Franco Sebberts
From Survival Of The Fittest
Revision as of 14:49, 26 October 2006
Name: Franco Sebberts
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: Freshman
Extra Curricular Activity: None
School: P.J. Gilroy Academy
Appearance: While his light blue eyes gleam with arrogance, and are strangely intimidating in their confidence, Franco is not an imposing figure. Standing at about 5'6 and being about 135lbs he is fairly thin, short and for anyone who has been in Franco's gym class, he usually just sits on the side lines and heckles the less popular kids attributing to his poor physical fitness. Not exceptional to the eyes, Franco is of average stature and is fairly unremarkable in appearance. His nose is pointed and turned up very slightly and his eyes are wide and blue. His light brown hair is often slicked back or slicked up into a cow-lick and his uniform always pressed and tidy Franco somewhat resembles a used car salesman with too much dignity.
Biography: Franco Sebberts was born with a silver spoon clinched tightly in his teeth. Ever since he was a young lad he got everything he could ever want. If he didn't get it, tantrums of cataclysmic proportions would rage throughout the household. To this day his temper has been mostly harnessed and his infrequent tantrums are now restricted to private affairs between Franco and the household staff. Needless to say, the turn-over rate for the staff at the Sebberts home is extremely high, with Franco often firing staff on his own.
Franco’s wrath would not be such a fearful sight if not for his wicked silver tongue. Franco’s vocabulary is severely extensive and his highly fluent speech has been known to surprise even the most intelligent of his father’s colleagues. Franco, thusly, has the reputation of a highly respectable, gentlemanly young man. Most of his leisure time is in fact spent at fancy galas impressing his father’s friends, or at diner parties impressing his mother’s friends. It is for this reason that Franco’s father has seen his son as more of a business partner, and the two shares a relationship not unlike two travelling swindlers.
Quick witted and snappy he may be, but Franco is not exceptionally intelligent. His grades at PJ Gilroy are only as good as the money his father pays his tutors, which is very well. In fact the only effort Franco puts into school would be put into socializing. Franco may not be handsome (his appearance is average at best) but he has charisma, and a bounty of social skills which he has utilized to put himself on the top rung of student society. In doing so, Franco has often shown an arrogance and aristocratic ignorance by secluding the less wealthy or significant members of the student body. When his charisma fails him in courting allies, his money often makes up for throwing grandiose parties for potential friends. Often bullying people with wicked words and surrounding enemies with his own allies, when confronted alone on one occasion by a student from Bathurst, Franco broke down after a swift punch in the nose. Franco’s vengeance was swift as he and a number of allies descended on the courageous young man the very next day.
Franco has made friends were he sees business partners. Thus most of his friends fall into the popular, rich kid or elitist category but a few fall into the bully or jock category. “It’s useful to have friends in low places“. Although he is the ringleader of no single group, what he says, usually goes.
Franco has many friends throughout the school but has not engaged in any serious romantic relationship (though he wishes he could but girls seem 'oddly' un-attracted to his flourished advances) and he does not have any one friend that he would consider his best.
Franco also has a weak heart, and has at infrequent times been submitted to the hospital for treatment. Franco has managed to hide this weakness from most of his peers.
Advantages: If Franco can keep a level head, he should be foremost in seeking allies on the island. With his connections to many different students, his silver tongue and his manipulative nature Franco may become another force on the island, by encouraging a small army of allies do to what he needs them to do.
Disadvantages: Franco is not physically fit by any means, and his weak heart could cause problems, since he has no medication for it either. The lose of all his wealthy privileges could be a severe blow at Franco's mentality. Due to his actions in the past, secluding others to further his ascension up the popularity ladder, Franco is also a likely target for dejected boys and girls.
Number: B02
Designated Weapon(s): Grenade Launcher + Sponge Grenades x8
Conclusions: Franco's got a lot of enemies, sure, but from what I'm hearing he can pretty much sweet talk his way out of anything, so he's got the potential to puppetmaster his allies on the island... maybe even to the point that they'd sacrifice themselves for him. Maybe. Then again, Franco's poor health might be his undoing, especially that weak heart of his.