Coach Perry's JV basketball
From Stmargarets
Coach Perry's leadership of the JV basketball team was made famous to the public in a convocation meeting in which already famous prankster Riaz Makan announced the defeat of their team and placed the blame on an incompetent Perry. While Riaz was reprimanded for this, the sentiment of the audience supported the merit behind Riaz's actions.
Pep Talk
Perry's personality was exemplified by a particular pep talk:
Perry: "What's the most important thing in your life right now?"
Many team members enthusiastically responded by saying "BASKETBALL!", confident they had the right answer.
Perry: "WRONG! Your #1 obligation is to your family."
The team was stunned.
Perry: "What's the SECOND most important thing in your life right now?"
The team was confident they would get it right this time. "BASKETBALL!"
Perry: "WRONG! Your second most important obligation is your schoolwork! What's the third most important thing in your life right now?"
A confused Riaz Makan scratched his head: "God?" he asked.i
Perry was shaken. "Okay, okay let me start over. God is #1, family is #2, school is #3."
Laughs were had by all and Coach Perry has since never been seen again.