From Team1370
Wiki Editing Help
Before editing a page, please create an account or log into an account, by clicking the appropriate link in the far upper right of the page.
Basic wiki editing instructions can be found here, please read them before editing a page. Disregard the section about images, the manner in which images can be put on a page is described below.
Please see the User's Guide for advanced usage and configuration topics.
Posting images on this site
Get an account at a free image hosting service, such as, and upload your images there. Then just put the image url right into the wiki edit box, like this:
(some text or such) (more text etc.)
The image will appear in its full size, so you'll have to resize an image manually if you want it to be small on the page (for a thumbnail, for example).
Miscellaneous Tips
We now have the file upload ability on this wiki. However, we only have 25 MBs, so please be very conservative in its use (IE use rarely and will small/very compressed files).
To change the logo image in the upper left, set the following page to the url of the appropriate image: image_logo_url (it will be cropped to 150x150 px) (Only priveledged users will be able to do this).