Team Ice

From Step 2007 Wiki

Revision as of 17:04, 9 July 2007 by Kstenek (Talk | contribs)
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Hello, We're Team ICE.

Our members are Dave from North Pole, Frank from Tuntutuliak, Jim Bob from Nulato, Ken from Shishmaref, and Mike from Fairbanks.

Our two Go cards were 1) Follow any living creature in your general vicinity, until you find... Image:Follow a Living Thing.JPG so we followed Dave until we found the map room and 2) Go towards a source of information ... . Our two Find and Do cards were 1) Find an example of scientific progress. Capture and document this. Image:Scientific Progress.JPG We found a poster that shows a time line and history of science and math discoveries. and 2) Find anything you think could help students. Document it and explain why. Image:Source of Information.jpg The IARC library was a source of information that we felt could help our students by being able to research.

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