Programming Tips

From Team1370

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Aliases to keep in mind

  • pwm## where the number ranges from 01 to 12 (and up to 16 if the "Generate_Pwms(pwm13,pwm14,pwm15,pwm16);" is included in the "void Process_Data_From_Master_uP(void)" function of the user_routines.c file)

The pwm## alias is used to assign an output value to the speed controllers according to the pwm slots that they are each plugged into. Values range from 0 to 255

  • p#_? where the number ranges from 1 to 4 and the ? sign is either "x", "y", or "wheel"

This alias represents the value of one of a specific joystick's axis positions. It may be from one of the four possible joysticks, of which it may be either the x-axis, y-axis, or throttle wheel (if one exists). Values range from 0 to 255

  • p#_sw_? where the number ranges from 1 to 4 and the ? sign is either "trig", "top", "aux1", or "aux2"

This alias represents the value of one of a specific joystick's buttons. It may be from one of the four possible joysticks, of which it may be either the trigger, top, or side buttons. Values are either 0 (normal) or 1 (pressed)

  • pwm01 and pwm02 are used by the camera code to control the servos. One thing to remember is that, unlike with a normal motor, the value of these correspond to positions (127 is center) such that assigning 200 would make the servos jump to that position -- instead of spinning forward at the given speed. Thus, the value can also be used in reverse, to determine the position of the camera.

Compiling errors got you down?

  • Check for missing or extra semicolons and parentheses. They can be a real hassle.
  • Make sure you declare variables at the top of a function (remember, this is C, not C++)
  • Functions should be prototyped in a header file that is included in the .c file

Other things to remember

  • The Limit_Mix function can be used to limit the value of something to between 0 and 254. Just make sure that the input sent to the function is somewhere around 2000 to 2254 in most cases (in other words, add 2000 to your equations before encasing them in a Limit_Mix).

Team 1370 Robot Code

Here is a link to the current version of our Robot Code 2006, which is a good example of various programming techniques we use.

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