GROUP Change

From Step Institute

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Team Change
Team Change
Go:  Walk to signs that contain the letter "I".  We found three signs with the letter "I" outside in front of the IARC parking lot.   
Go:  Walk to signs that contain the letter "I".  We found three signs with the letter "I" outside in front of the IARC parking lot.   
Find & Do: Find an example of scientific progress.   
Find & Do: Find an example of scientific progress.  Signs use different colors so that they catch the readers eyes.  New reflective material is being used on signs so that they are especially easy to read at night.
Go: Follow any living creature in your general vicinity, until you find...
Go: Follow any living creature in your general vicinity, until you find...

Revision as of 21:29, 23 July 2007

Team Change Go: Walk to signs that contain the letter "I". We found three signs with the letter "I" outside in front of the IARC parking lot. Find & Do: Find an example of scientific progress. Signs use different colors so that they catch the readers eyes. New reflective material is being used on signs so that they are especially easy to read at night.

Go: Follow any living creature in your general vicinity, until you find... Find & Do: Here find anything you think could support research. Document it and explain why.

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