
From Stephanie Brown

Spoiler started out having a white moped/motorcycle, which she used in Robin #5 and Robin #26.


However, something appears to have happened to it between then (perhaps she had to sell it after the quake?) as in Robin #94, she was stuck using her pink mountain bike to trail her dad.


Batman then provided her with a new motorcycle between issues. Unfortunately, the tires got wrecked when she tried to get into the Batcave Robin #98 (Bruce had sealed it off during the "Bruce Wayne: Murderer" arc without telling Steph)

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It was never seen again after that, though mentioned in Robin #99

("Do you have your bike with you?" "In the garage.")

When she was Robin, Steph rode in the passenger seat of the Batmobile, or the Batplane, despite her pleadings that she wanted to drive both of them.

Her primary method of transportation was usually jumping around rooftops with a grappling hook.


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