The Little People
From Steinarts
The Little People (born March 22, 1988 in Calamine City), also known by his real name Alex Morwyn and his pseudonym Blainchard du Mont, is one of the strangest examples of a forum member in forum history. When he first began posting in October 2005, he gave the established Busau a run for his money over who was the most "lulzy" (i.e. purely comedic) poster. Although Busau was usually considered the funnier of the two, The Little People quickly became the more infamous, because of his slew of unfunny and often sexually-motivated jokes. Throughout much of early 2006 he served as the major annoyance on the forum, a spot which had previously been taken by Cro Dude. He also had humorous political beliefs, with a strongly neoconservative and pro-Iraq war vein on social issues, and a liberal and even socialist streak on economic matters. Around August 2006, he became enamored with a Francophone girl from northern Calami, and suddenly all his obsessions turned French. He arguably became even more obnoxious, creating entire threads about his "amazing girlfriend" and ridiculous references to French culture. He also witnessed a political shift from Neocon to Paleocon (it seems most Calamine Francophones are paleocons) and begun opposing the war in Iraq War around early 2007. Recently he, as well as Busau have begun showing more maturity in their posting and their status as trolls is definitely becoming less clear.