Brad Smith
From Stmargarets
Revision as of 21:10, 8 May 2007
Brad Smith, a star lacrosse player and leader in the community, is currently a sophomore at St. Margaret's Episcopal shcool. He is always seen chilling with the G-5--> Edgcomb,Kushner,Brolick,Schnieder. He is a captain of the lacrosse team and is a deadly face off speacilist. Former Virinia Lax star, Jason Lenau, speaks highly of Brad, "His field awarness is off the charts... It also translates off the field with his abiliby to hook up with hot chicks." He is well known to be hooking up with multiple girls at once... "he is double times Smith, we call him 2 times B," says Aaron victorson, leader of the Torah Tuesdays... Brad can also be seen on the soccer field where he led the Athletics League in Yellow Cards. Coach Martin Lippens says,"He is one bad mofo and he is an intimidating prescence." Lippens also has a hot wife well known for her tight butt.