Secondary: Group C

From Step Institute

Revision as of 22:39, 3 August 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Lesson Subject: [[Atomic Models]]


Group Members:

This lesson addressed some basic chemistry concepts that students will need in order to build up to a more detailed understanding of some of the gasses involved in our Global Climate.


Elizabeth Beks North Pole High School

   This has been an awesome experience.  I am excited to have the opportunity to use the lessons and resources from this class with my students.


Dave Boyd Lathrop High School

   The main goal of our lesson in atomic structure is give a 9th grade student a means of 
   visualizing the invisible atom. The historical background leading to the modern theory of
   atomic structure gives the student a good view of how science builds upon itself and
   changes constantly. Besides using gum drops as protons, neutrons and electrons makes for a 
   tasty project.


Dwight Taylor South Anchorage High School

  Our lesson plan focused on the model of the atom as it developed over time.  I am most 
  impressed by the role of radiation monitoring in climate change.  Keeping track of
  incoming shortwave-high energy solar radiation levels compared to outgoing longwave-low
  energy terrestrial radiation levels will help us understand if the current situation is a
  cyclical rise or a real long-term crisis.
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