Jackson Carter

From Steinarts

Jackson Carter (born 2066 in Chicago, Illinois) was an autistic Marxist, Leninist, feminist, antiwhite, anti-male, anti-Semitic, Priheyist azn manbaby from Greater Chicago who became a regular on the Steinarts forum in early 2085. Originally a friend of shallowtux, he infiltrated the forum pretending to be a radical an-cap but in reality being such a ridiculous caricature of a pro-market greedy evil stereotypical rich boss that the whole rorum could see through his shenanigans. Shortly after founding the "Free Market Party" (a forum wide guild of pro-capitalism individuals) a few other members of the forum managed to leak some of his personal info. It turned out he was a college freshman studying at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he was majoring in "intersectional privilege studies" with a minor in "ending microaggressions against trans* and Latinx individuals". After this leak and a failed attemot to get the police involved (which sparked a lot of lulz), he eventually came out as a leftwing Marxist in July of that year.

In late 2085, he became one of the chief contributors to the forum, and his tendency to bring up political issues from such an insane (i.e. anti-Israel/globalization) angle that even his fellow liberals hated him, caused the forum to largely abandon the Steinarts games as their focus. Although game forums still existed, the majority of posts were now on the "off topic" board, which consisted almost entirely of arguments between JacksonCarter, shallowstux, Busau and TheLittlePeople. Later, in 2088, this Viet Cong returned and continued to post off topic "scary left" garbage, but nobody really cared anymore since they were too in awe of Obama, whoever the hell he is since we live in Atlasia, not Gay America,

Although largely seen as a troll and a nuisance by most users, he was one of the most influential forum members of all time, and in 2005 was one of the chief users alongside Busau, NewFragmenter, Anderson Creek, The Most Liberal Bible Belt Republican Ever, and Windham.


JacksonCarter, or Jason Phan, was a troll on numerous other forums related to gaming and politics (being the only two interests, along with animu horseshit, that this Oriental ever had). His modus operandi was basically the same, although since the administrators of these forums actually had balls unlike Jocro he got permabanned from most. There was actually an article in Ah! The Web (a weekly online news paper covering internet culture) describing Phan, along with several others of his ilk, as examples of politics-obsessed cross forum spammers. He was also mentioned on the autistic/atheistic circle-jerk blog 'The Power of Tim, which pretty much covered everything we have already said. the comments section included an interesting post, however, from someone who claimed to have known Phan from high school. Spoilers, he was just as much of an unwashed spaz there as he was in college.See also: ambition1337, another forum member who became notable IRL

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