. Hubungan parsial (Partial Relation)
017 Mirip (Similarity)
018 Beda (Dissimilarity)
019 Tiru (Imitation)
020 Nonimitation (Nonimitation)
020-1 Variasi (Variation)
021 Hasil meniru (Copy)
022 Prototipe (Prototype)
4. Hubungan umum (General Relation)
023 Kesepakatan (Agreement)
024 Ketaksepakatan (Disagreement)

[edit] Bagian III. Kuantitas

1. Kuantitas sederhana (Simple Quantity)
025 Kuantitas (Quantity)
026 Derajat (Degree)
2. Kuantitas perbandingan (Comparative Quantity)
027 Kesetaraan (Equality)
028 Ketaksetaraan (Inequality)
029 Rata-rata (Mean)
030 Compensation (Compensation)
1 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan standar (Quantity by Comparison with a Standard)
031 Banyak (Greatness)
032 Sedikit (Smallness)
2 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan benda yang sama (Quantity by Comparison with a Similar Object)
033 Unggul (Superiority)
034 Inferior (Inferiority)
3 Perubahan kuantitas (Changes in Quantity)
035 Bertambah (Increase)
036 Tak bertambah (Nonincrease)
037 Berkurang (Decrease)
3. Kuantitas konjungtif (Conjunctive Quantity)
037 Tambahan (Addition)
038 Pengurangan (Nonaddition, Subtraction)
039 Adjunct (Adjunct)
040 Sisa (Remainder)
040-1 Decrement (Decrement)
041 Campuran (Mixture)
042 Kesederhanaan (Simpleness)
043 Junction (Junction)
044 Disjunction (Disjunction)
045 Connection (Connection)
046 Padu (Coherence)
047 Tidak padu (Incoherence)
048 Kombinasi Combination
049 Decomposition (Decomposition)
4. Kuantitas konkret
050 Utuh (Whole)
051 Bagian (Part)
052 Lengkap (Completeness)
053 Tak lengkap (Incompleteness)
054 Komposisi (Composition)
055 Exclusion (Exclusion)
056 Komponen (Component)
057 Extraneousness (Extraneousness)

[edit] Bagian IV. Aturan

1. Aturan umum (Order in General)
058 Keteraturan (Order)
059 Ketakteraturan (Disorder)
059A Kompleksitas (Complexity)
060 Mengatur (Arrangement)
061 Mengacak (Derangement)
2. Urutan
062 Precedence (Precedence)
063 Sequence (Sequence)
064 Precursor (Precursor)
065 Sequel (Sequel)
066 Awal {Beginning)
067 Akhir (End)
068 Tengah (Middle)
069 Continuity (Continuity)
070 Discontinuity (Discontinuity)
071 Term (Term)
3. Aturan kolektif (Collective order)
072 Pengumpulan (Assemblage)
073 Penyebaran (Nonassemblage, Dispersion)
074 Fokus (Focus)
4. Aturan distributif (Distributive order)
075 Kelas (Class)
076 Inklusi (Inclusion)
077 Eksklusi (Exclusion)
078 Umum (Generality)
079 Khusus (Speciality)
5. Aturan berkaitan dengan kategori (Order as Regards Categories)
080 Normality (Normality)
081 Multiformity (Multiformity)
082 Conformity (Conformity)
083 Unconformity (Unconformity)

[edit] Bagian V. Bilangan

1. Bilangan abstrak (Number, in the Abstract)
084 Bilangan (Number)
085 Penomoran Numeration)
086 Daftar (List)
2. Bilangan tentu (Determinate Number)
087 Satu (Unity)
088 Accompaniment (Accompaniment)
089 Dua (Duality)
090 Penggandaan (Duplication)
091 Bagi dua (Bisection)
092 Tiga (Triality)
093 Rangkap tiga (Triplication)
094 Bagi tiga (Trisection)
095 Empat (Four)
096 Rangkap empat (Quadruplication)
097 Bagi empat (Quadrisection)
098 Lima (Five)
099 Bagi lima (Quinquesection)
3. Bilangan tak tentu (Indeterminate Number)
100 Jamak (Plurality)
100-1 Pecahan (Fraction)
101 Nol (Zero)
102 Banyak (Multitude)
103 Sedikit (Fewness)
104 Pengulangan (Repetition)
105 Tak hingga (Infinity)

[edit] Bagian VI. Waktu

1. Waktu absolut (Absolute time)
106 Waktu Time
107 Neverness (Neverness)
108 Masa tertentu (Period)
108-1 Contingent Duration (Contingent Duration)
109 Masa tak tentu (Course)
110 Masa panjang (Diuturnity)
111 Masa pendek (Transientness)
112 Abadi (Perpetuity)
113 Instan (Instantaneity)
114 Ukuran waktu (Chronometry)
115 Anakronisme (Anachronism)
2. Waktu relatif (Relative Time)
1. Waktu berdasarkan urutan (Time with Reference to Succession)
116 Priority (Priority)
117 Posteriority (Posteriority)
118 Masa kini (The Present Time)
119 Waktu yang berbeda (Different time)
120 Waktu yang sama (Synchronism)
121 Masa depan (Futurity)
122 Masa lalu (The past)
2. Waktu berdasarkan masa tertentu (Time with Reference to a Particular Period)
123 Baru (Newness)
124 Lama (Oldness)
125 Pagi (Morning)
126 Sore (Evening)
127 Muda (Youth)
128 Tua (Age)
129 Anak (Infant)
130 Veteran (Veteran)
131 Remaja (Adolescence)
3. Waktu berdasarkan tujuan (Time with Reference to an Effect or Purpose)
132 Terlalu awal (Earliness)
132A Tepat waktu (Punctuality)
133 Terlambat (Lateness)
134 Occasion (Occasion)
135 Untimeliness (Untimeliness)
3. Waktu berulang (Recurrent Time)
136 Sering (Frequency)
137 Jarang (Infrequency)
138 Berkala (Periodicity)
139 Irregularity of Recurrence (Irregularity of Recurrence)

[edit] Bagian VII. Perubahan

1. Perubahan sederhana (Simple Change)
140 Perubahan (Change)
141 Ketakberubahan (Permanence)
142 Berhenti terjadi (Cessation)
143 Terus berlangsung (Continuance In Action)
144 Conversion (Conversion)
145 Reversion (Reversion)
146 Revolusi (Revolution)
147 Pergantian (Substitution)
148 Pertukaran (Interchange)
2. Perubahan Kompleks (Complex Change)
149 Changeableness (Changeableness)
150 Stabilitas (Stability)
151 Keniscayaan (Eventuality)
152 Takdir (Destiny)

[edit] Bagian VIII. Sebab akibat

1. Constancy of Sequence in Events
153 Sebab (Cause)
154 Akibat (Effect)
155 Attribution (Attribution)
156 Kebetulan (Chance)
2. Hubungan antara sebab-akibat (Connection between Cause and Effect)
157 Kekuasaan (Power)
158 Impotensi (Impotence)
159 Kekuatan (Strength)
160 Kelemahan (Weakness)
3. Kekuatan beroperasi (Power in Operation)
161 Produksi (Production)
162 Penghancuran (Destruction)
163 Reproduksi (Reproduction)
164 Produsen (Producer)
165 Penghancur (Destroyer)
166 Orangtua (Paternity)
167 Keturunan (Posterity)
168 Produktivitas (Productiveness)
169 Tidak produktif (Unproductiveness)
170 Agensia (Agency)
171 Energi fisik (Physical Energy)
172 Inersia fisik (Physical Inertness)
173 Kekerasan (Violence)
174 Moderation (Moderation)
4. Kekuatan tak langsung (Indirect Power)
175 Pengaruh (Influence)
175A Tak ada pengaruh (Absence Of Influence)
176 Kecenderungan (Tendency)
177 Liability (Liability)
5. Kombinasi sebab (Combinations of Causes)
178 Concurrence (Concurrence)
179 Counteraction (Counteraction)
180 Concomitance (Concomitance)

[edit] Class II. Words Relating to Space

[edit] Bagian I. Ruang secara Umum (Space in General)

1. Ruang abstrak (Abstract Space)
180 Ruang (Space)
180A Inextension (Inextension)
181 Wilayah (Region)
182 Tempat (Place)
2. Ruang relatif (Relative Space)
183 Situasi (Situation)
184 Lokasi (Location)
185 Displacement (Displacement)
3. Keberadaan dalam ruang (Existence in Space)
186 Kehadiran (Presence)
187 Ketidakhadiran (Absence)
188 Penghuni (Inhabitant)
189 Tempat tinggal (Abode)
190 Isi (Contents)
191 Wadah (Receptacle)
191A Wadah air

[edit] Bagian II. Dimensi (Dimensions)

1. Dimensi umum (General Dimensions)
192 Besar (Size)
193 Kecil (Littleness)
194 Membesar (Expansion)
195 Mengecil (Contraction)
196 Jauh (Distance)
197 Dekat (Nearness)
198 Interval (Interval)
199 Contiguity (Contiguity)
2. Dimensi linier (Linear Dimensions)
200 Panjang (Length)
201 Pendek (Shortness)
202 Lebar (Breadth, Thickness)
203 Sempit (Narrowness, Thinness)
204 Lapisan (Layer)
205 Tali (Filament)
206 Tinggi (Height)
207 Rendah (Lowness)
208 Dalam (Depth)
209 Dangkal (Shallowness)
210 Puncak (Summit)
211 Dasar (Base)
212 Vertikal (Verticality)
213 Horisontal (Horizontality)
214 Bergantung (Pendency)
215 Mendukung (Support)
216 Paralel (Parallelism)
216A Tegak lurus (Perpendicularity)
217 Obliquity (Obliquity)
218 Inversi (Inversion)
219 Crossing (Crossing)
3. Dimensi sentris (Centrical Dimensions)
1. Umum (General)
220 Exteriority (Exteriority)
221 Interiority (Interiority)
222 Centrality (Centrality)
223 Covering (Covering)
224 Lining (Lining)
225 Pakaian (Clothing)
226 Telanjang (Nudity)
227 Circumjacence (Circumjacence)
228 Interposition (Interposition)
229 Circumscription (Circumscription)
230 Garis luar (Outline)
231 Tepi (Edge)
232 Inclosure (Inclosure)
233 Batas (Limit)
2. Khusus (Special)
234 Depan (Front)
235 Belakang (Rear)
236 Laterality (Laterality)
237 Seberang (Contraposition)
238 Kanan (Dextrality)
239 Kiri (Sinistrality)

[edit] Bagian III. Bentuk (Form)

1. Bentuk umum (General Form)
240 Bentuk (Form)
241 Nirbentuk (Amorphism)
242 Simetri (Symmetry)
243 Distorsi (Distortion)
2. Bentuk khusus (Special Form)
244 Sudut (Angularity)
245 Lengkung (Curvature)
246 Lurus (Straightness)
247 Lingkaran (Circularity)
248 Convolution (Convolution)
249 Bulat (Rotundity)
3. Bentuk permukaan (Superficial Form)
250 Cembung (Convexity)
251 Datar (Flatness)
252 Cekung (Concavity)
252A Spons (Sponge)
253 Tajam (Sharpness)
254 Tumpul (Bluntness)
255 Mulus (Smoothness)
256 Kasar (Roughness)
257 Notch (Notch)
258 Lipat (Fold)
259 Galur (Furrow)
260 Bukaan (Opening)
261 Closure (Closure)
262 Perforator (Perforator)
263 Sumbat (Stopper)

[edit] Bagian IV. Gerak

1. Gerak Umum
264 Gerak (Motion)
265 Geming (Quiescence)
266 Jalan (Journey)
267 Navigation (Navigation)
268 Pejalan (Traveler)
269 Mariner (Mariner)
270 Transference (Transference)
271 Carrier (Carrier)
272 Kendaraan darat (Vehicle)
273 Kendaraan laut (Ship)
273A Kendaraan udara
2. Derajat gerak (Degrees of Motion)
274 Cepat (Velocity)
275 Lambat (Slowness)
3. Motion Conjoined with Force
276 Impulse (Impulse)
277 Recoil (Recoil)
4. Gerak yang memiliki arah (Motion with Reference to Direction)
278 Arah (Direction)
279 Penyimpangan (Deviation)
280 Precession (Precession)
281 Sequence (Sequence)
282 Progression (Progression)
283 Regression (Regression)
284 Mendorong (Propulsion)
285 Menarik (Traction)
286 Mendekat (Approach)
287 Menjauh (Recession)
288 Mendekatkan (Attraction)
289 Menjauhkan (Repulsion)
290 Bertemu (Convergence)
291 Berpisah (Divergence)
292 Tiba (Arrival)
293 Berangkat (Departure)
294 Masuk (Ingress)
295 Keluar (Egress)
296 Memasukkan (Reception)
297 Mengeluarkan (Ejection)
298 Makanan (Food)
299 Pembuangan (Excretion)
300 Insertion (Insertion)
301 Extraction (Extraction)
302 Menembus (Passage)
303 Melampaui (Transcursion)
304 Shortcoming (Shortcoming)
305 Naik (Ascent)
306 Turun (Descent)
307 Menaikkan (Elevation)
308 Menurunkan (Depression)
309 Melompat (Leap)
310 Menukik (Plunge)
311 Memutar (Circuition)
312 Berputar (Rotation)
313 Mengurai (Evolution)
314 Gerakan bolak-balik (Oscillation)
315 Gerakan tak teratur (Agitation)

[edit] Class III. Words Relating to Matter

[edit] Bagian I. Materi secara umum (Matter in General)

316 Materiality (Materiality)
317 Immateriality (Immateriality)
318 Dunia (World)
319 Berat (Gravity)
320 Ringan (Levity)

[edit] Bagian II. Zat anorganik (Inorganic Matter)

1. Benda padat (Solid Matter)
321 Density (Density)
322 Rarity (Rarity)
323 Keras (Hardness)
324 Lunak (Softness)
325 Elastis (Elasticity)
326 Tidak elastis (Inelasticity)
327 Tenacity (Tenacity)
328 Brittleness (Brittleness)
329 Tekstur (Texture)
330 Bubuk (Pulverulence)
331 Pergesekan (Friction)
332 Pelumasan (Lubrication)
2. Benda cair (Fluid Matter)
1. Fluida secara umum (Fluids In General)
333 Cairan (Fluidity)
334 Gas (Gaseity)
335 Meleleh (Liquefaction)
336 Menguap (Vaporization)
2. Fluida tertentu (Specific Fluids)
337 Air (Water)
338 Udara (Air)
339 Basah (Moisture)
340 Kering (Dryness)
341 Laut (Ocean)
342 Daratan (Land)
343 Danau (Gulf, Lake)
344 Padang (Plain)
345 Rawa-rawa (Marsh)
346 Pulau (Island)
3. Fluida bergerak (Fluids in Motion)
347 Arus (Stream)
348 Sungai (River)
349 Angin (Wind)
350 Conduit (Conduit)
351 Airpipe (Airpipe)
3. Fluida tak sempurna (Imperfect Fluids)
352 Semiliquidity (Semiliquidity)
353 Gelembung (Bubble)
354 Pulpiness (Pulpiness)
355 Unctuousness (Unctuousness)
356 Minyak (Oil)
356A Resin (Resin)

[edit] Bagian III. Zat organik (Organik Matter)

1. Kehidupan (Vitality)
1. Kehidupan secara umum (Vitality in General)
357 Organization (Organization)
358 Organization (Inorganization)
359 Hidup
360 Mati
361 Membunuh
362 Mayat (Corpse)
363 Pemakaman
2. Kehidupan khusus (Special Vitality)
364 Animality (Animality)
365 Vegetability (Vegetability)
366 Hewan
367 Sayur
368 Zoologi
369 Botani
370 Peternakan (Husbandry)
371 Pertanian
372 Manusia
373 Lelaki
374 Perempuan
374A Seksualitas (Sexuality)
2. Sensasi (Sensation)
1. Sensasi secara umum (Sensation in General)
375 Physical Sensibility (Physical Sensibility)
376 Physical Insensibility (Physical Insensibility)
377 Nikmat fisik (Physical Pleasure)
378 Sakit fisik (Physical Pain)
2. Sensasi khusus (Special Sensation)
(1) Sentuh (Touch)
379 Sentuh (Touch)
380 Sensasi indra peraba (Sensations Of Touch)
381 Kebas (Numbness)
(2) Panas (Heat)
382 Panas (Heat)
383 Dingin (Cold)
384 Pemanasan (Calefaction)
385 Pendinginan (Refrigeration)
386 Pendiangan (Furnace)
387 Lemari es (Refrigerator)
388 Bahan bakar (Fuel)
388A Insulasi (Insulation)
389 Termometer (Thermometer)
(3) Rasa (Taste)
390 Rasa (Taste)
391 Hambar (Insipidity)
392 Pungency (Pungency)
392A Garam (Saltiness)
392B Pahit (Bitterness)
393 Condiment (Condiment)
394 Lezat (Savoriness)
395 Tak enak (Unsavoriness)
396 Manis (Sweetness)
397 Asam (Sourness)
(4) Bau (Odor)
398 Bau (Odor)
399 Tak bau (Inodorousness)
400 Wangi (Fragrance)
401 Bau busuk (Fetor)
401A Acridity (Acridity)
(5) Bunyi (Sound)
(I) Bunyi secara umum (Sound in General)
402 Bunyi (Sound)
403 Hening (Silence)
404 Nyaring (Loudness)
405 Lirih (Faintness)
(II) Bunyi spesifik (Specific Sounds)
406 Bunyi-bunyian (Snap)
407 Roll (Roll)
408 Resonance (Resonance)
408A Nonresonance (Nonresonance)
409 Sibilation (Sibilation)
410 Stridor (Stridor)
411 Cry (Cry)
412 Bunyi hewan (Ululation)
(III) Bunyi musik (Musical Sounds)
413 Melodi (Melody, Concord)
414 Sumbang (Discord)
415 Musik (Musik)
416 Musisi (Musician)
417 Alat musik (Musical Instruments)
(IV) Persepsi suara (Perception Of Sound)
418 Dengar (Hearing)
419 Tuli (Deafness)
(6) Cahaya (Light)
(I) Cahaya secara umum (Light in General)
420 Cahaya (Light)
421 Gelap (Darkness)
422 Temaram (Dimness)
423 Sumber cahaya (Luminary)
424 Bayangan (Shade)
425 Bening (Transparency)
426 Tak tembus cahaya (Opacity)
426A Keruh (Turbidity )
427 Semitransparency (Semitransparency)
(II) Cahaya khusus (Specific Light)
428 Warna (Color)
429 Tak berwarna (Achromatism)
430 Putih (Whiteness)
431 Hitam (Blackness)
432 Abu-abu (Gray)
433 Cokelat (Brown)
434 Merah (Redness)
435 Hijau (Greenness)
436 Kuning (Yellowness)
437 Ungu (Purple)
438 Biru (Blueness)
439 Jingga (Orange)
440 Warna-warni (Variegation)
(III) Persepsi cahaya (Perceptions of Light)
441 Lihat (Vision)
442 Buta (Blindness)
443 Rabun (Dimsightedness)
444 Penonton (Spectator)
445 Alat optik (Optical Instruments)
446 Tampak (Visibility)
447 Tak tampak (Invisibility)
448 Muncul (Appearance)
449 Hilang (Disappearance)

[edit] Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties

[edit] Division I. Formation of Ideas

[edit] Bagian I. Operations of Intellect in General

450 Akal (Intellect)
450A Tanpa akal (Absence or Want of Intellect)
451 Pikiran (Thought)
452 Incogitancy (Incogitancy)
453 Ide (Idea)
454 Topik (Topic)

[edit] Section II. Precursory Conditions and Operations

455 Ingin tahu (Curiosity)
456 Tak ingin tahu (Incuriosity)
457 Perhatian (Attention)
458 Tak perhatian (Inattention)
459 Peduli (Care)
460 Abai (Neglect)
461 Tanya (Inquiry)
462 Jawab (Answer)
463 Percobaan (Experiment)
464 Perbandingan (Comparison)
464A Incomparability (Incomparability)
465 Discrimination (Discrimination)
465A Indiscrimination (Indiscrimination)
465B Identifikasi (Identification)
466 Pengukuran (Measurement)

[edit] Section III. Materials for Reasoning

467 Bukti (Evidence)
468 Counter Evidence (Counter Evidence)
469 Qualification (Qualification)
470 Possibility (Possibility)
471 Impossibility (Impossibility)
472 Probability (Probability)
473 Improbability (Improbability)
474 Pasti (Certainty)
475 Ragu (Uncertainty)

[edit] Section IV. Reasoning Processes

476 Nalar (Reasoning)
477 Intuisi (Intuition, Sophistry)
478 Peragaan (Demonstration)
479 Pembantahan (Confutation)

[edit] Section V. Results Of Reasoning

480 Penilaian (Judgment)
480A Penemuan (Discovery)
481 Salah menilai (Misjudgment)
482 Menilai terlalu tinggi (Overestimation)
483 Meremehkan (Underestimation)
484 Belief (Belief)
485 Unbelief (Unbelief, Doubt)
486 Credulity (Credulity)
487 Incredulity (Incredulity)
488 Sepakat (Assent)
489 Perselisihan (Dissent)
490 Pengetahuan (Knowledge)
491 Ketidaktahuan (Ignorance)
492 Orang arif (Scholar)
493 Ignoramus (Ignoramus)
494 Kebenaran (Truth)
495 Kesalahan (Error)
496 Maxim (Maxim)
497 Absurdity (Absurdity)
498 Pintar (Intelligence, Wisdom)
499 Bodoh (Imbecility, Folly)
500 Orang bijak (Sage)
501 Orang bodoh (Fool)
502 Waras (Sanity)
503 Gila (Insanity)
504 Orang gila (Madman)

[edit] Section VI. Extension of Thought

1. To the Past
505 Ingat (Memory)
506 Lupa (Oblivion)
2. To the Future
507 Harap (Expectation)
508 Inexpectation (Inexpectation)
509 Kecewa (Disappointment)
510 Firasat (Foresight)
511 Ramalan (Prediction)
512 Pertanda (Omen)
513 Oracle (Oracle)

[edit] Section VII. Creative Thought

514 Perumpamaan (Supposition)
514A Analogi (Analogy)
515 Imajinasi (Imagination)

[edit] Division II. Communication of Ideas

[edit] Section I. Nature of Ideas Communicated

516 Makna (Meaning)
517 Tak bermakna (Unmeaningness)
518 Intelligibility (Intelligibility)
519 Unintelligibility (Unintelligibility)
520 Equivocalness (Equivocalness)
521 Metafora (Metaphor)
522 Interpretation (Interpretation)
523 Misinterpretation (Misinterpretation)
524 Interpreter (Interpreter)

[edit] Section II. Modes of Communication

525 Manifestation (Manifestation)
526 Latency (Latency, Implication)
527 Informasi (Information)
527A Ralat (Correction)
528 Penutup-nutupan (Concealment)
529 Pembeberan (Disclosure)
530 Ambush (Ambush)
531 Penerbitan (Publication)
532 Berita (News)
533 Rahasia (Secret)
534 Utusan (Messenger)
535 Afirmasi (Affirmation)
536 Negasi (Negation)
537 Mengajar (Teaching)
538 Misteaching (Misteaching)
539 Belajar (Learning)
540 Guru (Teacher)
541 Murid (Learner)
542 Sekolah (School)
543 Kebenaran (Veracity)
544 Dusta (Falsehood)
545 Penipuan (Deception)
546 Untruth (Untruth)
547 Tertipu (Dupe)
548 Penipu (Deceiver)
549 Melebih-lebihkan (Exaggeration)

[edit] Section III. Means of Communicating Ideas

1. Natural Means
550 Indikasi (Indication)
551 Catatan (Record)
552 Pemusnahan (Obliteration)
553 Pencatat (Recorder)
554 Representasi (Representation)
555 Misrepresentasi (Misrepresentation)
556 Lukisan (Painting)
557 Patung (Sculpture)
558 Ukiran (Engraving)
559 Seniman (Artist)
2. Conventional Means
1. Language Generally
560 Bahasa (Language)
561 Huruf (Letter)
562 Kata (Word)
563 Neologi (Neologism)
564 Tata nama (Nomenclature)
565 Misnomer (Misnomer)
566 Frase (Phrase)
567 Tata bahasa (Grammar)
568 Solecism (Solecism)
569 Gaya (Style)
570 Jelas (Perspicuity)
571 Tidak jelas (Obscurity)
572 Ringkas (Conciseness)
573 Bertele-tele (Diffuseness)
574 Semangat (Vigor)
575 Lesu (Feebleness)
576 Sederhana (Plainness)
577 Hiasan (Ornament)
578 Anggun (Elegance)
579 Canggung (Inelegance)
2. Spoken Language
580 Suara (Voice)
581 Diam (Aphony)
582 Bicara (Speech)
583 Gagap (Stammering)
584 Pendiam (Loquacity)
585 Cerewet (Taciturnity)
586 Allocution (Allocution)
587 Tanggapan (Response)
588 Percakapan (Conversation)
589 Solilokui (Soliloquy)
3. Written Language
590 Menulis (Writing)
591 Mencetak (Printing)
592 Korespondensi (Correspondence)
593 Buku (Book)
594 Deskripsi (Description)
595 Disertasi (Dissertation)
596 Compendium (Compendium)
597 Puisi (Poetry)
598 Prosa (Prose)
599 Drama (Drama)

[edit] Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers

[edit] Division I. Individual Volition

[edit] Section I. Volition in General

1. Acts Of Volition
600 Kemauan (Will)
601 Keperluan (Necessity)
602 Kesediaan (Willingness)
603 Keengganan (Unwillingness)
604 Tekad (Resolution)
604A Ketabahan (Perseverance)
605 Keraguan (Irresolution)
606 Ketegaran (Obstinacy)
607 Plinplan (Tergiversation)
608 Caprice (Caprice)
609 Pilihan (Choice)
609A Tak ada pilihan (Absence Of Choice)
610 Penolakan (Rejection)
611 Predetermination (Predetermination)
612 Impulse (Impulse)
613 Kebiasaan (Habit)
614 Tak terpakai (Desuetude)
2. Causes of Volition
615 Motif (Motive)
615A Tak ada motif (Absence of Motive )
616 Dissuassion (Dissuasion)
617 Pretext (Pretext)
3. Objects of Volition
618 Baik (Good)
619 Jahat (Evil)

[edit] Section II. Prospective Volition

1. Conceptional Volition
620 Niat (Intention)
621 Peluang (Chance)
622 Kejar (Pursuit)
623 Hindar (Avoidance)
624 Relinquishment (Relinquishment)
625 Bisnis (Business)
626 Rencana (Plan)
627 Metode (Method)
628 Tengah jalan (Mid-Course)
629 Circuit (Circuit)
630 Syarat (Requirement)
2. Subservience to Ends
1. Actual Subservience
631 Instrumentality (Instrumentality)
632 Sarana (Means)
633 Alat (Instrument)
634 Pengganti (Substitute)
635 Bahan (Materials)
636 Store (Store)
637 Provision (Provision)
638 Limbah (Waste)
639 Memadai (Sufficiency)
640 Tak memadai (Insufficiency)
641 Berlebih (Redundancy)
2. Degree of Subservience
642 Penting (Importance)
643 Remeh (Unimportance)
644 Berguna (Utility)
645 Tak berguna (Inutility)
646 Kelayakan (Expedience)
647 Ketaklayakan (Inexpedience)
648 Baik (Goodness)
649 Buruk (Badness)
650 Sempurna (Perfection)
651 Tak sempurna (Imperfection)
652 Bersih (Cleanness)
653 Kotor (Uncleanness)
654 Sehat (Health)
655 Sakit (Disease)
656 Salubrity (Salubrity)
657 Insalubrity (Insalubrity)
658 Sembuh (Improvement)
659 Parah (Deterioration)
660 Pulih (Restoration)
661 Relapse (Relapse)
662 Obat (Remedy)
663 Racun (Bane)
3. Contingent Subservience
664 Aman (Safety)
665 Bahaya (Danger)
666 Tempat aman (Refuge)
667 Tempat bahaya (Pitfall)
668 Peringatan (Warning)
669 Tanda peringatan (Alarm)
670 Preservation (Preservation)
671 Kabur (Escape)
672 Deliverance (Deliverance)
3. Precursory Measures
673 Persiapan (Preparation)
674 Tanpa persiapan (Nonpreparation)
675 Mencoba (Essay)
676 Upaya (Undertaking)
677 Penggunaan (Use)
678 Tidak menggunakan (Disuse)
679 Penyalahgunaan (Misuse)

[edit] Section III. Voluntary Action

1. Simple Voluntary Action
680 Bertindak (Action)
681 Tidak bertindak (Inaction)
682 Kegiatan (Activity)
683 Tidak berkegiatan (Inactivity)
684 Gesa (Haste)
685 Santai (Leisure)
686 Upaya (Exertion)
687 Istirahat (Repose)
688 Lelah (Fatigue)
689 Refreshment (Refreshment)
690 Agent (Agent)
691 Workshop (Workshop)
2. Complex Voluntary Action
692 Perilaku (Conduct)
693 Direction (Direction)
694 Director (Director)
695 Nasihat (Advice)
696 Council (Council)
697 Precept (Precept)
698 Terampil (Skill)
699 Tidak terampil (Unskillfulness)
700 Proficient (Proficient)
701 Bungler (Bungler)
702 Cunning (Cunning)
703 Artlessness (Artlessness)

[edit] Section IV. Antagonism

1. Conditional Antagonism
704 Sulit (Difficulty)
705 Mudah (Facility)
2. Active Antagonism
706 Rintangan (Hindrance)
707 Bantuan (Aid)
708 Pertentangan (Opposition)
709 Kerja sama (Cooperation)
710 Lawan (Opponent)
711 Sekutu (Auxiliary)
712 Party (Party)
713 Perselisihan (Discord)
714 Kesepakatan (Concord)
715 Defiance (Defiance)
716 Serangan (Attack)
717 Pertahanan (Defense)
718 Pembalasan (Retaliation)
719 Resistance (Resistance)
720 Contention (Contention)
721 Damai (Peace)
722 Perang (Warfare)
723 Pacification (Pacification)
724 Mediation (Mediation)
725 Submission (Submission)
726 Petarung (Combatant)
727 Senjata (Arms)
728 Arena (Arena)

[edit] Section V. Results of Voluntary Action

729 Rampung (Completion)
730 Tidak rampung (Noncompletion)
731 Berhasil (Success)
732 Gagal (Failure)
733 Piala (Trophy)
734 Makmur (Prosperity)
735 Cobaan (Adversity)
736 Sedang (Mediocrity)

[edit] Division II. Intersocial Volition

[edit] Section I. General Intersocial Volition

737 Kewenangan (Authority)
737A Pemerintah (Government)
737B Politik (Politics)
738 Laxity (Laxity)
739 Severity (Severity)
740 Lenity (Lenity)
741 Perintah (Command)
742 Pembangkangan (Disobedience)
743 Kepatuhan (Obedience)
744 Pemaksaan (Compulsion)
745 Majikan (Master)
746 Abdi (Servant)
747 Scepter (Scepter)
748 Kebebasan (Freedom)
749 Subjection (Subjection)
750 Kemerdekaan (Liberation)
751 Restraint (Restraint)
752 Penjara (Prison)
753 Keeper (Keeper)
754 Narapidana (Prisoner)
755 Commission (Commission)
756 Abrogation (Abrogation)
757 Resignation (Resignation)
758 Consignee (Consignee)
759 Deputy (Deputy)

[edit] Section II. Special Intersocial Volition

760 Izin (Permission)
761 Larangan (Prohibition)
762 Consent (Consent)
763 Tawaran (Offer)
764 Penolakan (Refusal)
765 Permintaan (Request)
766 Deprecation (Deprecation)
767 Peminta (Petitioner)

[edit] Section III. Conditional Intersocial Volition

768 Janji (Promise)
768A Dilepas dari janji (Release From Engagement)
769 Perjanjian (Compact)
770 Syarat (Conditions)
771 Security (Security)
772 Observance (Observance)
773 Nonobservance (Nonobservance)
774 Kompromi (Compromise)

[edit] Section IV. Possessive Relations

1. Property In General
775 Mendapatkan (Acquisition)
776 Kehilangan (Loss)
777 Kepemilikan (Possession)
777A Exemption (Exemption)
778 Kepemilikan bersama (Participation)
779 Pemilik (Possessor)
780 Hak milik (Property)
781 Menyimpan (Retention)
782 Melepaskan (Relinquishment)
2. Transfer of Property
783 Transfer (Transfer)
784 Memberi (Giving)
785 Menerima (Receiving)
786 Membagikan (Apportionment)
787 Meminjamkan (Lending)
788 Meminjam (Borrowing)
789 Mengambil (Taking)
790 Mengembalikan (Restitution)
791 Mencuri (Stealing)
792 Pencuri (Thief)
793 Curian (Booty)
3. Interchange of Property
794 Barter (Barter)
795 Membeli (Purchase)
796 Menjual (Sale)
797 Pedagang (Merchant)
798 Dagangan (Merchandise)
799 Toko (Mart)
799A Pasar saham (Stock Market)
799B Sekuritas (Securities)
4. Monetary Relations
800 Uang (Money)
801 Bendahara (Treasurer)
802 Perbendaharaan (Treasury)
803 Kaya (Wealth)
804 Miskin (Poverty)
805 Piutang (Credit)
806 Utang (Debt)
807 Membayar (Payment)
808 Tidak membayar (Nonpayment)
809 Pengeluaran (Expenditure)
810 Receipt (Receipt)
811 Accounts (Accounts)
812 Harga (Price)
812A Nilai (Value)
812B Tak berharga (Worthlessness)
813 Diskon (Discount)
814 Mahal (Dearness)
815 Murah (Cheapness)
816 Royal (Liberality)
817 Hemat (Economy)
817A Tamak (Greed)
818 Boros (Prodigality)
819 Kikir (Parsimony)

[edit] Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers

[edit] Section I. Affections in General

820 Affections (Affections)
821 Feeling (Feeling)
822 Sensibility (Sensibility)
823 Insensibility (Insensibility)
824 Excitation (Excitation)
825 Excitability (Excitability)
826 Inexcitability (Inexcitability)

[edit] Section II. Personal Affections

[edit] 1. Afeksi pasif

827 Pleasure (Pleasure)
828 Sakit (Pain)
829 Pleasurableness (Pleasurableness)
830 Painfulness (Painfulness)
831 Content (Content)
832 Discontent (Discontent)
833 Sesal (Regret)
834 Lega (Relief)
835 Marah (Aggravation)
836 Cheerfulness (Cheerfulness)
837 Dejection (Dejection)
838 Rejoicing (Rejoicing)
839 Lamentation (Lamentation)
840 Amusement (Amusement)
841 Lelah (Weariness)
842 Wit (Wit)
843 Bosan (Dullness)
844 Humorist (Humorist)

[edit] 2. Discriminative Affections

845 Cantik (Beauty)
846 Jelek (Ugliness)
847 Hiasan (Ornament)
847A Perhiasan (Jewelry)
848 Noda (Blemish)
849 Kesederhanaan (Simplicity)
850 Selera (Taste)
851 Vulgar (Vulgarity)
852 Mode (Fashion)
853 Konyol (Ridiculousness)
854 Pesolek (Fop)
855 Affectation (Affectation)
856 Cemooh (Ridicule)
857 Cemoohan (Laughingstock)

[edit] 3. Prospective Affections

858 Harapan (Hope)
859 Keputusasaan (Hopelessness)
860 Takut (Fear)
861 Keberanian (Courage)
862 Pengecut (Cowardice)
863 Sembrono (Rashness)
864 Hati-hati (Caution)
865 Ingin (Desire)
866 Indifference (Indifference)
867 Tak suka (Dislike)
868 Pilih-pilih (Fastidiousness)
869 Puas (Satiety)

[edit] 4. Contemplative Affections

870 Wonder (Wonder)
871 Expectance (Expectance)
872 Prodigy (Prodigy)

[edit] 5. Extrinsic Affections

873 Nama baik (Repute)
874 Nama buruk (Disrepute)
875 Ningrat (Nobility)
876 Jelata (Commonalty)
877 Gelar (Title)
878 Bangga (Pride)
879 Rendah hati (Humility)
880 Sombong (Vanity)
881 Modesty (Modesty)
882 Pamer (Ostentation)
883 Perayaan (Celebration)
884 Membual (Boasting)
885 Kurang ajar (Insolence)
886 Tunduk (Servility)
887 Blusterer (Blusterer)

[edit] Section III. Sympathetic Affections

[edit] 1. Afeksi sosial

888 Pertemanan (Friendship)
889 Permusuhan (Enmity)
890 Teman (Friend)
891 Musuh (Enimy)
892 Bergaul (Sociality)
893 Menyendiri (Seclusion, Exclusion)
894 Sopan (Courtesy)
895 Tak sopan (Discourtesy)
896 Selamat (Congratulation)
897 Cinta (Love)
898 Benci (Hate)
899 Favorit (Favorite)
900 Sebal (Resentment)
901 Mudah marah (Irascibility)
901A Merengut (Sullenness)
902 Endearment (Endearment)
903 Pernikahan (Marriage)
904 Selibat (Celibacy)
905 Perceraian (Divorce)

[edit] 2. Diffusive Sympathetic Affections

906 Kebajikan (Benevolence)
907 Kejahatan (Malevolence)
908 Kutuk (Malediction)
909 Ancam (Threat)
910 Kedermawanan (Philanthropy)
911 Kebencian (Misanthropy)
912 Benefactor (Benefactor)
913 Evil Doer (Evil Doer)

[edit] 3. Special Sympathetic Affections

914 Iba (Pity)
914A Tanpa iba (Pitilessness)
915 Belasungkawa (Condolence)

[edit] 4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections

916 Rasa terima kasih (Gratitude)
917 Ingratitude (Ingratitude)
918 Maaf (Forgiveness)
919 Balas dendam (Revenge)
920 Cemburu (Jealousy)
921 Iri (Envy)

[edit] Section IV. Moral Affections

[edit] 1. Moral Obligations

922 Benar (Right)
923 Salah (Wrong)
924 Dueness (Dueness)
925 Undueness (Undueness)
926 Tugas (Duty)
927 Abai (Dereliction of duty)
927A Exemption (Exemption)

[edit] 2. Moral Sentiments

928 Hormat (Respect)
929 Tak hormat (Disrespect)
930 Menghina (Contempt)
931 Memuji (Approbation)
932 Menegur (Disapprobation)
933 Menyanjung (Flattery)
934 Mengecam (Detraction)
935 Penyanjung (Flatterer)
936 Pengecam (Detractor)
937 Vindication (Vindication)
938 Tuduhan (Accusation)

[edit] 3. Moral Conditions

939 Kejujuran (Probity)
940 Ketidakjujuran (Improbity)
941 Knave (Knave)
942 Apati (Disinterestedness)
943 Egois (Selfishness)
944 Sifat baik (Virtue)
945 Sifat buruk (Vice)
946 Tak bersalah (Innocence)
947 Bersalah (Guilt)
948 Orang baik (Good Man)
949 Orang jahat (Bad Man)
950 Penyesalan (Penitence)
951 Tidak menyesal (Impenitence)
952 Penebusan dosa (Atonement)

[edit] 4. Moral Practice

953 Kesederhanaan (Temperance)
954 Intemperance (Intemperance)
954A Sensualist (Sensualist)
955 Asceticism (Asceticism)
956 Puasa (Fasting)
957 Rakus (Gluttony)
958 Sobriety (Sobriety)
959 Mabuk (Drunkenness)
960 Purity (Purity)
961 Impurity (Impurity)
962 Libertine (Libertine)

[edit] 5. Moral Institutions

963 Legal (Legality)
964 Ilegal (Illegality)
965 Yurisdiksi (Jurisdiction)
966 Pengadilan (Tribunal)
967 Hakim (Judge)
968 Pengacara (Lawyer)
969 Lawsuit (Lawsuit)
970 Acquittal (Acquittal)
971 Condemnation (Condemnation)
972 Hukuman (Punishment)
973 Reward (Reward)
974 Penalty (Penalty)
975 Scourge (Scourge)

[edit] Section V. Religious Affections

[edit] 1. Superhuman Beings and Regions

976 Tuhan (Deity)
977 Malaikat (Angel)
978 Setan (Satan)
979 Jupiter (Jupiter)
980 Iblis (Demon)
981 Surga (Heaven)
982 Neraka (Hell)

[edit] 2. Religious Doctrines

983 Teologi (Theology)
983A Ortodoksi (Orthodoxy)
984 Heterodoksi (Heterodoxy)
985 Wahyu (Revelation)
986 Pseudo-Revelation

[edit] 3. Religious Sentiments

987 Piety (Piety)
988 Impiety (Impiety)
989 Irreligion (Irreligion)

[edit] 4. Acts Of Religion

990 Ibadah (Worship)
991 Berhala (Idolatry)
992 Sihir (Sorcery)
993 Mantra (Spells)
994 Penyihir (Sorcerer)

[edit] 5. Institusi keagamaan

995 Churchdom (Churchdom)
996 Agamawan (Clergy)
997 Jemaah (Laity)
998 Upacara (Rite)
999 Kitab suci (Canonicals)
1000 Tempat ibadah (Temple)
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