Luigi Mario

From Tekken City

</a>the problem is that game deelropevs believe that their games are a service rather than a product. and currently the law is gray on which it actually is (deelropevs say you don't own the right to the content on the disc because the data is a service and the disc simply allows you to access that service (it's also how digi-distributors can threaten to ban you from their service and lock out your games with no chance to refund or retrieve the games) but if we go by the standard practice where when you buy something you have the right to it (for instance you could buy a book and write in the margins or cut out the letters to make a nice ransom note) honestly there needs to be a class-action suit against this so that it can be taken to the supreme court where it can be finally decided just how much your right to the content ends VN:R_U [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)

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