
From Supermonkeyball

Baby the Monkey is one of the characters in the Super Monkey Ball series.

In the Future World that Dr. Bad-Boon came from, Dr. Bad-Boon spotted MeeMee and fell in love with her, but she was already married to AiAi by then and had a baby, simply named Baby. Dr. Bad-Boon travels back in time to where AiAi and MeeMee were not married yet, but accidentally brings Baby back with him, who tries to stop Dr. Bad-Boon, along with AiAi, GonGon, and MeeMee. Originally, in Super Monkey Ball 1, 2, & Jr., Baby could only crawl and was more like a baby (bad pun), but as he grew, in the later Monkey Ball games, such as Super Monkey Ball Adventure, Baby appears to walk and run instead of crawl.


See also

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