Secondary: Group C

From Step Institute

Revision as of 22:27, 3 August 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Lesson Subject: [[Atomic Models]]


Group Members:

This lesson addressed some basic chemistry concepts that students will need in order to build up to a more detailed understanding of some of the gasses involved in our Global Climate.

Image:Eliz.jpg Elizabeth Beks North Pole High School

Image:dave.jpg Dave Boyd Lathrop High School

Image:dwight.jpgDwight Taylor South Anchorage High School

  Our lesson plan focused on the model of the atom as it developed over time.  I am most 
  impressed by the role of radiation monitoring in climate change.  Keeping track of
  incoming shortwave-high energy solar radiation levels compared to outgoing longwave-low
  energy terrestrial radiation levels will help us understand if the current situation is a
  cyclical rise or a real long-term crisis.
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