From Suf
Getting Started
So, whats next? Well, after double-clicking the Simufarm Link (or the EXE) you will see a configuration screen. The first time you run this you will need to configure your graphics card, Simply select your graphics card from the drop down list and click ok. Information and tips on the Config box can be found here.
Next you will breifly see a loading screen, after which the game will start. You will start inside the cab of a machine.
Note that If your Game Crashes after "Shadows.overlay", this is because you have not installed the PhysX Drivers, which can be freely downloaded from Here
Basic Key Controls:
- Look arround : Right mouse + drag
- Drive : W,A,S,D
- Attach/detach: T
- Switch machine: NUM + / -
- Screenshot: F5
Other Information
PhysX System Software
We are sorry about the size of the PhysX driver downloads, but they are one time downloads and will only be need to download once, after that you are good to go! Also, Ageia will be releasing smaller installer packages soon. so don't worry if the large sizes are scaring you away from downloadiong simufarm. Simufarm and Windows Vista
Simufarm officially supports Windows Vista, and has been sucsessfully tested on Windows Ultimate using the Aero and Basic themes. However, for best game performace, we reccomend you run Simufarm in Vista Basic theme as the Aero theme dramatically reduces performace by up to 50%. For installation you may require Administrator Access. Although it may be possible to install the Simufarm core files and updates without Admin access, Your computer also needs to have a 32 bit processor or VCCRT will not work we are working to solve this, you will requre Admin access to install the VCCRT package, and the Physx System Software.
See also:
- Downloading Simufarm
- Getting Started
- Current Features
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