Steve Balak

From Stmargarets

Revision as of 16:46, 17 April 2007 by (Talk)

Steve Balak served as the SMES High School principal for three years, following the large footsteps of popular principal Tim Quinn.

Following one year under a new headmaster, Mark Hurlbut, Balak resigned to go administrate at Webb School in Knoxville Tennessee, where he has continued his proverbial Sherman's March through the fields of understanding and respect towards students.

He enjoys forcing students to part take in meaningless events, speeches, and classes that will not help, educate, or cause students to progress any way shape or form. Balak has finally mastered the art of actually boring students to death.

== Headline text ==The Boring Revolution

Balak was giving a speech one day at school; after carrying the unimaginably boring speech for what seemed like hours (really was only 1 hour) the students of St. Margaret's Episcopal School rose up against the Balak Administration. Balak used his satanic powers to kill 6 students. Several students tackled Balak (a.k.a. Lucifer) and had a priest pour holy water on him. Balak was immediately engulfed in flame. And was sent back down to the flaming pits of Hell, he now resides in there (a.k.a. Webb School of Knoxville).

Headline text

Famous Balak Quotes

"My wife is Irish so I can say this"

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