Devi Satome

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 16:12, 11 March 2006 by Megami (Talk | contribs)
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Name: Devi Satome
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: drawing
School: Barry Coleson High

Appearance: skinny,medium height, hair is short and dyed green, usually put into a mohawk, but when down it almost covers her eyes. she usually wears all black and if not its usually red outside of school. her eyes are naturally blue as her mother was american. she wears red or black contacts depending on her mood so you never see her real eye color.she has a few aquantinces but none that she would consider friends. she has a tatoo of a skull on the back of her neck, and a green snake wrapped around her left arm.she loves to draw but soemtimes draws pictures with safty pins on her legs,she never wears shorts as to cover this. also likes dressin in the 80's western style.

Biography: Devi lives with her uncle who is a drunk and sometimes abuses her. When she was ten she saw her dad beat her mom to death so she ran upstairs in his room got the gun and came back down and shot his to death. she was not charged as they called it an act of self defense.After everything that happened she shut herself off the the world, and rarley talks to anyone unless she has to. She even sent her uncle to the hospital oneday becuase she stabbed him after he started beating her. Her uncle said it was an accident when she was ooking because he didnt want to ger hinself into trouble. Her only friend in the world is her abanded puppy that she found called cat. She likes listening to classical rock and some of the modern new aged rock. She also likes drawing and reading, and usually locks herself into her room with the stero blasting and draws. She plays the guitar,keyboard and sometimes drums. She also drinks as her uncle got her hooked to it, but she doesnt drink that she turns drunk like him.

Other: Devi is not afraid to kill anyone, she did wrestling for two years in school so she can fight back. She is not an awsome fighter though, shes moderate but if the time calls for it she can defend herself well.

Number: 13(if not taken)

As written by cldukillurbestfriend. No edits have been made to the author's original work.


Designated Weapon: Colt M1911 (.45ACP)
Conclusions: The wrestling will come in handy, for sure. The fact that she shot and killed someone will also help her, seeing how she probably already knows how to shoot, although since that was a while ago (and who knows what kind of gun she was using?) it might not help too much. The fact she doesn't have any qualms about killing can make her a contender.




Killed by: Cillian Crowe

Collected Weapons:



Mid-game evaluation:

End-game evaluation:

Memorable Quote(s):



The various threads that contained Devi. In order from first to finish.

Starting Place For G13
Sitting Here
Moving On
Arriving At The Hospital
B35 Starting Point
Starting Place For B#54
Dead Man's Party

Your Thoughts

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