Cecil Ward
From Tehwiki
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Cecil Ward's parents were serfs struggling to get by on Lord Marud's estate in Valdis, nestled in the flatlands of northern Archanea. An uneducated youth doing most anything to get by he and his twin brother Michael were grateful to be conscripted into the Imperial Army when they came of age. Because prior to their conscription their father had taught them how to hunt with a bow and arrow they decided to take up the bow. In his training Cecil Ward showed great promise with the bow and was commended many a time by his commanders. Swiftly he rose in the ranks while his resentful brother remained on the sidelines. He faced bandits, rebels and other threats to Archanea growing stronger and more accurate with every battle. The commander of Archanea's archery unit himself saw Cecil practicing and asked about his performance. Thanks to this he was selected for exclusive and expensive officer training where his bow skills were polished and he was educated. A now-literate Cecil graduated and was given his first command in a minor skirmish with Aurelis where he was the one to snipe the Aurelian officer and cause confusion in their ranks.
This exploit reached the ears of Emperor Arne who wanted to see the sniper for himself and he got this very chance at an archery tournament which Cecil won. Arne asked Cecil to personally tutor his children. He gratefully accepted--not that he truly had any choice. He worked with Arne's sons teaching them the basics of archery but the youngest, a sickly one by the name of Perren, had difficulty using the bow. Cecil took interest in Perren and spent time with the boy eventually learning of his situation. As soon as he found out what Arne was doing he was angered but powerless to do anything. Perren had his friends--Ysionris and Gwendoline--but he needed a father figure in his life where Arne was not. Whereas he failed as a teacher of archery Cecil excelled as a father to the abused prince. The emperor eventually accepted Cecil's proposal to serve as Perren's principal guard and servant, and it was there that he learned how to blend into the shadows and protect the boy but watch powerlessly as Perren slaughtered his siblings. He thought that Perren was turning into a monster until Perren turned around and asked him to hide his little sister Rosary away and fake her death.
He sent word to an archmagus in Khadein who arranged for the girl's safe trip there and the faking of her death. Arne was successfully fooled and when Rosary was hidden away Cecil could see the humanity remaining in Perren but it came of no surprise for deep down he believed Arne had it coming for him. For his unquestioned loyalty Cecil was awarded command of the Empire's archers but remained everpresent in his liege's shadow.
Cecil's skin--darkened further by the sun--is a cocoa shade. He possesses neck-length brown almost black hair brushed back neatly with a few strands hanging over his temples. Rarely does he wear a helmet for he just finds them a nuisance. He has gentle blue-gray hazel eyes that can relay a fatherly elder or a fierce protector. Though usually clean-shaven maintains a pair of short sideburns. His build befits him, as he is a slender man.
He prefers simple and non-constricting when it comes to armor. And so the only armor he has consists of a breastplate and thighplates over light chainmail of mithril. Khaki pants gather into leather boots. Leather guards decorated with floral symbols adorn gloved hands. Covering the entire ensemble is a dark green hooded cloak--with a golden clasp upon which is an emerald--over which is strapped a quiver full of varying arrows and bolts. Hanging at his belt is a sword for close combat. His humble ensemble has served him well
- Loyal
- Honourable