Garrett Albert Langston

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 06:57, 26 April 2006 by Slayer (Talk | contribs)

Name: Garrett Albert Langston
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: His band, Red Flame Rising, Swimming
School: Drexel Academy, West Virginia

Appearance: Peircing Grey Blue eyes surround a chiseled face, His best feature being the refined curve of his chin. Long greying black hair surround his prestine face. He is what any female would call absolutely beautiful. He is somewhat muscular, due to his swim training.

Biography: He was born in San Diego California, to a Lieutenant Colonol in the US army, and his mother was killed in child birth. Being an army brat, he moved around alot. His father settled in the small town of Taylor, West Verginia, where he attends the prestigious Drexel Academy. It was here that he started the indie-rock band Red Flame Rising. The music that he created spoke out against the government, so, of course, it was extremely popular to his age group. He was touring with the band when his father finally caught up to him in Arkansas. His father had found a copy of a Red Flame Rising CD, and, needless to say, was not impressed. He beat Garrett within an inch of his life, and Garrett lost so much blood that the trauma caused his hair to prematurly grey. While in the hospital, Garrett overhears his dad talking on a cellphone. Garrett faked uncosciousness and listened to his fathers conversation. Garretts image of his father having been a squeaky clean military man was squelched when he learned of his dads ties to a terrorist group throught the phone call. When Garrett awoke, his father stood over him and apologized for hurting him. Garrett accepted his apology, and after his fathers departure, proceeded to call the police and report his fathers treason. His father was put on trial for the misdeeds, but before the prosecution could use their primary witness, Garrett, he misteriously disappeared... Garretts father was aquitted on lack of evidence.

Other: Garrett's powers lie in his ability with words. His artistry has persuaded many girls to go to bed with him, and also has established Red Flame Rising as one of the best lyrical bands of his generation. Garrett does not like to see others in danger, and will do what he can to stop it, but he is by no means an angel, and may only help people for his benefit later in the game. He is torn over his devotion to his country which has been pounded into him his whole life, and the leftist views that he expresses in the music he writes. It is almost as if Garrett has a split personality.

Number: 48

The above biography is as written by Guitarjack87. No edits or alterations have been made to the author's original work.


Designated Weapon: Crossbow Gun (x20 bolts)
Conclusions: He'll probably be able to talk people out of their insanity, and as an added bonus, gain some allies. The fact his father has ties to us is rather irrelevant, although it does give B48 a bit of an edge. I have a feeling that B48 will get far in the competition, mainly because he seems like a charismatic guy.



Game Evaluations

Kills: Zero

Killed by: Stabbed by Jacob Starr

Collected Weapons:



Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


Slayer and guitarjack87 actually had a lengthy discussion about the fight between Garrett and Jacob Starr planning out quite a bit of it (including Jacob's gun jamming when Garrett charges at him). 
There is a not so subtle Matrix reference when Jacob speaks to Garrett after the latter walked in on him and Dorian Greywood using the Small House as shelter.


Below is a list of threads that contain Garrett, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts

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