
From Step 2007 Wiki

Revision as of 21:57, 2 July 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

You are being asked to document, via Wiki, your shared experience during the GO, FIND, DO activity.

First LOGIN. username: admin password: global

Click on your assigned team name and then click the EDIT tab.

PHOTOS To upload photos.....

MAP To add pinpoints to the map

To enter text, click on the EDIT tab and begin typing. Click on Save Page or Show Preview to see your work.

Use the buttons above to: -make text bold -italicize text -underline text -create an external link -create a Level 2 headline -embed an image -crate a link to a media file -create a mathematical formula -ignore Wiki formatting -add Your Signature with a timestamp -insert a horizonatl line










































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