Thom Chuck

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 07:09, 11 March 2006 by Megami (Talk | contribs)

Name: Thom Chuck
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10
Extra Curricular Activity: Soccer. Takes Shao Lin on the side. Also does yoga.
School: Barry Coleson

Appearance: Thom likes to dye his platinum blonde hair a lot. Usually his hair is a dark purple color. On the day of the abduction, his messily spiked was colored a radiant lilac. His blue eyes match his emotions. Their color changes, growing darker when he gets mad, or sad. The opposite happens when he gets happy, or glad. Thom's is Thomas. His last name is Chuck. The name Chuck of his soccer uniform. He isn't on the island. Thom likes to wear combat boots, just like his friend Waldo Woodrow (AKA Woody).

Biography: Thom was raised well by his parents. He has one older sister named Annie. He and his sister Annie get along well. They both enjoying fishing together with their parents Dave and Mel. Thom doesn't have many friends. But, he does have one best friend named Waldo. They met at a park. There at the park, they started around a soccer ball. The two hit off, and since have been best friends and soccer buddies. It was because of Waldo that Thom got so into the sport of soccer. He plays as the power forward, and occasionally as the goalie whenever Clifford is absent. Clifford and Thom are on good terms, but last week, Clifford accidentally spilled a glass of milk onto Thom's favorite black shirt. The stain is still there, but the two are still buddies. But, not as good buddies as Waldo.

Thom likes to drink chocolate milk, and play videogames. He really likes Growlanser 2, the one that stars Wein Cruz. He hopes he can make his own RPG game one day. But, for now, he plays soccer with his mates. He also takes Shao Lin on the side. He does a little yoga, too. He is really focused, and strong, although most of the time Thom doesn't act like it. Thom has been taking Shao Lin since he was 5, because of his parents' encouragement for him to take a martial art. Thanks to Shao Lin, Thom is strong, and owes all his strength and smarts to Shao Lin. It keeps focused. Thom is an all around likeable guy, although he's never had a girlfriend. He once killed a shark after Waldo pulled up on the dock. And by shark, I mean the baby ones that are only a foot long. Either way, the guy killed a shark, and that's a pretty amazing feat. Thom cooked the shark in his stove. He did without his parents' help. He was only 11 at the time, and ate up the shark with Waldo. The shark was delicious, Thom noted. He hopes to kill another shark and eat it. Maybe the island will give that chance.

Thom Chuck likes to eat cake. His favorite kind is chocolate cake with vanilla icing. It's almost as shark, although he likes the shark way better. Once, Thom snapped a guy in half. It was an action figure, but still, he snapped a guy in half. Sometimes, he uses his martial arts for bad. But, only sometimes. Most of the time, he rescues from bullies. Once, he rescued a kid named Sam. Sam was getting hassled by a guy named Ian. Thom put the hurt on Ian. He saved Sam. Sam taught Thom how to clean fish really, really well. So, Thom can clean fish really good, and is a good martial artist for his age.

Other: Thom Chuck is best friends with Waldo Woodrow, who he calls Woody. Thom Chuck is called Chuckie by his friend Woody.

Number: B89

The above biography is as written by ekim11. No edits or alterations have been made to the author's original work.


Designated Weapon: Ninja Stars (Shuriken, x15)
Conclusions: I don't see this kid lasting long, Shao Lin skills, or not. If he's lucky, maybe he'll meet up with B88 (otherwise known as Waldo Woodrow, or Woody). But, who knows what happens from there? Will B88 stab his friend in the back, or will B89 be the stronger friend in the end?


Game Evaluations


Killed by:

Collected Weapons:



Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


Coming Soon...


Below is a list of threads that contain Thom, in chronological order.

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