GROUP Climate

From Step Institute

Revision as of 22:25, 23 July 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Use text and photos to document your Go/FIND/DO missions.

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Stardate 23 July 2007; Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Cluster

Three champions of education: Rachelle LeSage(MatSu/Grade 1), Millie Peek(Fairbanks/Grade 5), and Dwight Taylor(Anchorage/High School) were participating in the STEP program on Climate Change at the Geophysical Institute, UAF in Fairbanks. OUR TASK was to: Walk to signs that contain the letter "G. . .". TRAVELING DOWN the elevator we added to entropy in the universe and consumed electricity, polluting the environment with increased greenhouse gases. OUTSIDE we experienced clean air thanks to a recent rainfall which removed noxious particulates from the atmosphere. There we noticed a sign for the Geophysical Institute--"the letter G." File:"g"sign Clim.jpg CAREFULLY READING OUR "FIND AND DO", we noticed the proximity of a parking lot filled with greenhouse gas producing iron monsters. SEE the image for a perfect example of what we were to find and do.

Our second assignment required finding a sign with the letter "I". Before our eyes, as if arranged by the Order of the Phoenix, was a street side banner lauding the International Polar Year. Our eyes went up to the heavens and saw the perfect answer to our next find and do: find something that represents a science endeavor then click and drag. We hummed with excitement, visualizing the data riding the airwaves from remote sites all over the arctic to the Geophysical Institute sphere, the main dish. An image to behold.

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