
From Suf

Revision as of 17:51, 27 November 2007 by (Talk)

Main Features

Multiple physics machinery A complex physics model from PhysX allows for an unlimited number of highly realistic machines. Tractors realistically react to the dips and bumps of the ground. Thanks to the great Physx library, Simufarm can handle any kind of machine, including vehicles with an unlimited number of driven wheels, and vehicles with rear wheel /all wheel steering. 3d terrain of working farm The layout of the terrain originates from the first ever version of Simufarm from june 2006. Since then it has been rebuilt, with new textures and altered layout. It is still in development.

Updates / sub-features

  • Camera System (0.3.6)

Internal and external camera system, Press 1/2 to switch cameras and Right Mouse + Drag to look arround

  • MAP file (0.3.5)

Adds the MAP file in the /bin/ directory, for easy editing of the terrain

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