Secondary: Group A

From Step Institute

Revision as of 22:39, 3 August 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

As a group we incorporated the concept of climate change by showing that as Earth’s surface features change so does its capacity to absorb and reflect both solar and terrestrial radiation. The activities demonstrated that dark colored surfaces absorb more thermal energy and reflect less energy. Light colored surfaces absorb less thermal energy and reflect. The radiometer activity represented how energy is absorbed and changed into other forms. The second activity demonstrated the energy absorption of black and white paper showing how different colors absorb different amounts of radiation. The light sensor activity tied in the concept of albedo by measuring the reflectivity of terrestrial surfaces. Hopefully, our students will chart a course to further understanding of their environment and what they can do.

Image:SECA1.jpg Image:SECA2.jpg

Grear Up with the radiometers.........Note the involvement of the students.

Image:SECA4.jpg Image:SECA3.jpg

___________________________________Explore part A: Absorption of light

Image:SECA5.jpg Image:SECA6.jpg

Explore part B: Reflectivity of light off of different objects

Bill measuring the reflectivity of water *__________________Bill measuring the reflectivity of a leaf

Please note Kyle's arm in the photograph.

Image:SECA7.jpg Image:SECA8.jpg

Bills hand (detail)______________________Bills hand (reflection) With graph of the results.

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