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== Mackenzie Smith ==
A graduate, to put it mildly, of the Class of 2005, this modern-day super woman has often been likened to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Superwoman, or even Mahatma Ghandi. Be assured however, that these comparisons are not gross exaggerations. If anything, they are vast understatements and fail in their representation of an entity that is considered beyond the grasp of human understanding. Mackenzie Smith is like any profoundly abstract concept. She is known by many, yet unknown by all. She is everywhere and nowhere, at once. She is neither alive nor dead. She also has funny freckles and drinks a lot of water.
Mackenzie Smith was (and arguably will be forever) an icon of the institution of St. Margaret's Episcopal School. With high hopes placed upon her from birth (it is rumored that the doctor told her parents immediately after she was born that she was bound to be "the one." the meaning of this is still unsure), Mackenzie accomplished an amazing amount throughout lower school and middle school at St. Margaret's. Aside from being tall, she also bolstered her political resume with an unparalleled participation in the inevitably small-scale activities of student government. As she reached high school, carrying the world on her back, only three questions remained to be answered.
All three would be answered during or around her senior year. Since she could walk and talk, Mackenzie had been on course for a head-on collision with one destined position: ASB President. Everything about her life screamed that she would claim her throne when the time was right. Early Astronomers might even have predicted it by the motions of the planets. Yet, as the election during the conclusion of Junior Year grew close, a newcomer of St. Margaret's, Kenton Murray, decided to play God. He ran against her. The bold move sent shock waves throughout all of the student body, but the epicenter of this earth-shattering event was most certainly in the very heart of mankind's savior, Mackenzie Smith. Having predicted a simple and unopposed campaign, Smith was thrown into a restless panic, increasing her campaign strength to an entire new level. On the day of the speeches, Mackenzie went first and presented a simple but winning speech that showed no faulter. Kenton, trying to do the impossible and seeming to have equal crowd enthusiasm (much of the student body had fallen in love with the underdog), found himself in the harsh climate of SMES politics as he stumbled through his speech and walked off without quite the stone and slingshot he would have needed to talk down Goliath. As a result, the first question was answered. Mackenzie Smith won the office of ASB President.
The second question that remained was what institution of higher education would the Chosen One attend? As April of 2005 began, all the names and what schools they had been admitted to started to circulate through the student body. There were surprises everywhere, but one school admission was no surprise at all. While not a surprise at all, the fact that Mackenzie had been offered admission to Harvard University invoked an deep awe in all who heard, as this clearly confirmed that the outside world understood the magnitude of Smith's potential. Unsure of whether or not she could fend for herself in the cold setting of Boston, Smith ventured out to Harvard, and finally, in the last week of April decided that it was in line with destiny. The second question had been answered as well. Mackenzie Smith would attend Harvard University.
Only one question remains today. What will a Smithean world be like? What Mackenzie Smith does with her future is an exciting yet terrifying prospect. Will she use her powers for good or evil? Will she cure AIDS first or will she actually end poverty? Or will her accomplishments be far more subtle than what anyone could have ever expected? Whatever it is that Mackenzie Smith does with her superpowers, she must be certain by now, and from her experiences at St. Margaret's, that the world will be watching.
Oh yeah, and Mackenzie also has this younger sister. Her name is Caitlin or something with a "C."

Current revision as of 22:56, 8 April 2006

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