Other Character Email Scratch/questions

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< Other Character Email Scratch
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Scratch is asked a couple of questions. Love ensues. (not really)

Cast (in order of appearance): Scratch, Grounder, Gavon

Places: Scratch's House,

Computer: Cluckmac 92

Date: January 12, 2008

[edit] Transcript

SCRATCH: Scratch emails are filmed before a live audience!

Hello Scratch,
Got some ?s for you.
1. Being a chicken, would your body run around
aimlessly if your head was cut off?
2. What do you think is the best thing in the world?
3. Have you tried sucking helium from a balloon?

Mike Control

{Scratch reads "Got some ?s for you." as "Got some? S for you."}

SCRATCH: {typing} Uh...I guess I got some. Oh, and thanks for the S. I need it. {whispers} Not really.

{Zoom out}

SCRATCH: Grounder! We've got a new S!

GROUNDER: {offscreen} Ok! I guess we need it for...something.

{Cut back to the Cluckmac}

SCRATCH: {typing} Well, I'll answer these questions. I'll answer two first, since one and three could physically effect me for life...So... the best thing in the world...

GROUNDER: {offscreen} Me!

SCRATCH: Shut up! {typing} Well, there's many things I can answer. Well, there's capturing Sonic...Beef stew...pot pies...

GROUNDER: {offscreen} Me!


GROUNDER: {offscreen} Never!

SCRATCH: That's it! {throws a wrench offscreen}


SCRATCH: I'm skipping two. Let's move on to three.

{Cut to Scratch's Living Room, Scratch, Grounder, and Gavon all have balloons}

SCRATCH: Ok, let's do this.

GAVON: Are you sure you haven't been sucking helium already? Your voice already sounds high and abnoxious.


{Everyone inhales on their balloon}

GROUNDER: {higher pitch} Wow. This is humiliating.

SCRATCH: {higher pitch} Mine's more humiliating!

GAVON: I'm getting a head rush...

SCRATCH: {normal} Time for...gulp...question one.

{Cut to a field, Scratch is lying on a guillotine}

GROUNDER: Here goes...


{The blade comes down and decapitates Scratch}

SCRATCH: Anything happen?

GROUNDER: Nope, your body is as still as a rock.

{The Paper comes down}

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